12/12 from seedling? LED Christmas lights...


Well-Known Member
My new indoor plant is growing awesome its really short now, and its growin good :D the leds are really close and the stem is quite thick... :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
My new indoor plant is growing awesome its really short now, and its growin good :D the leds are really close and the stem is quite thick... :D :D :D
Its really short because its in a pill bottle? lol.
Reminds me of when i grew in a small, 3 inch tall ceramic cup i made in high school. Had regular dirt from outside and watered just regular water. She grew about 6" in that cup but i wasn't a smoker so i threw it out.


Active Member
are you 12 years old?
LOL, I bet my 12 year old could actually GROW something.... that poor poor plant. :cry: xmas LEDs have no where near the Lumens needed for even a stunted veg grow.... heck go spend $20 at Wally world and get some mini 18inch fluorescent hoods and givem what they need...if space is an issue, But Momma might find out then....LMAO


Active Member
I see 7 day old plants bigger thicker and bushier than that...

And in a space like that...they'd be flowering....or already doing lst....

That thing is like 2 months behind a week old plant....it's soo bad it's negative...
how many ounces already? lol
also, I'm thinking about a stealth Christmas led lights grow myself, but is it too early to start now in November? maybe I should wait until around Xmas time?


Well-Known Member
happypotter try to get low heat leds :) and make little holes in a cardboard thing and stick the leds in there so it can b like a panel :D


Well-Known Member
He really has them in pill bottles, holy shit :lol:

It looks like you have a lot of reading to do before growing Iron.

^ this.
Those pills probably did you more good than anything that will come from those poor plants.
Just out of curiosity, what was it, a 6" sub?
Seriously, give them some room for the roots and some light to make roots.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I bet my 12 year old could actually GROW something.... that poor poor plant. :cry: xmas LEDs have no where near the Lumens needed for even a stunted veg grow.... heck go spend $20 at Wally world and get some mini 18inch fluorescent hoods and givem what they need...if space is an issue, But Momma might find out then....LMAO
Hilarious avatar.
How did you convince your cat to sit still for that bib?


Well-Known Member
LOl thats why i made a root system with holes at the bottom, so if the roots wanna come out they can, and its completly dark where the roots go, its kinda like a hydro system, but just a test


Well-Known Member
How Can I make it flower faster? im doing 12/12 from seed :) The plant is still really short ( Im really meaning short! its stem is the size of ur fingernail maybe) And the stem is green :D and thick, I only see the first 2 leaves because i dont wanna move it around :/
lol this thread went south soon
does anybody know if I can just eat the seed without growing it? how much THC does it contain?


Well-Known Member
dont do it, SWIM Tried it and it doesnt work, seedlings dont work, Swim is hoping to get hermies cuz their males/females :D who is swim? you will never know :D