1000w simple closet grow

Explain what grow space you’re using to achieve 4 pounds per light. And what light are you using.
I have never done it only heard about it. Seems extreme to me. Just a made up word for extreme defoliation pretty sure..

edit* here is the vid!

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/112949553" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p><a href="
">Three A Light - Commercial 3</a> from <a href="https://vimeo.com/threealight">Three A Light</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
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Hello this my third year growing in my closet. Every year my yield has increased and my last harvest yielded about 14-16 ounces. I don't have any special ventilation system, I just crack open the window or put on my home AC on. I do have 3 fans circulating around the plants to keep cool and i use a dehumidifier when needed. I keep the light about 24 inches above and the temp is in the low 80s. The closet is about 4x4x7 and can fit up to 6-9 plants in 3 gal containers. I've recently learned how to top and defoliate to increase yield. So far so good, let me know anyone has any comments or tips.
I think you would benefit learning how to scrog. Very effective training method to produce a uniformed canopy which as you know will producesame size buds all around the top of the canopy. Scrog combined with Lollipopping in your grow space. I believe would bring you pure happiness
Lookin good! Only thing I would say is do two lots of defoliation, and do them well. 2-3 weeks in and 2 weeks from the end. Both heavy.. Take off every fan leaf and anything blocking light from lower sites. Most people are reluctant and don't take enough off. Don't do any defoliation in between, you want to shock the plant once and let it recover not put it into constant prolonged stress. Other than that, I would opt for a screen. You've got a classical shape to the plants and they look great, but a screen would certainly increase your output.
My buddy’s who grow think that you need 50-100 plants to get good yields. I tell them, veg your plants longer with less plants and you can get the same yields. I’m not sure why people think you need 10000000000 plants to get a pound lol

It's not that you can't get the same yield with less plants.. it's about efficiency. If you are doing perpetual or commercial growing, flowering rooted clones is just the fastest way to go.
So I did some more research and pretty much Schwazzing or whatever the hell is bs :shock::lol:

Umm.. wot?! :confused: I'm pretty sure you're trolling here but I'll bite anyway! 8-) :clap:I had to look up "Schwazzing" because I've never heard it called that.. but yep, severe defoliation in flowering is most certainly not BS. As for not getting plants as big.. your plant has already done it's growing before you flower, so were not looking to get them any bigger, just fatter.. and you don't need leaves for that. Outside in the wilderness you might want more leaves, but indoors, where we control the wind, rain, sun and literally feed them everything they need all day long...they dont need them. They block light, and removing them stimulates bud growth. If you think it's bs, try it...
Umm.. wot?! :confused: I'm pretty sure you're trolling here but I'll bite anyway! 8-) :clap:I had to look up "Schwazzing" because I've never heard it called that.. but yep, severe defoliation in flowering is most certainly not BS. As for not getting plants as big.. your plant has already done it's growing before you flower, so were not looking to get them any bigger, just fatter.. and you don't need leaves for that. Outside in the wilderness you might want more leaves, but indoors, where we control the wind, rain, sun and literally feed them everything they need all day long...they dont need them. They block light, and removing them stimulates bud growth. If you think it's bs, try it...
Someone, anyone, pretty please post up pictures of their 1lb+ Schwanzzing plants and harvest.

(I'm betting on no proof, but a bunch of hate inc... :) )
Someone, anyone, pretty please post up pictures of their 1lb+ Schwanzzing plants and harvest.

(I'm betting on no proof, but a bunch of hate inc... :) )
I too would like to see it , seems counter intuitive maybe its time for someone to start a side by side with clones...
I think you would benefit learning how to scrog. Very effective training method to produce a uniformed canopy which as you know will producesame size buds all around the top of the canopy. Scrog combined with Lollipopping in your grow space. I believe would bring you pure happiness
Thank you very much. I will definitely look into this into my next grow.