10x15 grow room

Now I’m thinking portable units in the intake lung room.
The guy I spoke to who grows in this climate says I need a max of 3000btu per 1k if I use them in this way. He suggested placing 1 or 2 portables in the adjacent room (from which I can passive intake into my grow room) and cooling that air.
Any suggestions?
Been looking at 2 of the 10000btu delonghi portables
I have a 10,000 delonghi, one tip... keep the length of exhaust ducting short as possible. I tried 10ft of dryer duct... well that long exhaust ducting bleeds heat & will re-heat the room. Put the Portable AC as close to the exhaust exit as possible. Keep it short. Or, find some super insulated ducting.
I have a 10,000 delonghi, one tip... keep the length of exhaust ducting short as possible. I tried 10ft of dryer duct... well that long exhaust ducting bleeds heat & will re-heat the room. Put the Portable AC as close to the exhaust exit as possible. Keep it short. Or, find some super insulated ducting.
Good tip. I wonder if using that insulated ducting would be a good idea. It has fiberglass in it which may be prone to mold is my concern.
I don’t. That would be a very helpful for a lot of growers.

one option is building a cover over the A/C cold air vent. Put a rectangle box sealed over the cold air outtake, hooked up a 6” vent to the other side. Use lots of silicon chalking. It will look crude but should work fine.

If you are doing a long duct run I would add one of the cheap inline booster fans.
A small tent might be an option do you think?
I have a 10,000 delonghi, one tip... keep the length of exhaust ducting short as possible. I tried 10ft of dryer duct... well that long exhaust ducting bleeds heat & will re-heat the room. Put the Portable AC as close to the exhaust exit as possible. Keep it short. Or, find some super insulated ducting.
Thanks that makes a lot of sense
££££ not $$$$ hahahhaha
Obviously going to be dealing the end product, as no one needs the amount potentially grown ,nor would outlay such money as a personal grower.

plus air con etc etc not needed in the u.k so thats why i assumed dollars not pounds.
Obviously going to be dealing the end product, as no one needs the amount potentially grown ,nor would outlay such money as a personal grower.

plus air con etc etc not needed in the u.k so thats why i assumed dollars not pounds.
Once we hit a certain wattage it does become necessary as I’ve found out. If we move so much air it becomes hard to control humidity. Humidifiers and especially dehumidifiers need time to work, they wouldn’t have much impact if the air is being cycled as fast as is needed to cool 6kw
Obviously going to be dealing the end product, as no one needs the amount potentially grown ,nor would outlay such money as a personal grower.
Not neccessarily. I would absolutely shell out $10k on a personal grow. I just shelled out $2000 on stuff to grow 4 plants... now if i wanted to smoke Grade A bubble hash 24-7 & share with 1 or 2 friends, i could easily see a reason to scale up by a factor of 5 8)
Not neccessarily. I would absolutely shell out $10k on a personal grow. I just shelled out $2000 on stuff to grow 4 plants... now if i wanted to smoke Grade A bubble hash 24-7 & share with 1 or 2 friends, i could easily see a reason to scale up by a factor of 5 8)
My personal grow stands me at about £6k and soon to be 7 lol
i suppose it's each to their own i would never spend that money but willingly parted with £5k in early nineties for a lovely yeti arc, then onto yeti lawill 6, then onto all sorts of silly fucking money dh bikes, tbh best i ever did when dh in uk was in it's infancy was 8th place behind an 18 year old girl Sophie Brooks, i think she was called and sponsored rider btw. was fun times