11 fan blade leaves?


Well-Known Member
Very cool. As you've said, I've seen threads of similar mutations (if it even is one, may be genetic). Never had this happen to me, although I've personally seen some interesting mutations like small buds forming on the fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it's not a mutation since it's an odd number of leaves. It just seems weird as the plant grew short and bushy with fat leaves at first. Now the leaves are thinner and have gone passed 9. I had assumed it was indica. It must have sativa hybrid at least a little.


Well-Known Member
My last plant was a 90% sativa, and I had leaves that were 13, so I don't think 11 is super uncommon, but fairly uncommon probably. My 13 was the first plant I ever grew where I saw that. I think I posted it, and others said they had seen it. Hopefully that means your plant is healthy. Yours does look sativa to me.


Well-Known Member
Like above poster 13 is the most I have ever personally seen but I have had plenty of 13s.


Well-Known Member
Funny how plants just grow to kill themselves... You might want to look for other issues because that is not how things work.
You gotta stop blowing shit out of proportion. Noone said the plant was killing itself, and noone was claiming there was issues, you're just looking to create one. Defoilating is a very common practice, if you don't like it move on.


Well-Known Member
You gotta stop blowing shit out of proportion. Noone said the plant was killing itself, and noone was claiming there was issues, you're just looking to create one. Defoilating is a very common practice, if you don't like it move on.
He said his plant leaves were yellowing because the leaves above it. I suggested he might want to consider other causes. Never said shit about defoliating. Judging by your past comments you don't know shit.


Well-Known Member
He said his plant leaves were yellowing because the leaves above it. I suggested he might want to consider other causes. Never said shit about defoliating. Judging by your past comments you don't know shit.
Your issue started with him removing a leaf. Hence me bringing up defoliation. Can't be that hard to figure out big boy.