10g Mushroom Trip!


Well-Known Member
Dude for 10gs that sounds pretty mellow haha! I did an 1/8 and i blacked out for 4 hours. I just went into a complete trance. I haven't taken more than that since, and I only need like 2g to have a trip like yours without black outs.
mushrooms r the shit
I love shroomies,, been years sInce I last done them,, them made me laugh uncontrollably and I felt like I was glowing and everyone was staring at me in amazement at the casino,, at home the walls would want to close in on me but I pushed them away when they got too close. One thing i hate is acid tho! can we say strict 9! SORE AS A MUTHAFUCKER


Well-Known Member
It seems like you had a light trip for 10g worth of mushrooms. Last summer I had an experience with about 8g. Now I would enjoy telling you about all 16 hours of the trip, but well over half that time is just a slight blur.

It all started with a friend wanting to receive a large quantity of mushrooms. After about a week of phone calls, we finally found 4 ounces for a decent price. $480 to be exact. I figured these would be just the average mushroom, oh was I wrong. They were slightly blue in color with gold flakes coating the caps. Usually when I eat mushrooms I eat an 1/8 or so with a 'decent' time. I weighed out five of the mushrooms that caught my eye and the weight totaled 7.8g. Now you may think those are some big mushrooms, but they were 4-5 intertwined together as one. I ate two of them right away, 10 or so smaller shrooms all mixed together.. My friend decided to eat 8g right away to get a good experience out of this batch. I decided, what the hell, and ate the other three I had.
Right after we ate our mushrooms we started breaking up some herb right away and rolled up a few blunts. Blunts, for the reason they are easiest to smoke while incoherent. After we have everything set forth for our day. It was about noon now, 15 minutes after we had our snack. I figured we had another 15 minutes before they would be into the full effect. We venture off into his backyard and hit the trails through the woods. Its always fun to go adventuring while hallucinating. We get to the first tree stand down the trail and climb up it and light up a blunt. As soon as I exhaled for the first time the leaves on the ground were swirling together, I knew my adventure was starting. We get down out of the tree stand before the full effect hits. We walk on to the creek where we had built a bridge a few years prior. I sit down and let my feet hang into the water. It felt like the water was giving me a massage and tickling me to death at the same time. The current of the creek coming off my feet was amazing to view. The reflection off the water was the tree's above and that's what my feet were illustrating. The more I moved my feet, the more the trees were dancing. I was in awe with this and did this for at least a half hour. By the time we got up and moved on I barely remember what was going on.
I'll skip to the ending, where I saw some amazing things. After we got back to his house, I went into the bathroom. The wall paper is vines with flowers on them. The vines were spinning around the room, going every which way possible. I sat on the toilet and just looked around in amusement. I go to wash my hands before I leave and the sink looked like a cartoon face that was crying. Probably one of the strangest things I have seen while hallucinating. I go into his room where the fan looks like a flower blooming constantly, over and over again. The walls are one, there is no distinction of where one began, and where one stopped. The walls are tie-dyed and painted very trippy from the summer prior. We had painted the walls while on LSD. We sat in his room for around 4 hours smoking from the various glass pieces that were there. What a psychedelic adventure that was...

Overall it was an amazing experience, and my favorite one yet. I would go on and edit with more detail, but my class is ending and I am heading home.
I'll write about my first time eating mushrooms later on tonight. Peace, easy.