12/12 f*** up

So my new b ass I'm pretty sure had my damn timer on a damn 11 on and 13 off by accident. It is 9 days into flower. Started, what I thought was 12/12 on 4-11-16. I noticed it just now b4 she went to bed. Am I gunna have a hermi, a bad smoking buds, or am I ok? I'm pry, knowing my luck, screwed. But worth a shot to ask. Thank u to all who respond!!!!
O dude u just made me sleep tonight lol. I was hella tripping because of the shit I went through with this. Its been rough n learned a lot. Thank u lots bro.
To whitebb and Bose....thank u so much guys. I'm anxious for it to b done. Its my first grow. I know patients is key. So when the time finally does come to load and or roll a bowel/blunt, ima enjoy that shit. You guys are the shit!!!!


Well-Known Member
O dude u just made me sleep tonight lol. I was hella tripping because of the shit I went through with this. Its been rough n learned a lot. Thank u lots bro.
I have only grown a few times and always freak out when I do something wrong. I have been trying to flower for 2 weeks only to realize my secondary light was not plugged into the damn timer and was on 24/7. But I fixed it and am now currently waiting to see what comes next. But these plants are amazing and can bounce back if you can catch your mistake soon enough. Have patience and try to learn from your mistakes and you will be fine. Smoking your first herb that you grew yourself is a very satisfying experience.
Puke.....it is in a way scary lol. But in ur case at least the light was on n not ruining the flower tho. Cause a Hermie is nothing anyone wants. Unless it is on purpose for guaranteed female seeds. Thanks for ur reply bro.


Well-Known Member
Potentially it could. But I bet a lot of strains would flower fine under 13/11 if that's what they got for the whole time in the flower period.

Ive never tried it myself though so i canr say for sure.
Caveman.....I was just curious cause I wanted c maybe if it would flower faster or stress her in a good way. I searched n couldn't really find an answer on Google. Bit ima keep lookin. If I find any useful info I'll post the info. Thank u for ur reply.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
So I just found online that quite a few ppl use a 13 off 11 on schedule. Someone on their said he believes it helps sativa flower faster.
That would be correct. In my Garden, Sativa's start at 13/11 and drop a half hr every 10 days...till 11/13. At late stage bulking they go down by that half hr again till 10/14 and they finish cleaner.....this would be for Pure or Natural Sativa's.

I always flower everything else at 11/13 - LESS "herming" - MORE stability! 12/12 is actually rather "un" natural!


Well-Known Member
I've also found I get less male flowers that show up on 10.5/13.5 than I got during 12/12.
The reasons I went to a longer dark period were
A. When I was planning my flower space I got wasted (and unfortunately built it in that state) and I ended up with some light leaks. I did some research and threads I found where people used more dark time almost never had serious late flower herms (light came on up there) and the light leaks seem much less detrimental now that I've switched (I'm sure it still hurts my yield though).

B. It saves me a bit of electricity which I'm deffjnitely ok with.
Being that i was on the 13 on 11 off. N i mighta been over thinking that n was 12/12 but either way it is good now. But now my next question is woukd it hurt my girl to go, slowly, to a 11 on 13 off schedule.


Well-Known Member
Being that i was on the 13 on 11 off. N i mighta been over thinking that n was 12/12 but either way it is good now. But now my next question is woukd it hurt my girl to go, slowly, to a 11 on 13 off schedule.
Nope. I start at 13/11 and drop 15 minuits every week with all pheno's. Just make sure the timer doesn't stay on longer then it should be
Nope. I start at 13/11 and drop 15 minuits every week with all pheno's. Just make sure the timer doesn't stay on longer then it should be
I need a upgrade in timer. Mine is one them nondigital lift the tab so its a peicer. But better gan nothing i suppose. But tganks. I think ill try it but 30 mins at a time. Being mine only goes by 30's. Thank u for ur reply brother


Well-Known Member
I need a upgrade in timer. Mine is one them nondigital lift the tab so its a peicer. But better gan nothing i suppose. But tganks. I think ill try it but 30 mins at a time. Being mine only goes by 30's. Thank u for ur reply brother
yeah i would stick with 30 mins every 2 weeks then. Honestly though, buy a digital timer and be over with it. I hate those tab style timers, they dont turn on and off on the exact time, sometimes they can randomly turn on/off regardless of the tab position because the spring loaded contact below it isnt tight enough. I've even had issues where my timer wouldnt turn off if i had it upside down lmao. Nothing but trouble for me so just watch that thing good.