1000Watt One Plant Pineapple Express Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
thanks james. I think that was the case too. they all sank to the bottom of the cup!

No problem man anytime. But yea if your gonna keep seeds make sure they're stored in a dark cool place. Lots of people put them in the fridge I have mines in a can with lid stored in a cool closet I have. I've had the Pineapple Express seed for over a year and a few others. Also got a White Widow that I've had for bout 4 years since my last grow. I think imma pop her next. That was some of the best smoke I've grew beside Nebula. Gotta get her back ;).

I understand either way things will work out whatever you decide. And whatever you do we will all be happy for you!
Thx man appreciate the support. Imma laid back guy so long as I can accomplish what I'm tryna do I'm good:). Peace


Well-Known Member
Forgot to take pix this morning. Been pressed for time like crazy since starting this new job. Everything's looking very good 2nd leaf set is all out and now new set trying to like through. I think I found the ph problem; the water wasn't draining out the second pot good but I fixed that this morning that why I couldn't take pix. I was up and heard the pump trying to feed but hardly any water coming back to res. Caught it just in time :). Topped the res off with 1/3 will be flushing this weekend. Will have of her tonight when I get off. Peace


Well-Known Member
Hit me up I need help :-( been looking for a tutor lol

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Well-Known Member
Hit me up I need help :-( been looking for a tutor lol

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Yo bro I tried sending you a pm but it won't let me. I guess since your using the app iono but when I go to your profile it doesn't have a link for private message


Well-Known Member
I'll figure it out... I just felt better using my phone but I'll use the home computa lol

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Well-Known Member
Hey man, also meant to say that when you're doing up the nutes, always do the silica first and let it mix and sit for while before adding the other nutes as the silica will react with other elements and form a precipitate, then it won't dissolve back into solution. Silica also increases pH. I always add mine to 10L of water, put it in the res, let it mix and then add the other nutes with water too. Hope this is helpful man :)


Well-Known Member

Sorry about slacking with pix new job is taking up all my time plus being a father and husband. She's looking very good leaves standing up. She's working on 3rd leaf set. She's hungry tho I can tell by her color. Will flush tomorrow and give her 1/3 strength nutes. That should perk her right up :)



Well-Known Member
Hey man, also meant to say that when you're doing up the nutes, always do the silica first and let it mix and sit for while before adding the other nutes as the silica will react with other elements and form a precipitate, then it won't dissolve back into solution. Silica also increases pH. I always add mine to 10L of water, put it in the res, let it mix and then add the other nutes with water too. Hope this is helpful man :)
Thx Eastcoast I saw where Flowamasta said that too so that what I been doing. I know I did it right cus my nute water was very clear. Not cloudy :) but I'm still glad you told me cus it reassured me :)

brotes grandes

Active Member
Yea man one plant and I think I will be too. This style is all new to me so I'm anxious to see how this does. Do you have a journal for the PE fem would love to see how yours is doing. Good luck to you too bro and Peace
Yeh I started a grow journal with my sage n sour but working full on atm so have neglected it a bit, tho I will be updating and uploading pics as I feel a sicky tmrw coming on :) . Ive seen some real monsters with a good veg time and flowered under 1000w of hps so im sure your lady will love it.


Well-Known Member
Yeh I started a grow journal with my sage n sour but working full on atm so have neglected it a bit, tho I will be updating and uploading pics as I feel a sicky tmrw coming on :) . Ive seen some real monsters with a good veg time and flowered under 1000w of hps so im sure your lady will love it.
Ok imma def sub up for it but I know what you mean bro same here. Been tryna update much as possible cus I wanna record as much as possible down with this being new system. Your def right bout some monsters with nice veg time I'm thinking maybe only six weeks since I'm growing from seed and not a clone maybe seven but she will explode once she gets hit with the XL after week three of veg only. That stuff does wonders I've seen the journals so hopefully mines will too :). Peace


Well-Known Member
UPDATE DAY 10 Veg Pre-Flush

Here's some pix of her pre-flush yesterday. She was hungry. Flushed her real good and scrubbed res with very hot water.



Well-Known Member
After flushing her I feed her:

1/3 strength base grow a & b 34ml of both
1/4 strength adds:
Silica 10ml
Dr. Repair 10ml
B1 Boost 17ml


Here she is a day after flushing and a new feed. Looks much better and honestly I think she prolly could have token half strength base but I don't wanna push her too hard cus I can't watch her like I want to atm but she's ok and I'll have the time after next week to monitor her more. She's very dark and green :):)



Well-Known Member
Looking good. Looks like you've made it past the damping off stage. Good luck
Thx man and yea I have. I didn't really have to worry bout that cus perlite is inert and ph neutral. Fungi can't live in it which makes for an awesome medium


Active Member
Whew man she really is growing fast huge difference between these and the pics before flush great job shes loving it and is showing it!


Well-Known Member
Looking good my man :) time to up the nutes to half strength though hey. If going from seed i usually start at 50% but as yours is 11 days now, time to start pumping them up and get it growing. If you see nute burn jist add fresh water ;)


Well-Known Member
Whew man she really is growing fast huge difference between these and the pics before flush great job shes loving it and is showing it!

Yea she is man. I can't believe it myself :) but yea you can def tell the difference. I'm glad I'm getting this right cus I've never grown hydro but I've done a lot of studying and watching some very good growers here like Eastcoast and others so I have an idea.

Looking good my man :) time to up the nutes to half strength though hey. If going from seed i usually start at 50% but as yours is 11 days now, time to start pumping them up and get it growing. If you see nute burn jist add fresh water ;)
Thx Eastcoast much appreciated for the info. You know I figured after seeing her the next day after the flush and fresh feed that I could have given her more nutes. I just didn't wanna fuck her up cus y'all know I'm new this this hydro so I'm jus doing everything safe. So would you say at my next flush I should be giving her just about full strength base and adds or 3/4 for adds. I'm glad your here man you really helping big time bro.