kiz sorry man, I was just kidding. For $200 to $400, ou know you will not be using all of that room. I'll put in a serious 2cents worth. For that kind of money I believe you could make a "Barrel Of Green". Major Toke posted it in this forum and one of the inventors, Dr. Pot is a member of this forum. He was using a 250 watt bulb at that time and getting a really decent harvest for the investment. I think it will give you a real good idea of the kind of control you will need as you move in to the room. Because its an enclosed system you would be able to work on the physical plant for the rest of the room. To run that size, 10' by 12', you will end up with at least a few thousand invested. I would also recommend you look up RollitUps post on how to build a grow room. He shows a simple set up, a more complex set up and an ultimate set up. Some of us are still working on simple. I know I am. VV