1000w Scrog?

hi im just asking for some pointers now ive seen a few examples of good scrogs, my favorite being 1 plant under a 400w yielding around 16ounces *veg time 5 weeks, flowering 8* ( cant remember the growers name) i was wondering i want to grow with the highest yield possible but least amount of plants that means i dont mind as much amount of light or veg time and size of pots. After seeing that grow i was thinking if i did 2 plants under 1000w would it be around 32ounces or does it not work like that? my aim is to grow under a 1000w with 2 plants and around 7-8 weeks veg now i no the yield is impossible to guess but following he got 16ounces from 1 would i be able to get 32ounces from 2 as i am increasing light and veg time i would have a very large screen for the plants to grow around as i wouldnt want growth to be limited also wanted to ask how big of pots could i use, as im looking for maximum yield so these factors such as pots can be increased to the max. sorry for the long questions and thanks in advance for any help


Well-Known Member
i dont get it. something about the math...i have 30 3 and 5gal pots growing under 2 1000HPS.
IDK. I think u should get better results from better light distribution. and the canopy should, IMO, be 34-30 inches from source. with plenty of white walls bouncing light into lower canopy. man im baked did any of that make sense at all? ...lol..thanks...ill hook u up...ill send u a cheese steak.


Active Member
It can be done indeed. I have a 1000W closet grow with 2 plants in an RDWC system. Not scrog, but I train the canopy. About half done in this picture, I finished round 2 of training tonight, I'll post another pic tomorrow.

I got 22 ounces last time from 2 smaller plants in 5 gallon buckets. Now I have 10 gallon coolers for the summer months to keep the nute solution cool. My other two smaller plants from last time were root bound in the 5 gallons. I'm thinking it shouldn't be too hard to hit 32 ounces this time, that's the goal.

I vegged them for about 6 weeks.

Here's my grow thread:
