1000w or 600w + 250w for a 4x4?


Well-Known Member
Well it's enough light for plants to grow, but whatever side is getting less light is going to have less growth/bud production.
Well I don't really have to have loads but on the other hand I don't want them sick either. Can 600w grow 8 plants? I've read that it's 100w per plant.....one is an autoflower however, so it'll be small anyway.


New Member
The main problem with having 250w on one side and having 600w on the other, is the plants on the 250w side will get jealous.

Now what will happen is it will start with jealousy, but it will progress much further throughout the grow. Before you know it you'll wake up and the plants on the 600w side will be missing limbs and leaves. And if you're not careful and leave a full watering jug, or any bottles of nutrients in your tent, the plants on the 250w side will take and overwater the 600w plants (plant death by drowning) or they will go the sly killer route and poison them with nutrients.

It's brutal man, plant on plant crime is on the rise.


Well-Known Member
The main problem with having 250w on one side and having 600w on the other, is the plants on the 250w side will get jealous.

Now what will happen is it will start with jealousy, but it will progress much further throughout the grow. Before you know it you'll wake up and the plants on the 600w side will be missing limbs and leaves. And if you're not careful and leave a full watering jug, or any bottles of nutrients in your tent, the plants on the 250w side will take and overwater the 600w plants (plant death by drowning) or they will go the sly killer route and poison them with nutrients.

It's brutal man, plant on plant crime is on the rise.
LOL....too funny :-) Well we wouldn't want the plant police stopping by that's for sure!!
so it goes filter > light > Fan > Tent > Filter > into the air.....that's a good idea. I'll bet you no smell at all. How big is your fan?
i have my 5x5 setup running this exact same way because my filter is so heavy i didnt trust hanging it in my tent. Zero smell untill you open the tent definatily works very good for me. If i was you I would hang on to the 250hps and run that as a veg light. 600 watt lights are the most cost effective light you can use, i have heard you can get up to 80% of the yeild of a 1000 watt if you know what your doing.