12/12 Lighting Goof


Active Member
I have seen threads where people ask what happens if you accidently let in a little stray light during a 12/12 dark period. But what if you're a week into flowering and you accidently leave the lights for 20 hrs?! DOH!:o What happens? :confused: Do you basically "lose" that week and have to start over your 12/12 lighting from that point on?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
No You do not loos the entire week... But you are always jeopordizing the SEX of your plant when mishaps that shock your plant occur... do yo have a timer?



Active Member
Wow, what I lost in quantity of replies I made up in quality! GK, I am honored you weighed in. (4000+ posts, awesome!)....Yes, got a timer for the main lights, but I added an 2 additional cfls without also putting them on a timer. Is the potential change in sex always only in one direction?, from female to male or hermie. Or does it ever sometimes go the other way?, male to female or hermie.


Well-Known Member
they can go either direction but they will turn hermie (both sexes).. people usually dont keep males around long enough for them to hermie


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its never a plus to do that and like GK replied potential to make hermies or males and slow flowering does occur make sure to keep the times when you start to avoid that stress.


Well-Known Member
in Jorge Cercantes grower's bible, i read that less light (14hrs) will produce more females than males... but i thought that seedlings need alot of light to produce good veging?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
In the newest Jorge High Times Limited editon he answers a question on how he clones and he uses 24 hours or minimum 18 with florescent tubes for clones and then says this early light gets clones ready for thier 12/12 cycle.