didnt mean to put it under 12/12 i started growing it to early and my cfl broke so i put it outdoors, as day light saving time ends monday it will automatically reveg since this is ok to reveg ill leave it out under after 7 then
i havent kept track of weeks but i did an orange bud that was ready in 10 1/2 weeks total and gave me 2 oz dry weight, when i was under a 400 hps all my plants went 1 1/2 - 3 oz each dry, got a 600 hps dig now so hoping 2-3 per plant each grow. up to you if or how long you veg, some strains might not work as well though....wow nice plants, mind if i ask how many weeks it took to grow them in the piks, and my plant is a week old i do 20/4 is it too late to switch it too 12/12?