12/12 From seed to Harvest (1 oz Honies)

hmmmm, thats weird and crazy stuff man.:leaf:

I maybe doing it wrong? An old dope farmer from the 60's showed me the trick. Same dude that got me strain #3 seed he claims it's name is "DonkeyDick"? How knows all I know for sure is, it;s bitching bag seed that the farmer said "I've grown the same s--t for year boy I thick it's DonkeyDick". It grows fast and tall. veg to 20" will harvest at 60"+. The tall it gets the long to flower add about 1 week for every 10" over 40".

It's doing crazy shit in this grow? 12/12 from seed and 54" wtf? it's tall just skinny.

Then Strain #1 Strawberry Jam is the first time I've tried my seeds from my seed crop. My first grom was a seed crop for three girls and three strains with the daddies also. The moms were these.


Picture is seed crop not a 12/12 grow it's where I got my 1000's of seed s for each strain.

But I still get a seed or two in each plant.
I had a big post all ready to do. started the pic up load and f'd it up.

so with my dyslexia i can do the post with out them so maybe a kitten could help me when i go to work, here kitty kitty.

I'll try my best the do a short breif high light.

first one harvest final weigt dry and curded 7.6g

scond dry in cure First dry weight 28.7g

4 more in stages of final harvest each is biger than last. the pride and joy pik here is beond my words.

9 left in flower room 3 x 3 under the big light and they are the big ones up to 54".

i need the pic i can't spell sht stoned
just 8 oz of juice. pour stright into plant in a 1 gallon pot at every drink time for 3-4 days + 1 more day with a 16 oz over night flush. No fan leaves the last day. I don't know why but the dude that showed me did it that way. It had to do with stop feeding from leaf and force a last root surge? It does do something to it MrsRocket has liked it in the past.

edit: now if you do some math it will be easy to pick a pot size.

at peek plants drink 1/2 gallon a day. and my max I can give at each watering is 8 oz in a 1 gallon pot. That's 4x water a day. (some one has to be at the garden a lot well 4 times in 12 hours. (can't water at night so thry like breakfast as soon as the sun turns on).

With 10" - 12" pots will hold a gallon of water at one time. Peek is still 1/2 gallon per day so water every 2 days.

date is from my grows with my strains yours may be a little different.

yeah... mine are in 5 gallon buckets and i water every 4 days (when top few inches of soil is dry) they take almost 3/4 of a gallon of h2o before it starts to trickle out the bottom. im at a 30% perlite mix so the soil reatains water a little longer. i'm sure they will start to drink more as they grow up. they arent 12/12 from seed but i want to give a few of the the apple juice treatment. do you normally water 8 oz 4 x a day for your normal routine? so what ever my plant is normally drinking at 3-4 days left to go i can substitute with the same capacity of apple juice?

my next grow will definately be 12/12 from seed- thanx for the inspiration.
Like all ways the day starts with me opening the doors and watering.


Some days it's just best to take them out and this is one of those days.
Just pics of the unload. Blow up the 2nd it's the tall girls.

With everyone out take a few minutes to clean, I windex the wall with the germ kill kind. Sweep and wash the floor then check all equiptment.


Next if you got big ones MrsRocket likes to keep any and all messes in the bath tub. First I start with the little ones.


Next move on to some big ones.


After you are done the mess cleans up easy.


Then it's put them back and level the tops.


and more


Next is my favorate. she is the first born of the grow, first in 6" pot, first to show sex.


(I would love to start a thread with this picture and the first person that asks about lighting, I'll say "It's a 60w lite, but the mirror make it a 120w. It loves it look it even out grew the area".)

All back for the day, 9 are left in the Flower Chamber.


I will post some harvest update after I write it. and dinner and more harvesting. and the big one is after MrsRocket and I go over appartment stuff.
Got a q fer ya brah: How long to show sex? I know that you have checked out my bagseed grow. Well I am, inadvertently, doin a 12/12 from seed grow. I thought I had vegged enuf, put them in early flower to show sex, and it turns out that they were NOT mature enuf, so are now growing 12/12 from ALMOST seed. It has been a lil over a month since the seeds cracked, and about 25 days since veg cycle began. Sure seems to me like sex should be obvious by now. There is NO sign, and I'm gettin anxious, cause I need to make room fer 4 new girls that are gonna be joinin the grow next week! Got n-e advise fer me?
Got a q fer ya brah: How long to show sex? I know that you have checked out my bagseed grow. Well I am, inadvertently, doin a 12/12 from seed grow. I thought I had vegged enuf, put them in early flower to show sex, and it turns out that they were NOT mature enuf, so are now growing 12/12 from ALMOST seed. It has been a lil over a month since the seeds cracked, and about 25 days since veg cycle began. Sure seems to me like sex should be obvious by now. There is NO sign, and I'm gettin anxious, cause I need to make room fer 4 new girls that are gonna be joinin the grow next week! Got n-e advise fer me?

With this grow and all are girls. 21 daysish to 30. Now I count all the plats as if they pop on day 1 but some are up to 5 days younger.

the grow was a test that got to many girls.

Day 78 with 9 left


Day 69 all 15 in there.


I think I put to many in. it slow growth and is reducing yeild. I how the rest pump. I like my plants and wemon to be the same. (top heavy and plump)
So, I shud have known a while ago about their sex? N-e ideas as to why arent they showing yet? Do ya have n-e suggestions or advice, by any chance?

just not the same as mine.

so if you patern after my grow be prepared to tweek.

I only say this as every day by post, or pm, or on home page place I get I read your thread and am starting 12/12.

my stuff is just a guide cut the nutes in 1/2 at first. I'm stoned i should go to bed.
just not the same as mine.

so if you patern after my grow be prepared to tweek.

I only say this as every day by post, or pm, or on home page place I get I read your thread and am starting 12/12.

my stuff is just a guide cut the nutes in 1/2 at first. I'm stoned i should go to bed.
:lol:Brah, you musta been HELLA high, and HELLA tired, cause deciphering wat ya wrote, is a doozy! Hopefully you can answer it fer me on my thread?
:lol:Brah, you musta been HELLA high, and HELLA tired, cause deciphering wat ya wrote, is a doozy! Hopefully you can answer it fer me on my thread?

i think he is saying that your grow is not exactly the same as his so there will be some differences in your grow. like when the plants show sex for example. (it should be within two weeks of 12/12 but could take longer depending on strain and conditions). so use this grow as a lose guide and tweak as necessary, and start your nutes off at half strenght.

i hope i didnt mess anything up in translation!
Lookin great Randy. Can't wait for the final weigh in. I think you're going to convince alot of people to start growing 12/12 from the start.
i think he is saying that your grow is not exactly the same as his so there will be some differences in your grow. like when the plants show sex for example. (it should be within two weeks of 12/12 but could take longer depending on strain and conditions). so use this grow as a lose guide and tweak as necessary, and start your nutes off at half strenght.

i hope i didnt mess anything up in translation!

yes, with stoned, tire, and dyslexia (I really have) that what i meat to type


Edit: I need to spreed some love, I'll lock for a kitten I think I can rep MrsRocket and her girl friend. Both grow kittens.
My updates are two days behind, movig, typing skill, life, mid harvest, much more. So stay tuned.;-)

Day 80

they came out backward.

2 of the plants 1 is 52" and one is in a 44 oz cup forgot to measure

Also two in mother cab are dring.

Most are ready or close I tired I may take a vacation day and frip on the light and finish.

Edit:due to time with the move i will ceep up on pot as this in small break. MrsRocket is editing a rather larger endind to this grow were during the move and step up over new apartment (i will need to scale down, i likie to peek an eye uo yhe locale crsaiges ltis. yhis is the time bouhtgof yrea i my 430 watt lihgt.) please do not translate that statment some one may gey lucky. that's what i see at a first glance if i read what you write to me. then if i am carefull i can un scramble it. some times my typing just f's up and my eyes think i type every thing just great. the next day after i can't edit i see who f'd it is. I've lost track of (3 journal) as to how may people read every word. It would take my a long time. thats also why i just look at the pics in your journils and help on small sentince. I would skip most of what i just wrote and look at the pics.

so soory for a long post on why a mechenical engenieer can type so f'd.
it's coming to an end, very busy

but between plants here are a few teast pics.


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