11 day old plant problem


Well-Known Member
Ive been growing three plants for 11 days now. Theyve been well until a few days ago. Two are starting to yellow all over on both sets of leaves while 1 plant is fine. They are all treated exactly the same and are roughly the same size. Im repotting them this weekend. They havent had any fertilizer yet but that shouldnt be a problem when there so young. Soil is the same i use every time and not had any problems with it, same for the water.
At first i thought it was the small pots but surely all three would be the same. Any ideas whats up with them would be great?
Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
Might be a little to much water. Let the planting medium dry before you add more water. They are weeds ya know. If you know for sure they are not overwatered, I'd give them nutes at 1/4 strenght for the next watering. Looks to be about that time in the cycle. They also look a tiny, tiny bit stretched, so keep the lights within a couple inches from the top leaves. Squatty is better.


Well-Known Member
Might be a little to much water. Let the planting medium dry before you add more water. They are weeds ya know. If you know for sure they are not overwatered, I'd give them nutes at 1/4 strenght for the next watering. Looks to be about that time in the cycle. They also look a tiny, tiny bit stretched, so keep the lights within a couple inches from the top leaves. Squatty is better.
Ive never grown in pots this small before, they seem to dry very quick so i have watered them more often than normal. They dont look droopy so i never thought it would be overwatering. When i repot tomorrow i'll add 1/4 fert. Im hoping that little bit of streching wont cause me any problems, my lights wouldnt lower enough and didnt think to raise the plants until around day 5. Im starting to think what Lazyboy said could be more the case as i have watered often in small pots. Thanks for your advice guys


Well-Known Member
Time for a transplant. Do that 1st (into good soil). Then wait.
If it continues.....What kind of water are you using? Looks like a Mg def. Epsom salts after a transplant and I bet you will be good. This is especially true if you are using tap water. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
Yea im using tap water its ph is around 7. I didnt have any problems with the water last time i grew but i was using ferts back then. As for the soil its just standard all purpose potting soil no info to its ph. I'll post an update a few days after transplant


Well-Known Member
Come to repot and i have another problem, i completely under estimated how much compost i had left so ive had to put them all in one much bigger pot for now. Im going to repot them properly next weekend now. How long would it take before the roots of these 3 plants start to grow into each other? Guessing this wont happen in just a week. Still not added any fert dont think they'll need it just yet.
Toy can still clearly see the healthier one over the other 2



Well-Known Member
i hope you repot right away because you were better off leaveing them in the other pots then putting 3 in one,those other pots were not too small ive used those axact pots with clones and have grown them to 7 inches with alot of branching,roots can grow as fast as heck if healthy,you might as well transplant now let them get over the transplant shock as soon as possible.


Active Member
i think getting them out of that pot as soon as possible would be a good thing, its going to be a 3 person job to get them out of that pot, or your going to risk breaking the roots of each plant whell taking them out of the soil, witch will stress them out more and stunt the groth for a bit, i reccomend going to 711 and buying a cupple super big gulps, a cutting a cupple holes in the bottom of the cups, and useing them for the time beeing then they should be good for a month or so in thoease cups, and you can controll the nutes in each cup you can give normal nutes to one, a little mor, and a little less in the other ones and see how the plants react to each, this way your not needlessly over or under nuting all 3 whell trying to save 1 of them


Well-Known Member
Im going to repot again this sat when i can get more compost. I know putting all 3 together was a bad idea but im pretty sure its a better move than keeping them in those tiny pots for another week. The previous pots werent even 2 inch tall and an inch wide, when i took them out the roots had grown all around the sides. Ill keep updated when i repot again


Well-Known Member
No worries mate, hard to tell in photos. i got some compost today going to repot later. Plants still dont look to healthy but i didnt expect them to until they were in the own big pots


Well-Known Member
wow 3 in 1 pot?? that wasnt a good idea !
Damn everyone keeps telling me that. Its been less than a week. Ive decided im doing it 2moro early afternoon. Id do it now but the compost is in the car which is parked 2 streets away, ive just had a shower and its freezing outside not a chance haha


Active Member
I have new seeds that have come up. They get about 2 to 4 inches tall, and then they just fall over and die at the tops. Help me please..


Well-Known Member
Hi froggs welcome to rollitup. You should make a new thread in the marijuana plant problems section and add pictures and more info. That would be the best way for people to help you


Active Member
Does your pots have holes in the bottom to let extra water drain out, if not its a must, at this point i would add small amounts of nutes. looks like she wants nutes to me...