12/12 from seedling? LED Christmas lights...


Well-Known Member
I found you some ventilation.

View attachment 2393535

And come harvest.

View attachment 2393536


How Can I make it flower faster? im doing 12/12 from seed :) The plant is still really short ( Im really meaning short! its stem is the size of ur fingernail maybe) And the stem is green :D and thick, I only see the first 2 leaves because i dont wanna move it around :/
LOL geta hint kid use a real light. Im betting youre not ever going to get a flower....


Well-Known Member
Ha. Well this thread made me laugh, so it can't be trolling. If I were the OP I'd go out and buy a few of those small maglite keychain torches. Hang a few of them in the box and he'd double his lighting...


Well-Known Member
Ha. Well this thread made me laugh, so it can't be trolling. If I were the OP I'd go out and buy a few of those small maglite keychain torches. Hang a few of them in the box and he'd double his lighting...
What im planing on doing now good idea! Ill take some xenon lamps :)


Well-Known Member
WOW This should be a sticky Labeled "Your a Noob and you know you failed when".. I know this kid got 1 calyx ground his whole drastically stunted plant and got a super potent headache.


Active Member
Look dude just its stretching because of not enough light go take apart two lamps her the light sockets wire em up and put em in your box with some CFLs you can get from home and then grow yes LEDs are great but Christmas led have such h low wattage ull never count to shit solo just do what I say ull get better results


Active Member
Your leds need to be in the 500 / 700 nm wave spectrum to be used in any form of efficiency for growing.


Active Member
i loved the grow, cant believe all these people online dissing you, way to take it without an entire comeback in the entire post. I was very curious to see if christmas leds could grow a plant back in my highschool days, never tried it. Happy to see somebody did!