102 Things Not To Do If You Hate Taxes

I'm almost 50.
You can't use the GI Bill to do any of those things, you are thinking of VA benefits. You also cannot use the GI Bill to gain unemployment benefits, WTF made you think you could?

You can only use the GI Bill for education purposes you numbskull..

Veterans’ Entrepreneurial Transition Business Benefit Act was a bill put before congress to allow the use of the GI Bill to build a home or start a business, but it was never voted into law.

Research skills are lacking.
WHY. Dont you go check out the actual GI bill
You are truly ignorant about the GI bill and what it covers
THOSE VA. Benefits are in the GI BILL
i'm almost 50.
You can't use the gi bill to do any of those things, you are thinking of va benefits. You also cannot use the gi bill to gain unemployment benefits, wtf made you think you could?

You can only use the gi bill for education purposes you numbskull..

Veterans’ entrepreneurial transition business benefit act was a bill put before congress to allow the use of the gi bill to build a home or start a business, but it was never voted into law.

Research skills are lacking.

good enough link for your stupid ass?
You are completely missing the point. No one here is saying we don't want clean air or clean water and i highly doubt anyone is disillusioned on the need to regulate pollution in some way. What the point is, is that we do not feel that your income should be taxed by the federal government so that it can fund a federal government program. Why should someone living in Wyoming and some of the cleanest air be subject to taxation to help someone in New Jersey? This would be much better regulated by the states. We only need the Federal Government to do a few basic things. Defend our borders, uphold our laws and contracts and protect the rights of the average everyday citizen. Although i see a point to having a "Federal" authority to oversee it all since wind can carry one state's pollution to another, I feel the states can set up some authority to do that, there is no need to employ 18,000 people making an average of $70,000 a year in pay and another $41,000 in benefits to drive around and harass and fine the good citizens of this nation. We don't really need 360 people per state to implement this kind of thing do we? $1.8 Billion just in pay and benefits each year seem a bit much? No wonder we have such a deficit.

I once saw the EPA fine a gal $10,000 for rinsing out a paint brush in her driveway with a water hose. WTF? The Federal Government is chock full of the bottom 25% of college grads, they should not be getting my money and then using it to wage war against me.

So you want 50 different standards for air and water - you mention wind, but consider all of the other ramifications of pollution - acid rain from all over, foreign organisms like snake head fish in mutual waterways. Some states don't have the resources others do - should the population of that state suffer? I know you have anecdotal evidence of the cruel intent of the EPA but I believe these to be anomlies. Now imagine a power company that has plants in 6 states, if each state has either more or less stingent emission standards, could it be
that they might decide to be in only the most lienient state? Then what? I posed a question to a libertarian - what would you do in your perfect world if a power plant burned coal next door to you? He said he could always buy a gas mask.

I get a kick out of folks who are so sure that regulations are always detrimental to them as individuals, they aren't. Do you actually think that all of those folk go around looking for citizens who are pouring oil down the sewer?
Why are most credit card Comapanys located in maryland South dakota and las vegas?

If you were downstream of a Mining operation in another State that says its ok to dump Cyanide laced tailings into the waterway

Whatcha going to do about it?
WHY. Dont you go check out the actual GI bill
You are truly ignorant about the GI bill and what it covers
THOSE VA. Benefits are in the GI BILL
I did, everything you think it can do, it can't.

Once again you are wrong, what else is new, accept it.
VA loans
unemployment Compensation
Educational benefits

Yes it does

On June 22, 1944, the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 became law; it was commonly known as the G.I. Bill of Rights. By the time the original G.I. Bill ended in July 1956, 7.8 million World War II veterans had participated in an education or training program and 2.4 million veterans had home loans backed by the Veterans' Administration (VA).
good enough link for your stupid ass?
You just posted the POST-911 GI Bill, which is a completely and totally different program from the regular old GI Bill. You have been proven as a dumb ass once again, do you ever tire of it? Besides you can't get a loan to open a business or start one from the 911 GI Bill either, you obviously are confused and think that every service the VA provides as falling under the provisions of the GI Bill, but I can assure you they are not.
Here ya go since you didnt Really look too hard


Benefits by Category Hide Descriptions Show Descriptions .feature_list_lp li { display: none !important;}.feature_list_lp li.veteran { display: list-item !important;}
<div class="feature_list_lp clear_floats">Education Benefits
  • eLearning CenterTake a variety of eLearning courses designed to help you manage your health.
Employment BenefitsLog in to use these features:
  • VetSuccess Employment SearchSearch Vetsuccess for jobs and find useful tips on completing resumes, cover letters, job applications, and interviewing.
Insurance BenefitsLog in to use these features:
<ul><li style="font-size: 1em;" class="veteran servicemember familymember">DoD TRICARE Health InsuranceSponsors and Family Members: View TRICARE medical, dental, and pharmacy information. You can also view non-TRICARE health insurance information.

General Benefits
  • Apply for Veterans Benefits Online (VONAPP)The Veterans Online Application (VONAPP) Web site enables service members, veterans and their beneficiaries, and other designated individuals to apply for benefits online.
  • Search for a RepresentativeSearch for and print detailed information on accredited claims representatives. You can also download and print representative appointment forms.
Log in to use these features:
  • Benefits ExplorerView a personalized list of possible benefits based on your eBenefits profile. Fine-tune the results to suit your needs.
Health Benefits
  • Fast Track Claims Processing System for Vietnam Veterans
    Vietnam Veterans can apply for service connection for Ischemic Heart Disease, Hairy Cell and other B-Cell Leukemias, and Parkinson's Disease using Fast Track.
  • Health Benefits Eligibility CheckUse this calculator to assess whether you qualify for VA health care benefits. (Eligibility is based on financial considerations.)
Log in to use these features:
  • Order Medical EquipmentVeterans can place online orders for prosthetic socks and hearing aid batteries

Compensation BenefitsLog in to use these features:
  • Appeal StatusCheck the status of your claim appeal.
  • Compensation & Pension Claims StatusView the status of your compensation and pension claims.
  • VA Payment HistoryMonitor your VA Compensation and Pension, Education, and Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) benefits payments.
Housing BenefitsLog in to use these features:
  • Specially Adapted Housing Grant Application & Claim StatusApply online for a Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grant. Check the status of SAH-related claims.
  • VA Home Loan Certificate of EligibilityCalculate your VA Home Loan benefit and entitlement. Then get a Certificate of Eligibility to show that you're eligible for VA guaranteed financing.
There is not a sales tax on gold and silver coins or bullion in the usa, but you are supposed to pay capital gains (at 28%) when you sell them if you made any money.
Why would you sell your money for pieces of paper, just use the gold as money and no taxes need ever be paid. Buy US Silver eagles, Gold Eagles, Canadian Maples or any other sovereign bullion product and you won't have to pay that silly 28% collectibles tax either. They cannot tax money.
Here ya go since you didnt Really look too hard


Benefits by Category Hide Descriptions Show Descriptions .feature_list_lp li { display: none !important;}.feature_list_lp li.veteran { display: list-item !important;}
<div class="feature_list_lp clear_floats">Education Benefits

  • eLearning CenterTake a variety of eLearning courses designed to help you manage your health.
Employment BenefitsLog in to use these features:

  • VetSuccess Employment SearchSearch Vetsuccess for jobs and find useful tips on completing resumes, cover letters, job applications, and interviewing.

Insurance BenefitsLog in to use these features:
<ul><li style="font-size: 1em;" class="veteran servicemember familymember">DoD TRICARE Health InsuranceSponsors and Family Members: View TRICARE medical, dental, and pharmacy information. You can also view non-TRICARE health insurance information.

General Benefits

  • Apply for Veterans Benefits Online (VONAPP)The Veterans Online Application (VONAPP) Web site enables service members, veterans and their beneficiaries, and other designated individuals to apply for benefits online.
  • Search for a RepresentativeSearch for and print detailed information on accredited claims representatives. You can also download and print representative appointment forms.
Log in to use these features:

  • Benefits ExplorerView a personalized list of possible benefits based on your eBenefits profile. Fine-tune the results to suit your needs.

Health Benefits

Log in to use these features:

  • Order Medical EquipmentVeterans can place online orders for prosthetic socks and hearing aid batteries

Compensation BenefitsLog in to use these features:

  • Appeal StatusCheck the status of your claim appeal.
  • Compensation & Pension Claims StatusView the status of your compensation and pension claims.
  • VA Payment HistoryMonitor your VA Compensation and Pension, Education, and Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) benefits payments.

Housing BenefitsLog in to use these features:

  • Specially Adapted Housing Grant Application & Claim StatusApply online for a Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grant. Check the status of SAH-related claims.
  • VA Home Loan Certificate of EligibilityCalculate your VA Home Loan benefit and entitlement. Then get a Certificate of Eligibility to show that you're eligible for VA guaranteed financing.
this proves? NOTHING!! Your at the VA website, not a GI Bill website you doofus. You do realize that the VA provides services correct? Man, not only weren't you in the military, you have also never used the GI Bill and are completely ignorant of what it is used for, its OBVIOUS to anyone who reads your posts.
I wasn't going to get in to this but I am a vet and I contributed to the GI bill and use that website on a regular basis, NoDrama is correct on this one. The GI bill is for education and education related expenses ONLY. It also can be applied to trade schools, but they are very clear when you sign up to make your contributions, if you don't use the benefits for school within a certain amount of time after disharge, you lose them.

While you may have been at gibill.va.gov, that takes you to the US Dept of Veteran Affairs. The website does provide information about VA benefits relating to all kinds of topics, from healthcare to housing in addition to information about the Montgomery GI Bill and the Post 9/11 GI Bill.
Read the GI bill and what it created.
Its a few posts up.
Yes you can go to school on the gi bill
but the legislation that we know as the GI bill also provided sevices
I pay about 50% of what I earn to government entities at all levels. Even with the government owning 50% of my property (my labor), the federal government is now 15 TRILLION in debt.

Yer damned right I hate taxes, but I hate even more the method of collection. In a truly free country there is no room for an IRS operating on fear.

Don't you libs in the forum see anything bizarre about the lines that go around our post offices every April 15, with good little citizens holding their financial confessions, hoping they've crossed every "T" and dotted every "I" in an attempt not to attract attention of a government auditor?

Time to wake up America. <Sheesh!>
No every april 15th i see a Bizarre collection of procrastinators and People who Owe money that are waiting until the last mInute to file for an extension

Pay Your Fucking Taxes