12/12 From Seed CFL Northern Lights : 1st Grow


looking very nice. :)

Question. Why didn't you go with 41w, 2700k, 2900 lume CFLs insted of the other ones?
The price difference between the 23W and the 41W is pretty big, so I instead went with a larger number of CFL's for more coverage and from my experience, if you do the numbers, there are more lumens per watt as you go down in wattage on CFL's. 23W seemed to work out best for me!


So I took a closer look at all the plants today and I have 3 females and 2 males out of the 7 planted seeds. I didn't take a really really close look at the plants, which I probably should soon ( just under some bad light with bad eyes), but 3 seemed to be obvious females and 2 had multiple balls growing on the top so I'm guessing those are males!!! I'm happy with the ration so far!! Here are some pics, again sorry for the bad quality all I have right now to take pics is my phone:

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
lookin very nice man, sub'd!! i jus germed sum NL aswell and probs gonna do a 12/12.
i find n.l to be very low odour, even when in flower...wot do u think so far?


lookin very nice man, sub'd!! i jus germed sum NL aswell and probs gonna do a 12/12.
i find n.l to be very low odour, even when in flower...wot do u think so far?
I can't be happier with my Norther Light... As far as odor not much at all... You can only really smell it when you take a close whiff... Excellent strain for 12/12 in my opinion!!!!


So... All 7 plants have shown sex and the results are:
4 females and 3 males... Not the ideal 5 females and 2 males I was hoping for but hey I'm super happy with the results! I separated the males, keeping 2 and killing 1 =( so I can produce some seed with this grow. I also wanted to try LST'ing so I did it on the tallest plant I have to see how that works out in a 12/12 from seed environment. Anyway here are some pics....

el tio

Active Member
2 males..???? i thing thats gonna be risky my man..u gonna have seeds everywere..:S:S hope the lst works! im courrently trying it on one of my babies..thats my experimental baby..how long it took your plants to show its real sex..?????


Active Member
Thoes male to female numbers suck but keep all the males alive and harvest their pollen. The one you kill off could be a better one of the other 2. They are looking good but no crystals on the leafs


2 males..???? i thing thats gonna be risky my man..u gonna have seeds everywere..:S:S hope the lst works! im courrently trying it on one of my babies..thats my experimental baby..how long it took your plants to show its real sex..?????
I moved the 2 males to a different area they won't be able to pollinate any of the ladies.... I didn't know the sex of the plants till about day 23 but thats because I wasn't looking very hard so I'll guess at around day 20 they showed signs of sex!


Thoes male to female numbers suck but keep all the males alive and harvest their pollen. The one you kill off could be a better one of the other 2. They are looking good but no crystals on the leafs
More than 50% female sucks? Geez I thought it was OK.. LoL I'm picking the 2 males that grew faster and showed sex faster, just from reading around it seems that's the quality I want right?


So I looked at my plants this morning and the yellowing of some of the fan leaves is getting worse!! WTF I know it probably isn't nute burn I haven't fed the plants anything except half a dose of fish emulsion which is hardly anything and that was only for two weeks (used straight water this past week due to some yellowing and I was afraid it was due to the emulsion, but I doubted it), and I started with organic soil with plenty of worm castings... I'm thinking its a nute defficiency. I'm going to start giving them some food tomorrow morning. SCHULTZ Plus Plant food -> 10-15-10. I hope they respond well to the 1/2 dose I plant to give for the first week. I really hope its just a little difficiency! Can anyone tell me how fast plants resopnd to a feeding when they are deficient in nutes?

el tio

Active Member
hey here some pics of today! hope u like em! coment back and hope u solve ur problems with ur babies..!!!! god bles them!

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
u can usually catch nute burn after a few hours. But seeing if its a defficancy is harder...cos the yellow spots will not go back to green, u jus gotta hope it doesnt get worse =]
nice pics man...starting to produce nice main cola!

this dude got sum good results with N.L 12/12 from seed!

el tio

Active Member
:lol:;-):leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint:thanks man! ill keep posting pics every week or so..wish me luck with my babies and hope no cows eat my shit like last time..:(:(:( :wall::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: