1024 Medical Stealth Cab Grow!


Well-Known Member
lol i do but while the other tree was finishin...i had the two thawt are flowerin now off in the corner of the cab to flowoer and i forgot to write it down...im sure its in here somewur wur i say wen i move them in and wen they get pistils but i tried to look bac and gcant find it...i ran outa room in my journal so i stopped writing,...now i write in the bac of my wifes diary lofl


Well-Known Member
i just found how long they have been flowering...i posted on nov 28th saying that my tree was on week one so thats about 3 1/2 weeks about halfway for this strain


Well-Known Member
nice haha! and i got the biggest tree on its first week into flower...and im still waiting for that stubborn seedling to show pistils...man its kinda irratatin me lol! i think i might go put it outside some wur seeing as its so small idk think it will b interesting as to what she come out like....only problem is its been raining a shit ton!!!


Well-Known Member
xmas eve update!!

everything is going smoothely!the biggest tree is startin to bud up nice!


the buds!

the seedling still not showin sex

the clones..looks like the one on the top right isnt gonna make it..oh well



Well-Known Member
i dont see the need to transplant...y not eliminate all stress and put them in the pots they will stay in the whole grow?


Well-Known Member
because growing in a pot is different then growing in the ground. u should start with smaller pots to form a rootball then up pot to the next size. its y i use dixie cups. MERRY CHRISTMAS.


Well-Known Member
merry xmas to u to! hmm havent heared that be4...i mean i have never had problems growin in the same container and have always been told to not to transplant unless i had to and to start in the container its gonna b in the whole grow


Well-Known Member
yea, it isnt a big problem but you will notice the amoun t of growth after you transplant if you veg in a smaller size container and let it get a good lil rootball and then put it in a permanent container. when roots grow they grow str8 down to the bottom first and then spread, so if u take a seed that has a good root system when you throw it in a big pot it'll explode and roots grow all over, it also makes it way easier to water starting out in smaller cups(mo water is mo oxygen fresh nutes n such), they drink alot faster and consume more as well easier to get the roots soaked. people worry about transplant shock, i dont even know if it has ever happened to me, but most people say it only last a day or so and thats only if your using different soil.. i usually transplant right before i put em in 12/12. i have done both way i really like this way because it saves space. at anytime i could have 20-30 small plants in cups inside of my veg cab. but also we have diff grow types so it may suit you to do it that way..

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
i have never had any transplanting stress either and i use party cups and transplant into 2 gallon pots just before they go into flower. ive grown full cycles in the same container and havent noticed much difference. then again i never payed attention to that. i like the party cups for space like tyrnagrowsumshyt mentioned above.