11/13 Flowering light cycle - Recommended by DJ Short

things got mad
and just to piss off the first dude even more:
don't know so much science myself but i assure you: the plants SMELL A LOT MORE after you stress them!
but don't believe me i'm a newbie
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Well aside from all that it does not change the well know fact that over a 100 folks have visited my grow from all over the world and reported that my garden is as stated, wide open and does not stink. Then there are the many growers that follow me that have applied my teachings and gotten the same results, their gardens stopped stinking

how bout you splain to them how I'm wrong
None of that makes you right. I won't be boiling any plants, thanks.

I also won't be taking seriously anyone who does.
and that is your god given right as a a fellow human being

but some of us prefer better weed
I prefer non-boiled weed like Jah intended

On the light-cycle topic, here's how my Blueberry came out under 11.5 hrs of light. Flowered for 67 days, it definitely had more of a sativa expression than some other Blueberries I've seen:

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How did this thread go sideways so fast?

Bottom line is that some growers really know their stuff. If you don't agree with the knowledge, then don't apply it. You don't need to bash people and talk endless smack. I know most of us are probably high and aren't thinking when we post but come on. If you just look at the history / past posts of users, that will tell all. You can separate the ones who think they know whats going on from the ones who really know whats going on. I'm a firm believer in science and I can say RM3 knows his stuff. I don't know the guy but I can verify everything he says by running my own tests / research. Happy growing everybody and lets keep the positive vibes alive.
I have afghan kush special from world of seed pure 100 % indica strain ...
So how do I go in flower cycle to see the best result as potency and yield...I think I see some advence nutrient guy interwiev dj short and guy say 11.5 on 12.5 off for best result...
Guaranteed yield loss when switching to 11/13
Not really. In theory you lose an hour of photosynthesis but unless you've run side by sides in completely controlled rooms then you don't know. I was getting a lb per single ended of gg4 with 11/13 the whole cycle. It came out with way more coffee and skunk terps than when I ran it 12/12
Not really. In theory you lose an hour of photosynthesis but unless you've run side by sides in completely controlled rooms then you don't know. I was getting a lb per single ended of gg4 with 11/13 the whole cycle. It came out with way more coffee and skunk terps than when I ran it 12/12
When dj started promoting this growth cycle he pointed this out. Same lights with an hour less during on cycle means loss of yield. Period. More saty traits show in everything. You can offset this by adding more light, but same light with less on time= less yield.

just think about it, in a 60 day cycle you would lose 60 hours(more than 2 days of actual light)
super old.. i was googling 11 13 flower cycle to speed sativa time up.. due to a sitch I have lol...
But i will say this.. I agree with the guy who says terps dont just naturally sit and stink in dead air..
My plants BARELY smell a drop.. but if i so much as touch.. even a leaf.. my fingers get sticky like i just touched glue or tape.. and smell like lemons.. or .. when watering I move my plants to my tub... and the shaking and activity cause alot of aroma.. i must agree.. terpenes seem to trigger due to movement.. guessing they stay immobile and dont smell.. until they get shaken into the air .. kind of how dust settles and doesnt spread unless blown or something.. just my own experience but I have never seen a well cared for plant that just naturally stinks up the entire house without a reason.. no matter how amazing it looks..