12,000 btu enough for a sealed room?


New Member
I did check your thread, but how is it you say that a chilled water coil is limited to 8500 btu, the size of the coil determines the max btu its capable of. You're quoting ice box btu . these are very small coils.
Exactly...in the thread I state that an ICE BOX can provide 8,000btu of cooling if your chiller temp is perfect. This normally isn't the case because most time you have to deal with condensation on your supply lines so you can't keep water under a certain temperature. I would love to see how you think he can cool that room with ONLY water from $2500. I am positive it can't be done. I am quoting the btu production for an 8" heat exchanger. If you want to get a 12" fan and a modified heat exchanger from an old chiller, a/c, or radiater I am sure you could produce more cooling output. You would need a larger fan, pump, and chiller to do so. You recommended a 1/2hp chiller to cool a 10x15 room with 4000w of light. A 1/2hp chiller isn't even close to being sufficient.


Well-Known Member
Never said just one.I recommend multiple, like 2-3 half horse chillers, these can be had cheap and personal experience tells me you don't have to go buy an overpriced over-sized chiller.


Well-Known Member
I've been looking at chilled water coils, I just bought a ice box to test things out before I build my own for the central ac here, I don't intend to run it off a chiller but a freezer with a res in it. These little coils in the ice box are toy man, I'm talking a 20 by 20 coil at the very least.


New Member
Never said just one.I recommend multiple, like 2-3 half horse chillers, these can be had cheap and personal experience tells me you don't have to go buy an overpriced over-sized chiller.
You do realize that one 1/2hp chiller costs around $650 new? Even if he could find 3 of them used like you claim for $400 then that's $1200 for 3 chillers plus shipping. He could buy a brand new 1.5hp for about $1000 and since it is only 1 unit it will be almost twice as efficient then running three 1/2hp units. Then; since he has 3 chillers he's going to need 3 different pumps or at least a cast iron pump with 3 ports. Since he'll be using all 3 ports he will have to over size the cast iron pump. With a 1.5hp chiller he could get a 1/2hp pump and be fine. With three chillers like you say he would probably need a 1hp pump. Extra money again. Then he would need extra tubing and fittings to run between all of these chillers and the reservoir. You don't just hook a chiller up to an Ice Box. So why would he buy 3 chillers to cool 1 reservoir when he could buy 1 chiller to do the same thing for half the price and half the electrical draw. Not sure what personal experience you are referring to but seems like common sense to me that you would buy a 1.5hp chiller as opposed to three 1/2hp chillers.


New Member
I've been looking at chilled water coils, I just bought a ice box to test things out before I build my own for the central ac here, I don't intend to run it off a chiller but a freezer with a res in it. These little coils in the ice box are toy man, I'm talking a 20 by 20 coil at the very least.
You are completey backward!! The Ice Box is not a chiller. It's a heat exchanger. What you are referring to with your 20x20 coil is your chiller heat exchanger. The Ice Box is not the same thing. The Ice Box is the spot cooler; not the chiller. They have 8" diameters for a reason...what's the point of a 20x20 diameter on a heat exchanger if your fan is only 8". You need pressure behind the air you push through the heat exchanger. You can't just get a 20x20 one and put a wall fan behind it. An Ice Box with a good Inline Fan will out perform that anyday.


New Member
Just went on eBay and the cheapest 1/2hp chiller for hydro (NOT AQUARIUMS) is around $750; it does have a built in pump though. You can get a 1.5hp chiller for $1000. Not sure you understand the whole technology of water cooling. You are basically saying that getting 2 12,000btu a/c's is more efficient and cheaper than getting 1 24,0000btu a/c.


Well-Known Member
Just went on eBay and the cheapest 1/2hp chiller for hydro (NOT AQUARIUMS) is around $750; it does have a built in pump though. You can get a 1.5hp chiller for $1000. Not sure you understand the whole technology of water cooling. You are basically saying that getting 2 12,000btu a/c's is more efficient and cheaper than getting 1 24,0000btu a/c.
That's good for you man, you must have a fucking degree in water cooling, my god. I personally bought a good as new 1/2 horse chiller on craigslist for 400 . It would appear all you want to do is argue and you know every-fucking-thing, so to you I say have a nice day. To OP I say good luck with your adventure and you have the number one authority in your corner on water cooliong or more than likely any-fucking-thing.


New Member
That's good for you man, you must have a fucking degree in water cooling, my god. I personally bought a good as new 1/2 horse chiller on craigslist for 400 . It would appear all you want to do is argue and you know every-fucking-thing, so to you I say have a nice day. To OP I say good luck with your adventure and you have the number one authority in your corner on water cooliong or more than likely any-fucking-thing.
LMFAO!! Hilarious. This guy comes in acting like he knows what he's talking about. Shows that he has no clue what he's saying. And then throws a temper tantrum and walks out. Classic.

BTW, what gave it away that I am an expert on water cooling? Was it the thread in my signature called "Water Cooled Grow Rooms"? Lmao!! I've done everything from 1hp chillers on a single tent to 8hp chillers on trailers to 20hp chillers on 2500sq.ft. spaces. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone on here that know as much as me when it comes to water cooling.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO!! Hilarious. This guy comes in acting like he knows what he's talking about. Shows that he has not clue what he's saying. And then throws a temper tantrum and walk out. Classic.

BTW, what gave it away that I am an expert on water cooling? Was it the thread in my signature called "Water Cooled Grow Rooms"? Lmao!! I've done everything from 1hp chillers on a single tent to 8hp chillers on trailers to 20hp chillers on 2500sq.ft. spaces. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone on here that know as much as me when it comes to water cooling.
Dude, you aren't all that, really, go look in the mirror some more.


Well-Known Member
You are completey backward!! The Ice Box is not a chiller. It's a heat exchanger. What you are referring to with your 20x20 coil is your chiller heat exchanger. The Ice Box is not the same thing. The Ice Box is the spot cooler; not the chiller. They have 8" diameters for a reason...what's the point of a 20x20 diameter on a heat exchanger if your fan is only 8". You need pressure behind the air you push through the heat exchanger. You can't just get a 20x20 one and put a wall fan behind it. An Ice Box with a good Inline Fan will out perform that anyday.
You must have missed the part about me being in hvac for the past 2 decades. I'm talking about putting a water chilled coil 20 inches by 20 inches in a transition in the goddamn ac system. If you think I settle for things like box fans set behind robbed condensing unit coils or better yet old car radiators you're fucking seriously mistaken.


Well-Known Member
also I see you like to draw, every build on any of these plans? I fail to see any photos,ink is cheap.


New Member
You must have missed the part about me being in hvac for the past 2 decades. I'm talking about putting a water chilled coil 20 inches by 20 inches in a transition in the goddamn ac system. If you think I settle for things like box fans set behind robbed condensing unit coils or better yet old car radiators you're fucking seriously mistaken.
What, you think this is something new? They are called water cooled air handlers. I have two 5 ton units. You don't think this has already been done before. Little piece of knowledge...most large building are run on water cooled air conditioning and have been for years. It's a WAY more efficient system because water has the capacity to absorb heat 4 times greater than air does. If you knew anything about cars you'd know that a radiater heat exchanger is the exact same thing as the heat exchangers in water cooled chillers, a/c's, etc.. Probably more well built.


New Member
also I see you like to draw, every build on any of these plans? I fail to see any photos,ink is cheap.
If you knew shit you'd know most of us don't put up pics of out ops. Find me 5 ops on this whole forum with more than 10,000 watts. Good luck. Don't become a whiney little bitch because you spoke about something as if you knew what you were talking about and then it was proven you didn't know shit and were just trying to act like a know it all. Take you embarrassment like a man. Only chics use the old line "pics or it didn't happen."


Well-Known Member
What, you think this is something new? They are called water cooled air handlers. I have two 5 ton units. You don't think this has already been done before. Little piece of knowledge...most large building are run on water cooled air conditioning and have been for years. It's a WAY more efficient system because water has the capacity to absorb heat 4 times greater than air does. If you knew anything about cars you'd know that a radiater heat exchanger is the exact same thing as the heat exchangers in water cooled chillers, a/c's, etc.. Probably more well built.
my god its like talking to a brick wall, when the fuck did I EVER say this was a new method? jesus you're all about you and don't actually read what someone else has said. megalomaniac! enjoy your water chilled little life, glad you invented it or we'd be up shit creek. goodbye megalomaniac.


New Member
An 18,000 btu at a minimum for 4k ...even if they are AC hoods.
i agree. only way you are using less is if it's REALLY cold where you live. probably gonna need more for the summer months. cheaper to get a 24,000btu one and not need it all the time than it is to get an 18,000btu and realize that in the summer you need more.


Well-Known Member
check out minisplitwharehouse.com better yet, pick up the phone and call them. they are grow room friendly and very knowledgeable. Wouldn't shop anywhere else. Those guys rock and they will give you the straight dope on quality.