12/12 from seed to harvest


Well-Known Member
In order to convert movie files,. Paranormal Activity 4 Movie Awards, Can I Download Paranormal Activity 4 The Movie However, you must keep in mind that all download sites are not equal in quality or safety. It is illegal to download copyrighted material. If so you are in luck, that is if you are using the new Microsoft Word 2007, because you can download a formatted template for your next screen play and then simply write into that word template and then when you are done convert it all into a. Now, that anyone can download full length DVD movies online, there is no need to go to a DVD store and look for a new movie you want to watch, probably, just to get disappointed. Paranormal Activity 4 Preview, The Paranormal Activity 4 2009 Download For some reason, WMM does not like to import directly from that folder, it's far easier from the desktop.
Take a hint!!!!!!Look3721_zps4ad1b1cd.jpg


Well-Known Member
What's the brown, with the little blue that looks like a Christmas light bulb?
P.S. Your doggie has a serious/confused look... :)


Well-Known Member
What's the brown, with the little blue that looks like a Christmas light bulb?
P.S. Your doggie has a serious/confused look... :)
LoL that is the carpet behind him, It looks darker than white because of the flash and the blue thing is a water bottle

His head is in between my legs


Well-Known Member
Dammit, I don't wanna have to STUDY avatars! LOL
But yea, I see it now.........
The blue jeans, and him (or her) looking at you like "WTF?"
**Sorry I went back, I see "HIM"
You ever notie how dogs always look like they're smiling, unless they are sad, but always happy to see you?


Well-Known Member
Dammit, I don't wanna have to STUDY avatars! LOL
But yea, I see it now.........
The blue jeans, and him (or her) looking at you like "WTF?"
**Sorry I went back, I see "HIM"
You ever notie how dogs always look like they're smiling, unless they are sad, but always happy to see you?
That is why I love dogs, You leave out the fornt door for 30 seconds come back and they act like you were gone for a week.


Well-Known Member
Hell no....... Mine lays outside unless he feels like coming back in, but if he's bored, he goes next door to see if the guy there can come out and play. LOL
Yes,,,,,,, I am sure it's a "he".


New Member
That is why I love dogs, You leave out the fornt door for 30 seconds come back and they act like you were gone for a week.
Hahaa... I'll trade you both mine for yours. When I'm gone for 2 minutes smoking out front, I'll come in and the garbage has been gone through, the carpet is torn up, they pissed on the sofa. And when I look at em in shock they have that look on there face like ".... Oh shit" and they run cuz they know I'd fucking burn there nose with my lighter... True story


Well-Known Member
No ad blocker+ on Firefox. Uninstalled it and now I can see again! Lordy Jesus it's a miracle!
When I use FFox, all it blocks is that dam "support" box down in the right corner.
I'm usually lazy though, and my chrome is a little quicker, so I usually use it.