12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains


Well-Known Member
Main difference is that RDWC is more suitable for growing trees, i.e. large plants, and tubes are more suitable for SoG (optimally with clones).
What is your definition of trees (large plants) grown with artificial light/s?

If your assumption is tubes with holes for plants-------then I agree. GH even warns about it in their aeroflow doc. I wouldn't
even want to run SOG in plant holes.

If just tubes in general-----then NO----I do not agree. Got that T shirt.

In my opinion----from what I've seen-----you're a great resource for this community.


(BTW, Spent the last two days selecting pics for a journal.)
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Well-Known Member
I know a bunch of growers that never go above 600 ppm. I know I didn't have problems until I went that high.

I think that when you are feeding the roots directly you can starve them a little and the roots will grow in response to looking for food. I still don't know whether big roots are a benefit in hydro like they are in soil.


Well-Known Member
The only thing negative about ProTeKt is the fact that it raises your pH. Add it after you have mixed up all of your water and additives.
That's because of the K probably, ph up usually is potassium carbonate / potassium hydroxide, a form of K too.

@Alaric, good point, "tubes with holes" a la GH aeroflo indeed, and yes I realize the open acces you have makes a difference. Surely one can grow large plants in tubes too. I look forward to your journal!


Well-Known Member
Good info @skunkd0c, thanks for writing. I agree down to the canna recommendation (H&G is just a canna clone but ime slighlty better). The socalled cannabis specific nutes tend to be rip offs but only if you buy the entire line, a couple of bottles or jugs of the base nutes are relatively cheap and can last a very long time. I spend about $20 per run and don't get a gram less then when I spend 4 times that amount. Fun at first, being able to mix a soup with so many bottles but after a while AB becomes the obvious choice.

I should probably go back to grasscity some day and thank the guy who led me to lower ppms. Funny discussion, I was doing a pretty good job defending 2.0 EC and higher with haelthy plants to back it up but the dude was right in hindsight. Skeptic as I am it took me 3 runs to lower the EC from 2 to 1-ish, ended up doing a .72 run ( half from tap already) after that just to find the bottom of the range and still got very healthy plants with the usual results, just had to add nutes more often. Hence 0.9-1.3. Convenient, safe, and plenty. Heath, Lucas, and several other hydro guys here came to the same conclusion. Based on system difference and amount of leaves it can vary and slighlty higher may be neccessary. Eg when you remove leaves th plants transpire less (easily observable in soil pots too), thus drink less water. If the nutrient uptake remains similar but the water level drops less fast the EC of the rez will drop faster. I also think that the speed of the water flow plays a role. Up to a point recirculating faster should allow for lower EC while still having plenty of all ions available at a given moment. Similar to how proper ventilation can be better for refreshing the CO2 depleted zone around leaves than adding high amounts of stagnant CO2 in the air. The contents of tapwater plays a role too which is not used up in an amount equal to the nutrient portion of the soup. Lighting affects both water and nutrient uptake as well and all these factors is why a system like NFT requires some dialing in, even if they were all the same AeroFlo system.

Not using bloom boosters or other additives high on one or more elements, but instead base nutes with good ratio, in combination with a not too large rez size that allows you to top off a good amount frequently should indeed avoid ever running into major imbalance. I started out refreshing every week regardless of usage and freshness, then I figured out if I don't dump my rez full with nutes and water, basically run with a smaller rez contents, I top off enough to avoid a complete refresh. I do think a weekly refresh is good practice for the first run or two. Just preventative.

Probably everyone who has grown mediumless noticed the improved nutrient uptake after a refresh. I try to keep that going by topping off with water and nutes frequently. It was the key to running as low as 0.72ec (which was a test and not what I recommend) as with such low ec the imbalance became obvious faster. I.e. When dropped to 0.70 after three days it appearantly still had a similar EC but undoubtedly a completely different composition, a different ratio with some elements more depleted than others. Ideally we'd be able to measure the npk and other elements in the soup and steer the ratio similar to the total amount based on EC. See Hanna photometer, $200 buck per piece and pretty much per element.

That turned out abit longer than planned...
the kush x cheese plant i was growing, was in a 20liter res, it ended up needing 12 liters per day to keep the water level the same
this is over half the total res contents, not a good idea if you only want to check on the plants every few days, but i am here all the time so it does not matter
during the hot months this helps keep the res cool as i am constantly adding cold water

the ph and ec would be fluctuating daily from something like 1.3 to 2.3 when the water level drops
as i am adding new tap water daily the ph would of most likely been now lower than 6.8 for most of the grow
i always add nutes based on ec readings, but now i think i will not bother adding any food unless the plants seem to be growing slowly
or show any slight deficiencies, i find that the food additions are very irregular, even with this plant that appeard to have a very even growth pattern through all of its growing time
some weeks i will be adding food maybe 2-3 times in the same week as the ec constantly drops points, other weeks i will not feed them at all as the ec never drops

because i have been keeping the ec lower i have been adding phosphoric acid a little more often
i add 4ml or so almost a t-spoon full every other week or when i can remember, i know i could stop doing this, its just habit
at an ec of 1.5 the nutes are acidic enough to bring it below the alkaline threshold, which is enough to keep them healthy
my starting tap water is 7.4 ph at .2 ec , the recommendation for these systems when they first came out was ec 2.0 ph 6.2

i used to keep it like that all the time, adding acid all the time to keep the ph constant, i would also change the res every 2 weeks or so
but i found all these things have no benefit
allowing the ph to drift along with lower ec has given me the same results
i personally do not believe the food is that important compared to the other variables
its the hydro that i can most relay on to work, i do not worry about it too much, as long as the pumps keep pumping
i dialed the system in , round about 1997 i have been repeating what works
my main focus is selecting new genetics as this makes the biggest difference overall
i am not interested in trying a new food unless it saves me money, or a bud enhancer
the tiny amount of difference it could make is not worth the effort imo, and i do not like spraying anything on plants
i do not think weed plants are big eaters, giving them growth regulators / hormones will cause an affect perhaps,
but a change in diet i do not believe it will do much for the price on the bottle of bud candy or whatever

for yield and size and such, water is just if not more important, like with soil folk try to provide more drainage
so they can water the plant more often without rotting the roots, making the wet/dry cycle quicker makes plants in soil grow quicker
with hydo the plants can drink huge amounts of water, i think this is overlooked as one of the reasons why hydro tends to grow larger plants in the same time frame
all of that extra water allows the plant to stay cool in higher temps, which also speeds things up imo



Well-Known Member
Your experience, methods and observations sound very similar to mine. My rez is roughly 45liter but I ended up not using it entirely. A benefit of smaller res is also that it'easier to keep the DO level high enough. Even your tapwater ph and ec is pretty much the same as mine.

my main focus is selecting new genetics as this makes the biggest difference overall
Yes once you experience that those additives don't actually "add" anything and the plants grow exceptional on nft it also becomes appearant that the limit is primarily genetically determined. It's directly why I got into breeding. If you want to feed more to get bigger buds you first need a plant that wants more nutrients and grows larger buds.


Well-Known Member

I think that when you are feeding the roots directly you can starve them a little and the roots will grow in response to looking for food. I still don't know whether big roots are a benefit in hydro like they are in soil.
I don't know either------what strength do you "starving" occurs?

My theory (totally non-sciencetific) Larger roots= larger branches = larger stems = larger buds----i've never seen a massive cola on a toothpick stem / branch----but I have seen massive buds-jugs.jpg colas produced from massive roots.rootsbest.jpg


Well-Known Member
I don't know either------what strength do you "starving" occurs?

My theory (totally non-sciencetific) Larger roots= larger branches = larger stems = larger buds----i've never seen a massive cola on a toothpick stem / branch----but I have seen massive View attachment 3465891 colas produced from massive roots.View attachment 3465892
They are some very nice colas good job if that was your grow


Well-Known Member
Ouch! ---------Yes mine.

I checked out your journal-----extremely impressive.

twilight zone moment-----first thing I saw----blue dream----surfing the solar waves now.

Have you got a grow log would love to check it out... ? also no disrespect about if it was your grow or not i didn't know if you were just using the photos to prove that big roots = big fruits that's all :weed:

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Hey guys...quick question. The ProTekt silica is arriving today. The instructions say to use 0.5 to 1.0 tsp per gallon for recirculating. Does this sound correct or is it like nute manufacturers where they always overstate what you really need? In the event I mix my soup and then top off every other day, should I be including more silica in the topoff too?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys...quick question. The ProTekt silica is arriving today. The instructions say to use 0.5 to 1.0 tsp per gallon for recirculating. Does this sound correct or is it like nute manufacturers where they always overstate what you really need? In the event I mix my soup and then top off every other day, should I be including more silica in the topoff too?
I always start of using half of what the manufacture stats as that is usually too strong. Silica will make your ph rise tremendously so take that into account too

It's good stuff this helps protects against heat stress and helps build nice thick stems. I need to get some organic silica for my soil. Don't want to use any synthetics but a lol silica may not hurt my microcredit. I'll have to do some digging around to see what others are experiencing.

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Quick update:

Before lights out last night, EC was sitting at 1.2 and PH was 6.3. Both had been pretty stable since the rez change (36 hours ago as of last night).
This morning when the lights came on, EC was at 1.2 and PH was down to 5.6. I topped off with 5 gallons which was the perfect amount. I had previously said they were drinking 5 gallons a day....I was wrong...5 gallons every 2 days. I topped off with 20% strength and did not use PH down. EC is now 1.1 and PH is 6.1.


Well-Known Member
^^ air stones added to what? Nute temp now?

Your nute consumption rate is only going to increase as they grow. I'm guilty of looking for leaks before (could hardly believe that much consumption even though my grow room) One of those things people have to experience for themselves (well, I did anyway).

Don't remember if you're running a chiller?

Do you have any "foreign materials" (organic) in your tubes?

Large rez volumes = less swing and more nute stability.


Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
^^ air stones added to what? Nute temp now?

Your nute consumption rate is only going to increase as they grow. I'm guilty of looking for leaks before (could hardly believe that much consumption even though my grow room) One of those things people have to experience for themselves (well, I did anyway).

Don't remember if you're running a chiller?

Do you have any "foreign materials" (organic) in your tubes?

Large rez volumes = less swing and more nute stability.

I need to get some more pictures to you guys. The 1st sign that something was not quite right was about 2 weeks ago. Some of the leaves were curling under. This happened before any spots on leaves were seen. The curl under is still happening. I does not seem to be getting worse, just remaining consistent.

The nute temp is very consistent...67 to 68 degrees. Yes, the rez temps are managed by a chiller.
There should not be any foreign materials of any kind in the tubes. They were clean to start with.

I'll upload some pictures for you guys to look it. The rez is being oxygenated like so:
There are 4 of these 4 inch air stones.

2 of them are running on their own 40 gallon pump:
The other 2 stones are being powered from a single Tetra 60 gallon air pump.

And finally, I have a 396 Gallon per minute water pump fitted with a Venturi. This does a great job agitating the rez as well as bringing in fresh O2. I figured this would be way overkill but now I'm not sure.

My rez is 27 gallons.


Well-Known Member
The nute temp is very consistent...67 to 68 degrees.
By itself very acceptable temps but I do run a little lower with chiller. Specifically 65, but it climbs up to 69 before the chiller kicks in. Point is if you want to drop it one or two degrees you can. Colder solution does allow for slightly increased DO.

The air stones are already sort of extra. The flow is constantly aerated along the path too plus you got the venturi. If the air stones, or lack of, would be the problem, then theoretically the plants at the end of the line should be more affected than at the start. With multiple strains that can be misleading though, the one at the end could be the one that deals best with it.

I noticed some of that curling I think you are referring to, I got that a little sometimes before they take off, once they are able to transpire enough and fast enough it always disappeared.

Also, you mentioned you couldn't lift the pots from most plants to check the roots. While that is obviously inconvenient now it's by itself a good sign. If the roots gone bad and you lift a pot it won't resists as much (and break off its roots so be careful). Just something I considered doing myself before I figured I can take pics of my roots through the holes of my sprayers, melt a peeping hole in a tube near on of the worst plants, so you can check the roots.

They are probably done creating most of the root mass by now, is it possible the shallowness of the flow is causing issues now? Can you see if it raised slightly because of the roots?

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Hey bro also remember that Silica needs to be added before anything else or its a waste if your mix is already done just mix it in a bottle and
dilute it i noticed a bit change when i started mixing my nutrients right hope this helps the guy talks to much but there is some great info in there

Thanks for the heads up. I decided I'm going to hold off introducing this until I can wrap my head around what the problem is (if it is in fact a problem). But noted and thank you!