1000w|vert|scrog|coco|KISS donut of love featuring Bodhi gear

That's my work lol this is my grow and we grow the goji every run we crop 120-180 plants every 9 days 2nd pic is one room at work and have 10 all 45,000 watts. Only half lights on in this pic but all lights on now pull about 100lbs every 9 days lmao


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Oh okay just wondering because the threads in your sig are just small closet grows...why no thread about the big banger?
That Goji looks good. So that's not your grow, it's a friend's?

I'm a little behind on flipping and I haven't even considered pulling any clones yet either so I need to get my shit together. I fucking hate cloning so much.


That photo was from this Sunday? We both started our grows at basically the same time. I didn't soak my seeds but for an hour then right into a rapid rooter on Dec. 5th and you started soaking on the 6th.

That's my work lol this is my grow and we grow the goji every run we crop 120-180 plants every 9 days 2nd pic is one room at work and have 10 all 45,000 watts. Only half lights on in this pic but all lights on now pull about 100lbs every 9 days lmao

Can I come work for you? lol
That photo was from this Sunday? We both started our grows at basically the same time. I didn't soak my seeds but for an hour then right into a rapid rooter on Dec. 5th and you started soaking on the 6th.

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I actually think that one was from Monday or Tuesday but close enough. I'm going for a long veg anyways but there was a ~2 week period where they were basically just being kept in stasis under a 100w t5 in a chilly closet in the guest room while I was building out the room in the garage, so they're a bit behind. Also, those Jabba's Stash are some of the slowest vegging plants I've ever seen in my damned life, on par with Sour Bubble in that department. Hope these are worth the wait for sure.

I'll be moving the 6 smallest plants to the 4x4 under the 400w and then dropping in the vertical socket in the 5x5 to finish vegging the Silver Mtns and the Goji vertically. Planning to flip on Sunday. More pics soon.
I decided to get motivated and move some stuff around. I had a hunch that I could use my 750cfm fan to move air for both tents and utilize one scrubber in doing so (passive intake in 4x4 -> ducting from exhaust port on tent to intake on 5x5 -> scrubber -> exhaust and out the tent), and it appears I was right. I moved 6 plants to the 4x4 and kept 5 in the 5x5, hung the vertical socket and dropped the 1000w back in dialed down to 600w and then moved the horizontal light to the 4x4 with the 400w MH in there to finish vegging. With both tents connected I was maxing out around 71 degrees, which is of course not ideal but not the end of the world. Once the 600w is ramped up to 1000w I don't think the heat will be an issue, but if it is -- now that I've negated the need for another fan and scrubber I have enough "room" to comfortably drop a 600w in instead of that 400w.

That 400w would have damned near been a waste of time anyways so if this continues to work out I think I'll be good to go. Keep in mind that I was unable to get a new panel dropped in for this grow so I'm running the entire show on 20 amps. It's still a tight fit (I think just 1600w in lights would be somewhere around 14-15 amps alone -- plus fan and scrubber, although that's pretty much all that is drawing power -- and I don't want to push past 80% load if possible), and it doesn't leave much room for the dehuey which pulls some pretty high amperage itself, but I'll figure that out somehow.

I'll get some pics later today...planning to flip in the next 3-4 days.
Oh, and how the fuck have I been handwatering coco with watering cans for years instead of just spending a hundred bucks on a homemade watering system? I hooked up a 500gph pump and some flexible 3/4" tubing with a ball joint on the end in a 20gal hazardous waste container (only because it was cheap and had a flat bottom). Thing is brilliant... maybe 3 minutes total in each tent versus 30 minutes or more...I can water each 3gal to perfect runoff in 10 seconds and aim the hose at the next one without even moving my lazy ass. I know this seems so simple to anybody with any common sense but I guess I always took the "KISS" idea too far. Where have you been all my life...should have stepped it up to a 30 or 40gal container but I'm still pretty happy for now.
One more post because fuck it, it's my thread and I can spam if I want...I'm having a serious dilemma on what plants go in which tents. If I was just eyeballing the plants and choosing based on structure alone, I would swap out the Goji that is in the 5x5 and replace it with the huge, branchy beast of a Jabba's Stash that is currently towering over all the other plants in the 4x4. My concern is that despite its stature now, it might not stretch at the same rate as the 4 Silver Mountains in the tent. I really don't want to run 6 in the 5x5 and I don't want to have an uneven number of plants in the 4x4, so I need to figure out whether I want to trade out the Goji for the Jabba (probably first option right now), trade out the Goji for the other Silver Mountain even though it did not take well to FIMing and is short and clearly better suited for a horizontal run, or just leave it alone. Decisions...
Alright here we go y'all...temps stayed nice and level at 70 in the small tent and 74 in the big tent during work today. Humidity was maybe edging towards the high side in the big tent (65%, fine for now but obviously not going to work for flowering) and simultaneously on the low side for the small tent (~45%, I shoot for 60 in veg) which is to be expected. Dehuey will be necessary pretty shortly either way and the heater that will be needed for lights off will accomplish the same task to a lesser degree

Still waiting for my buddy to drive over those trays I bought from the "big city" since I don't have a vehicle that will fit them, but everything is pretty much setup minus the screens. I'll cut that to fit sometime tonight more than likely, got some belated cleaning up to do in the garage...


Alright...moved that monster Jabba's Stash over to the vert tent and traded the Goji to the horizontal tent. I think I made the right decision as things match up much better now in there and that should allow for a much more even canopy in both.

I'll get the screens up tomorrow and do a bit of pruning...my buddy ended up with plenty of rooted clones from several phenos of all of these (we split the packs) so in the interest of keeping the number of plants I have running at once down I probably won't be taking cuttings of my own.I always end up regretting that to some degree but honestly if I find something I really like I can always reveg it and if that doesn't work out, that just gives me an excuse to go for a pheno hunt with some more Bodhi gear.

in case you're wondering, the plants in the vert tent are staggered like that because of the way the door is placed on the tent...trying something new this time by leaving a nice open space to work and not having to worry about trying to train one of them without the screen to attach it to for obvious reasons

From left clockwise: Silver Mountain 1, 2, 3, 4, and Jabba's Stash #5


From bottom left clockwise: Jabba's Stash 1, JS 2, Goji OG, Silver Mountain #5, Jabba's 3, and JS 4.

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Screens in...flip starts tomorrow. I will be taking 2 clones per plants tomorrow afternoon before lights off and giving them to a buddy to root for me as he has the space and the inclination. Did I mention how much I hate taking clones? This makes me happy.

Lots of leaf clean-up to do in the next few days and weeks...especially in this 400w tent with these bushmonsters...

