11 days into flower! pics inside! check it! CFL GROW!

In SeemoreBuds book he suggest the 42 watt cfl's..went to Home depot and seen nothing...anyone know where to get? Thanks
idk which part of home depot you looked at but if you go to the outdoor lighting section where they keep the security lights and garden lighting and crap like that... they carry 40,60,80,100 watt CFL's as replacement's for the CFL security lights. they are about 15-18$ a bulb depending what wattage you get but they are not equivelent either...:blsmoke:
some more updated pics. and my set up. and my new baby thAt is growing at 11 days from seed. and i think im just gonna grow it out and flower it with her. what do you guys think. more pics to come!


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dude kill that hermie, its no good, pollen can travel 3 miles let alone a hallway or door, your clothes will carry pollen, and your ac or heating will spread it too. no point in ruining your good female...thats just my two cents
im not sure but it looks like you have only 6500k CFL's up if so you better get some 2500k up to aid in flowering.yes your female will produce buds as long as you keep watering and going 12/12..but like i said get as many 2500k as possible.
[BionicChronic];639791 said:
dont trip. i got 10,000 lumens on her. and i just cut the hermie down last week!
me ?trippin? i dont think so..:mrgreen: first of all lumens is not what im talking about.im talking about the spectrum of the light.you could have 10,000 lumens of 6500k spectrum light and get half the result than if you were to run 2500k spectrum bulbs.6500k is blue and is for veg..and 2500k is more orangish color like a hps for flowering..it does make a difference.:blsmoke:
dude kill that hermie, its no good, pollen can travel 3 miles let alone a hallway or door, your clothes will carry pollen, and your ac or heating will spread it too. no point in ruining your good female...thats just my two cents

At least yank the hermie and keep it in veg somewhere else. Don't let it flower until your girl(s) are done. Then if you want you can flower it real quick to harvest pollen while clones from girl(s) are rooting elsewhere.
before you use that HPS light wipe it down with a really fine SOFT cloth...The oils from your skin get on them and stay on the bulb, then because of the heat they will warp and bubble and expand until they shatter...I used to work in a TV station and we used mh lights for our studio lighting hot as fucking balls in that place...but reagardless if you touched them with bare skin...EVEN if its just the short amount of time to screw the light in...it can still bust...

Nice Setup man...
im glad everyone is telling me what im thinking about doing. of course im gonna whip down the bulb. i whip down my cfls every morning when i wake up to turn the lights on. she is lookin soo good. no bugs. no fucked up heat marks. no drooping. no nothing. she is a strong ass girl! and thanxs about my set up bowling. its alright. im making a box tommarow with all 4 walls inside the box is gonna be downed with mylar. but ill have more pics up. you guys should tell me what kind of pics you want to see and ill take them of the girl.
day 19 of flowering. and this bitch grew like 4 inches in the last 4 days. just trimmed her this morning. took all the extra baggage off. i just thought you guys would like to see the update. hope you guys think im doing good for my first time. and my baby is 15 days old from seed? how does it look? tell me what you think.


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i bought two bathroom lights that hold 4 lights each 8 total. it says on each pckg 4 bulb 60watt maximum(maybe im to stoned to figure it out,,i dunno) on the cfl pckg it says 15watt but it has a 60 big as a day in the upper corner and produces 900lumens can i get a bigger watt cfl for the bathroom fixtures and be ok????? wats the number in the upper corner mean??????
ismokealotaganja. ights look bro. my lights i got at homedepot for a pack of 3. 30 watts each bulb putting out 2050 lumens each and i paid 4$ for them.. and im using 2 25 watt bulbs that put out about 1850 lumens each. so i got like 8500lumens alltogether.what do you think about my plants?
plants look good dam good nice setup wat light did you start with and how long before you increased it....and wat did you increase it to
ismokealotaganja. i used the same lights from veg to flowering. and there doing awesome. and smokebudforever ill check out your tread. and robb233 i will forsure do that. thanks for all the help guys. ill keep yall posted. and yall keep checkin this thread out cuz ill post pics up every 2 to 4 days. but thanks bros!