11 day old newbie!! lol


so trying my green thumb at growing now that i have my card to do so. got five that all look similar. like i would have expected them to resemble the plant. but one is very strange (to me) looking. is everything looking good for 11 days from the seeds sprouting?



Active Member
looks good man! i see you have a tent.whats yor medium your growing in?what kind of lights? i can help if needed.


IMG_20120501_191352.jpgIMG_20120501_191418.jpgIMG_20120501_191457.jpgIMG_20120501_191513.jpgIMG_20120501_191536.jpg well this is it in a nut shell. medium is pea stone. aquarium rock on top. not new to hydroponics from a kick ass high school program. but am new to the growing part of my love :weed:


thanks guys. obviously i think all signs show things are well, but when you miss something, it can unravel fast in they hydro/aqua growing world....... woke up this morning and that stranger one is not looking so good...... showing signs of something. no other plants have any chem burn marks or wilting affects. my real source of knowledge is from cover to cover cannibus bible second edition. ph 6.8 24/0 cycle. was 86ferhenheit inside this morning. pump feeds every 2 minutes as its a flood and drain/ebb/aqua system. using jungle juice 3 part. calls for 15ml of a and 15ml of b for my size resivor. got 7 ml a and 7ml b ( micro and grow) because of constant watering. it drains in 90 seconds of pump shutting off to fill res and start again. all takes place around every 2 minutes. got 9" blow disc in res and a line of air rocks pumped under each plant under baskets to bring constant oxy to roots to aquarium aerorator pump. plus water pushes old oxy out and new when the system drains. thought warmer and less humid would entice plenty of drinking as these plants get water every two minutes but pea rocks hold no water when the system drains so plants breath rich oxy in water and when water drains..... and many thanks for the looks and info.


IMG_20120502_085302.jpgIMG_20120502_085314.jpgIMG_20120502_085314.jpgIMG_20120502_085338.jpgIMG_20120502_085302.jpgits the yellowing that has started over the last two days.. it appears to be moving thru the veins as if a deficency...


so added 5ml more of micro to rule out iron and put pump on timer for 1 hour on and half hour off. then repeat. so two banks down and one bank up on 24 self timer. so that should rule out over watering as that is what myself am leaning towards. as the roots are collecting more, i will lower feeding times i think is where im heading on these bad boys. any thoughts would be awesome, as i didnt get this far without advice :wall:


Well-Known Member
Well they look pretty good...that one does look off though...all it's leaves are kinda growing side ways...which a leaf growing to the side is usually an indication of root problems..but you said you suspected overwatering was occurring, so...perhaps it was stressing your roots...but usually sideways leaves are a signal to me to check the roots, something is upsetting the roots..etc.


Well-Known Member
This one is smaller than the other one as well right? See it looks like it is stunted somehow...and it is making more smaller leaves than the other plant or is that just what the pic looks like? It is also kinda spotty...Hmmm...can you nute one and not the other? Are they the same strain or different? or are they like some bag seed?...because the more I look at that one I feel like something is definitely wrong...especially when compared with the other one...I use coco, a little...but i hand water...I tried DWC a few years ago and it was a major fail...lol. So...I am not sure I could be of much help anyway, but for real one looks awesome, and the other looks stunted, or like a bonzai tiny plant...Not sure why...as long as your pH is good and all that...sometimes seedlings are just crappy..sometimes it goes away and they start growing normally...and other times they are just like a handicapped seed or something...lol. I am not sure what makes that happen...
Out of seeds I ordered one time I got one I tried and I got so mad because it germinated sprouted and then died...like it sprouted out and then forgot to keep growing roots, so right after the plant sprouted up it grew it's true leaves they close together like prayer hands and then it died...upon inspection it had spit out the leaves, but grown no root...


well the strains are one of three that i personally smoke and had atleast one hermy batch out of all three over summer so kept seeds. G13xHaze. LSD or ChemDogxSour Diesel. and i agree that it looks very bonzi to me also. can only feed all at once. i feel strongly that it is a over water problem. tomorrow we shall know by the response to the new timer. but the other five are starting to hit their stride. much more growth today at 12 days than anyother day. big leaf fillouts. so i think forward as normal and hope the bonzi pulls out of it. :)


IMG_20120502_085338.jpgIMG_20120502_182542.jpgIMG_20120502_182634.jpgIMG_20120502_182644.jpgIMG_20120502_182658.jpgIMG_20120502_182709.jpg so i had night mode on cam. here are better pics. the littlest one is kind of a cool story. had all planted in soil. on day 2 of germ i transplanted 4 into containers on eachend. on day 5 put 2 more in middles to better odds of females. had ones in soil still growing for comparison. had on in system twist so bad that it killed itself on day 7. transplanted one from soil. my best soil one to choose from was 2.25 inches and my worst system one was 3.75 inches. that little guy stayed same size with no growth from day 7 to day 10. now is kicking in, but goes for unintended but factual evidence of the two types of meduim grow methods and early growth results. the system outshined as i killed all soil ones off and never got 3 inches in 9 days. got that on day 4 or 5 in system. just kindof cool as it was not intended, but saw a chance to compare and those where my findings :clap: