10th week ... How much longer .....


Well-Known Member
Hell no, id go two, darn it, i didnt want to give my opinion lol, do whatever you feel is right. Its your smoke bud and it looks really nice. Well done for your first time. Two thumbs up :):):)


i jsut chopped ice bomb from bomb seeds at 10 weeks and still not all milky had a bunch of clear. i dont know what the fuck is going on lately with allot of people but there maturity is taking forevers.
the ice bomb is labelled a 7-9 week indica. like i said i had 10 weeks and still not all milk. fuckin ridiculous.
not a complaint about the smoke either to be honest. i have no regrets chopping it clear trichs.
imo from looks of your crop. id wait til my water leaves started to faint yellow slightly and chop it. just so you know your plants done draining nutes.
those pictures just look ready as fuck and thats why i say take it as soon as it yellows.

EDIT: not to mention ive seen allot of plants finish maturity when they yellow.



Well-Known Member
Don't wait for the entire top cola to turn brown, fifty fifty is more like it. If most or all tricomes are milky I would personally cut her. She definitly looks done. Nice job. Peace


and hey buddy not to mention on crops like yours. if that is multiple plants. one might be ready a day before the other and it would be to your advantage if it was..
ive had this happen
had 13 plants of liberty haze took me 7 days because a couple were ready monday, one ready tuesday, two more wed, etc, etc....
theres only been 2-3 runs of mine that all the plants matured together.
might have something to do with my Co2 exchange in the air(more Co2 being readily avail to the more mature plants) could be my only thought.


Active Member
i think he meant flipping vs. first sign of preflowers. you can harvest the top buds and let the bottems go longer
I flipped the light to HPS and to 12/12 two days after I saw female characteristics. Next time I will wait another 5-7 days before i do that.