1024 Medical Stealth Cab Grow!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys! not done yet but was a great sample...still have another joint to smoke...gonna moke my bredren up see how high he gets...cant wait to harvest gonna check her out tonight and see what she is sayin


Well-Known Member
That bud looks amazing rasta!! +REP

I still have to go back through the thread bud its nice to jump right to the end every now and then lol.


Well-Known Member
well she got the chop...ill let the pics do the talkin...

heres some pics under the cfls

Some flash pics..

annnd here she is after the chop!
(as u can see there is still alot of buds left..i will leave them until they are done)

And here are the freshly cut buds!
first 3 are the main colas...

As u can see above there are alot of fan leaves and not a whole lot of airspace around the buds...it was very dense in fan leaves...so i trimmed the big fan leaves off to help with the mold...the buds are pretty dense and i dont wanna risk gettin mold so i trimmed them a bit...

heres the buds with the fan leaves trimmed off

And the buds hangin up in the closet!!..There are 3rows of buds in there


And my wet weight is a total of 59grams!! and there is still a shit ton of buds left on the tree waiting to finish!


Well-Known Member
Hell yea rasta looking great!! If I could leave you more rep I would but its going to be a while lol...

So I noticed you like to leave your "sugar leaves" on when drying. I've tried both methods and I think I'm growing more fond of this way myself its just a little tricky to trim the buds after they dry. What are your thoughts on it?


Well-Known Member
ive done bhoth many times...and i always prefer doin it dry...i like how it wraps the buds up and creates almost like a blanket for the buds to dry and ferment in..it also stops the buds from dryin 'too fast' and allows u to sloww dry...idk i feel like its easier to trim after its dry then wen its wet...all just preference...but i love the fact that the leaves fall upwards...cuz of hangin upside down...and its easier to see the stems and trim...idk man like i said all preference...i always say try both ways and see which one is for u...


Well-Known Member
ive done bhoth many times...and i always prefer doin it dry...i like how it wraps the buds up and creates almost like a blanket for the buds to dry and ferment in..it also stops the buds from dryin 'too fast' and allows u to sloww dry...idk i feel like its easier to trim after its dry then wen its wet...all just preference...but i love the fact that the leaves fall upwards...cuz of hangin upside down...and its easier to see the stems and trim...idk man like i said all preference...i always say try both ways and see which one is for u...
Yea I agree with you on most things. I'm still new to it so I just like to see other peoples thoughts and opinions and you make some great points. I do like how you can see the stem from the leaves folding up and it definitely helps them dry a lot slower no doubt about that! I actually just came off doing a side by side comparison on the same plant with the two main colas:) Not much of a noticable difference but overall I liked this way and thats how I'll do it when I'm chopping very soon :)


Well-Known Member
Yea I agree with you on most things. I'm still new to it so I just like to see other peoples thoughts and opinions and you make some great points. I do like how you can see the stem from the leaves folding up and it definitely helps them dry a lot slower no doubt about that! I actually just came off doing a side by side comparison on the same plant with the two main colas:) Not much of a noticable difference but overall I liked this way and thats how I'll do it when I'm chopping very soon :)

good to here man also wha ti do that many disagree with is i dont flush...no 2 week flush for me! haha i like to feed even more nutes at this stage and i usually drown as my last plant proved to work amazing and def. made me a beleiver!...harsh smoke is due to fast drying and or no cure...not from nutes...my theory is thanks to riddle..its not a toilet u cant just flush it of nutes...the leaves turn yellow proving that the tree is actually taking what u dont give it from itself so u never get rid of nutes ever! u can only flush the medium and i do a flush then within hours chop

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
good to here man also wha ti do that many disagree with is i dont flush...no 2 week flush for me! haha i like to feed even more nutes at this stage and i usually drown as my last plant proved to work amazing and def. made me a beleiver!...harsh smoke is due to fast drying and or no cure...not from nutes...my theory is thanks to riddle..its not a toilet u cant just flush it of nutes...the leaves turn yellow proving that the tree is actually taking what u dont give it from itself so u never get rid of nutes ever! u can only flush the medium and i do a flush then within hours chop
this is true with organics. but some chemical nutes can make a harsh smoke without a flush. i only use guano. i wouldnt flush neither


Well-Known Member
good to here man also wha ti do that many disagree with is i dont flush...no 2 week flush for me! haha i like to feed even more nutes at this stage and i usually drown as my last plant proved to work amazing and def. made me a beleiver!...harsh smoke is due to fast drying and or no cure...not from nutes...my theory is thanks to riddle..its not a toilet u cant just flush it of nutes...the leaves turn yellow proving that the tree is actually taking what u dont give it from itself so u never get rid of nutes ever! u can only flush the medium and i do a flush then within hours chop
Humm interesting, more things to try!! So when you say flush the medium before you chop, that method has worked for you? Could you describe how to do it because I might give it a go this time around, do you just flush really good an hour before the chop? I always thought you should let the soil dry before chopping? I really need to get over there and read more about this.


Well-Known Member
Humm interesting, more things to try!! So when you say flush the medium before you chop, that method has worked for you? Could you describe how to do it because I might give it a go this time around, do you just flush really good an hour before the chop? I always thought you should let the soil dry before chopping? I really need to get over there and read more about this.
well if i dont drown thats what i do...it takes about 30mins-2hrs for the water to reach the top of the plant....also i basically flush during ever water...as i 'make it rain'... but for the last 2weeks i feed even stronger than i have the whole grow becuase the last 2weeks is the most important of the grow as it puts on most of its weight...so y starve the plant during this time with a flush? thats y i feed it stronger than usual...then the last day right be4 i chop i flush...then wait a few hours then chop...i had this argument about how harsh my bud will b and bla bla so while the kid was tokin up on my weed tellin me that flushin is a must i asked him ay is that real harsh? he says no not at allits smoothe....i said exactly so shut up! lol i told him i didnt flush for 2weeks instead fed even more then flushed a few hours be4 chop...he didnt beleive me but try it do wat u normally do to one plant then try this on another and tell me if u taste the difference...i listened to riddle and tried all that on my last harvest and i will never flush for 2weeks again, always drown (wen i can) and make it rain!

interesting. what nutes did you use? how aggressive did you feed em?

i use a ultrasol 20-20-20 formula and its pretty strong...we have it set up on the pumps down the green house...its as the bag requests so about 90-100% throughout the whole grow! and then the last few feeding have been even more than that pluss molasses...i agree with many ppl and feel that flushing is just one of those things wur we dont kno y we do it we just do it...

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
woord up. totally agree with not taking away nutes when the budz need it most. GOD i cant wait till my babes are flowern all pretty like


Well-Known Member
yea man i love it! i cant wait for these babies to flower all pretty..

this one was topped and still in vege...she just had her feeding after maiking it rain! they sure love it!


donno what to name this gurl yet...idk?


donno what to name this one either...

and idk what up wit dis seedling but she sprouted in like 7hrs and now she takin a loooong time to get here not lookin so good either...


i got an idea...seeing as i have 4trees that arent named how about a game...who ever guesses the final weight of whats drying right now can name them? anybody?