12/12 lighting question. .


Active Member
Hey fellow farmers! So ive been doing some research on 12/12 from from seed schedule and seen many links pertaining to it.
I understand that on a 18/6 schedule you switch to 12/12 to begin flowering.

How would you begin flowing if you started on 12/12 schedule??

Im still going to continue doing my homework but any extra information would be much appreciated! :)


ya you're flowering from seed. takes a bit longer for the plant to sexually mature. but a good option if you're limited on space.


Active Member
Well I am currently using a mh bulb... when I see it start to to sprout hairs should I switch to hps? If so how soon after do I switch once I see hairs? Thanks you guys!!


Well-Known Member
It has to grow to a certain point before it will begin to flower regardless of lights. I personally would recommend a 3-7 day veg to help kick-start the grow process. It isn't going to start flowering for another 2-4 weeks anyway. For an example....


That is 3 day veg then switch to 12/12.


Active Member
Ive started 12/12 from beginning tho..they are bout 32 days old now. No sign of flowering. But when they do flower do I leave my mh bulb in? Or switch to hps


Well-Known Member
To minimize stretch,after you see pistils,keep your mh bulb on till stretch phase is over then switch to your hps to finish flowering.


Well-Known Member
Your welcome:)..not and end all be all perfect answer...every situation is different,but it's what would be recommended.GL.peace