12/12 from seed using CFL's. NLxBig Bud and many many others!

Mister Black

Active Member
OK lights are about to be back on and I'll take a couple of snaps of the seedlings and the Moby Dick. MD got some water towards the end of the light cycle last night. Seems to be drinking faster now.
Seedlings are still 2/6 and I have a bad feeling about the other 4. Had a fan on nearby and I fear it may have dried out the rockwool and killed them. I'm dribbling a little water every day or 2 now just to keep the rockwool damp.
Will see what happens...

Pics!5.10.12 001.jpg

Mystery bag seed #1 the good strong looking seedling.

5.10.12 002.jpg

Mystery seedling number 2. Not looking so good

5.10.12 007.jpg

Moby dick in the tent. Looking better now it got some plain water.

5.10.12 005.jpg

Close up view of the Moby Dick. Growing fast now. Having to raise the lights every day or 2.


Well-Known Member
Ahh the lovely old red party cup. I've not seen the attraction of growing in one except for getting seedlings started. Their shape seems to promote good deep root growth. What is your plan with this grow?
I got 3 I'm going to let ride out all the way to harvest in the solos and i might try to LST in those little ass cups lol but depending on the growth since i pretty much killed the 3 bottom nodes of all 3 so they might get very top heavy.

Mister Black

Active Member
So today one of my Chocolope Kush seedlings broke ground. Nothing from the others yet and I drizzled a little water on them to keep em moist. Quite frankly I'm a bit worried my fan dried them out and killed them already. Will see what happens.

The Moby dick is looking very good now and growing quickly. The temp in my tent is the lowest ever. 70 degrees F. Very happy with that. Long may it continue.

Mister Black

Active Member
I got 3 I'm going to let ride out all the way to harvest in the solos and i might try to LST in those little ass cups lol but depending on the growth since i pretty much killed the 3 bottom nodes of all 3 so they might get very top heavy.
Good luck with the party cups. I'm thinking that you'll end up having to secure the cup somehow to stop it falling over as the plant grows. Why the party cups? Is it a very small space stealth grow or are you just having a bit of fun?


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the party cups. I'm thinking that you'll end up having to secure the cup somehow to stop it falling over as the plant grows. Why the party cups? Is it a very small space stealth grow or are you just having a bit of fun?
I got other bigger plants in bigger containers but i grew 6-8 in party cups and 2-3 in water bottles,the weak ones died from neglect or just me trashing them and the males were killed.i grew in those party cups to do early sexing journal and just kept the females.

Mister Black

Active Member
Watered the Moby dick today. Added a weak ( 1/4 strength ) nute solution. Just have to be a bit careful with nutes but the plant is growing fast and will need regular feeds. Will give it a bit more next time. Maybe 1/2 strength. Same formula for now till it runs out at least.


Amazingly enough temps were so low in my cab today (67 degrees F with the lights ON) I had to actually increase the A/C inlets temp. A real rarity for a situation where it is always too hot.

Another Chocolope Kush has popped. That is 2 now although it was struggling with its shell and had to use a pair of tweezers to pull it off. Just 2 more left to surface. That reminds me I have to do some reading about taking better care of seedlings.


Mister Black

Active Member
OK gave Moby Dick 1/2 strength nutes with water today. The plant is growing fast and drinking greedily. Good sign. Plain water next feed I'm thinking. Gave my seedlings a good watering too as they all looked a bit dry. Have decided to have a separate veg area for these new seedlings should they survive. Will buy a timer and gradually reduce light cycle to 18/6 or maybe 20/4

what do you think?

Anyway I've been looking at trying one with only coco coir/chips/perlite. Well I say perlite but what I really mean is small fishtank gravel! However I really want to get the seedlings to veg in their present pots 1st.
No pics today. Nothing to see.

Mister Black

Active Member
So my Moby Dick is growing fast. Getting a bit bushy but I'm going to resist the temptation to trim any of its giant fan leaves off for now. Total indica dom by the looks of it.

The others I have discovered all have high PH problems. My remedy is to hit them with plain reverse osmosis water with PH down added. Ran a bit of that mixture through all the seedlings.

Only 4/6 of my mystery bagseeds germinated so I added the 2 seedlings I gave up on and left outside. Just in case they DO recover I have them back under vegging lights.

My vegging area now has 6 seedlings, a fan and 6 6500k CFL's of varying brightness. 2 65w, 3 26w and one 18w.

Will keep adding ph down water for now with no nutes and will see what happens.

Camera is back so you can see the problems I'm having for yourself.

.Seedlings 002.jpg Mystery bagseed looking poorly.

Pic left below Chocolope Kush bagseed. Middle mystery bagseed. Right Chocolope Kush bagseed.


Mister Black

Active Member
Almost forgot to put pics of the other 2 'exiles' from outside.

Not too confident they will do anything but I cannot leave them outside as I will just worry. Probably should kill them but am trying PH down before they go in the bin. What do you think?Seedlings 005.jpg


Mister Black

Active Member
Today I have pics of the Moby Dick. Growing and stretching fast at the moment.

Moby Dick 004.jpgMoby Dick 001.jpgMoby Dick 002.jpgMoby Dick 003.jpg

Temps are fine and RH has fallen as the plant will need water/feeding later today.

Some preflowers but no sign that I can see of sex yet although I expect it to develop soon as it has been under flowering lights for a while now.

put more soil into the top of the pot to fill it up. Have coco chips, local soil, fish gravel and coco coir all mixed up. Have flushed the coco chips and coco coir to make sure salt does not build up. I'm so concerned about PH problems I used a mix of water, small amount of organic liquid fertilizer and PH down to flush the coir after it had been flushed by plain tap water.

Topped the pot up with my new mix then watered with a mix of 50% plain water and 50% of the my nute mix which is Maxibloom and 25/5/5 granules. One or 2 more feeds with this mixture then I'll just use the Maxibloom on its own but at full strength alternating with plain water. The KISS formula in other words.

Keeping my fingers crossed I have not fcuked it all up as I hate changing things when a plant is doing well but it DID need more soil in the pot.

What do you think? Comments, criticism, questions and general positive interaction is welcomed. :hug:

Mister Black

Active Member
Well I should not have worried about the new soil. Moby Dick growth has exploded. Amazing in less than 24 hours it has started smelling and grown noticeably. So much so that it grew into the lights in just one night and burnt a couple of them. I removed them and added them to the hash bag in the freezer.

The plant has also started smelling. Nice smell. Have put some ONA gel in the tent for now and it is working. Probably will need water again soon the amount it is growing. Might try the 50/50 mix again as it does appear to be using the nutes greedily and still showing slight N def.

Also am thinking about stopping this journal due to lack of useful feedback. No point posting here if no one is listening.

The seedlings still appear to be in the balance but I think getting the PH down is a step in the right direction. Will have to wait that one out. For now I've installed a timer and slowly adjusted it to 20/4 light cycle just in case they get going. Not really that confident about them and will probably try bin them and germ something else instead soon.

PICS if anyone cares :wall:

MD 001.jpgMD 002.jpgMD 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
OH Moby Dick hello! ha man thats plants looks great full of life and looking gooood :D

Yeah i feel your point on lack on feedback i get the few comments on mine but always that bit more

Im here for ya man! :p Keep it up and do it for you :leaf:

Mister Black

Active Member
OH Moby Dick hello! ha man thats plants looks great full of life and looking gooood :D

Yeah i feel your point on lack on feedback i get the few comments on mine but always that bit more

Im here for ya man! :p Keep it up and do it for you :leaf:
Thanks for the kind words. Get a bit discouraged sometimes even though this journal is as much for me as it is for anyone else.

Tonight I added the last of my nute mix to the MD. It drank it all up greedily. Nute wise not sure what to do next. Was going to just add Maxibloom from here on in at full strength. However the plant is growing so well with the current mixture I'm tempted to add a little bit of the 25/5/5 granules as before.
Since the plant is getting bigger I added 2 more 26w lights to cover some dimmer areas as well.
Now have 8 lights and a LOT of lumens for one plant but somehow it does not seem too much. Not sure if it is possible to have too much light with CFL's.

the seedlings remain just that. Seedlings. They are growing very very slowly. Going to keep on reducing the PH and see if that unlocks some growth. Maybe too late now. Might have to start again if nothing happens in a week or so.:sad:

Lessons learnt? SOAK the rockwool longer and use a more inert medium for seedlings/ veg.


Please Dont stop the journal man! im keeping a close eye on your grow. I have a skunk #1 from while label that just germinated this morning and is going to be planted in soil in acouple of minutes. After it comes up to the surface it will be taken off my window and ill start 12/12 with 2 65 w 6500k and 1 65w 2700k all happening in a tiny tiny Homebox MINI. :)
cheers mate!

Mister Black

Active Member
So the NL x BB finally bit the dust. Not growing, twisted little leaves. Not worth it. I pulled it and binned the soil. Will now probably germ something else.

Here are some pics of the others. Put some ph down mixture into the remaining seedlings. The first two now have a ph under 7.0 and the other 2 around or just over 7.0

Not really growing but not dying yet either.

Today have pics of everything. Moby Dick is really going well at the moment. Preflowers showing.

seedlings 001.jpgseedlings 010.jpgseedlings 011.jpgseedlings 012.jpgseedlings 013.jpgseedlings 009.jpgseedlings 002.jpgseedlings 003.jpgseedlings 004.jpgseedlings 006.jpgseedlings 007.jpgseedlings 008.jpg

The last seedling pic is the one I want some feedback on. Worth keeping? It is growing a bit but I'm afraid it may have gone through too much to be any good. The others still have a chance as long as I can get the ph down to under 6.5 I think although part of me wants to bin them all and start again from scratch with new seeds.