12/12 cfl First Grow ever!


Well-Known Member
I've been growing this baby since nov 1st(Top skunk 44). Had a couple of other seeds not make it out of the dirt. I am using 50/50 MG Organic and promix potting soils. I have 8cfl's on her right now a mix of 6500k, 5000k, and 2700k. She has been growing super slow compared to all the other plants i've seen on here. She showed sex about 1 week ago. She has been on 12/12 from the very beginning. I used MG all purpose plant food for about two feeds before she showed sex, then swithed over to Jacks classic bloom booster 10-30-20.
I have one new seedling(California Orange) growing in a peat pellet in a 1 1/2 liter pot, and a new seed(Juicy Fruit) germinating in a peat pellet in another 1 1/2 pot with a ziploc bag over it.

So i've basically been bumbling along and got lucky with the one lady growing slowly but surely. I have been scanning all kinds of journals on here getting info for my grow and just don't want to lose my girl this far in; so reaching out for some guidance. Heres pix of my set up and pix of my little lady.
All posts; comments, pix, advice welcome. Thank you RIU you don't know how helpful you have already been.

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Well-Known Member
On my way out of town and decided to do some LST'ing to my girl. Getting worried about her growing into the lights. She has already burnt herself twice. Also trying to figure out how to keep her watered while i'm gone. Thinking about one of those watering spkikes or should i just water her really good before i leave and just let her do what she do.

LST'ing plant.jpg


Active Member
Hey Tik how's it going? I couldn't see your first pics for some reason, but the last one looks good. That little gal looks pretty healthy. If you can let us know how long you plan to leave it might help you with some good responses. How big is your container btw?


Well-Known Member
Hey Warped thanks for responding and commenting on my little lady. I am growing in a 2gal pot. I will be out of town for about 2weeks. I will repost the other pix and maybe a couple of more.



Well-Known Member
I don't know. She got her first hairs about 14 days ago so two weeks of flowering. She's been on 12/12 since seed. Still kind of short about 8in. I Bent her over and tied her a little in anticipation of me leaving. Last watered her on Monday and the soil is still pretty moist, I am going to try to stretch the next watered as far out as possible to see how long she can go without. That will hopefully help me gauge how well she will do. I don't have anyone that can come over and water for me. Wish I could just take her with me, Lol.


Active Member
Why not start on 18/6... this is crucial for vegging and would help with your size as well... then switch to 12/12 for flowering... im also on my first grow... using aeroponics and cfl's... heres a pic of 3 colas on my first grow... im 2 weeks in to flowering after vegging on 18/6 for 4 weeks...


Active Member
sorry forgot to add that shes about 30 inches tall now... 5600k cfl's are perfect for vegging 18/6... then switch to 12/12 and use warmer light temps like 2700k...


Active Member
oh sorry lol... a bucket, an electronic fish tank pump, and a standard light timer would fix that problem... just set the timer to when to turn on the pump to water the plants... just keep the water source light proof so algae doesnt form...


Active Member
Warped1 that thing is awesome... found it for 6 bucks... if i decide to switch to dirt ill def have to invest in one...


Well-Known Member
Warped thank you man that thing looks very interesting. I have to look into more and soon.

Jaag I like he water pump idea also I already have that just worried about how long to set it for, and how much water is going to come out everyday. I'll have to experiment with it. Also I get the grow philosophy behind 18/6 but I have seen some awesome results on here with 12/12 and it seemed straight forward and easier to me. Check out the 12/12 forum on here.


Active Member
The problem I see with using the pump idea is overwatering. It seems like your plant would get watered whether it needed it or not


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm worried about over watering. I'm going to see if I can get a Tropf- Blumat and see how it works. It seems like a good device if it actually works. Thanks again for your help.


Well-Known Member
I have a new seedling trying to grow after some rough first days. I moved it to a little grow box i made up and put it on 24/0 lights. I will leave it on there until i leave and then it will be put on 12/12. I like the 12/12 light cycle, after this grow is complete i will do a more traditional 18/6 grow. I saw one post that used a weekly descending schedule i might follow. 18/6, 17/7, 16/8, 15/9,... until you reach 12/12. sounds interesting. Pix of my little grow box and seedling and of my skunky little girl.

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Active Member
they look good, I was kind of wondering why you started from 12/12 myself. I dont know much about it. but I believe you can get more bud if you let it veg longer?..... whats your theaory ? :)