12/12 Nutes question


Well-Known Member
I have a northern lights plant i started under 12/12 that's close to a month old and showing sex already. It's about 2" and was wondering which nutes to use at this point in time? Should i go on and start with N rich nutes or go straight to using the flowering nutes? any help would be great. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
YA no N nutes for the first 2-3 weeks of flowering as this can induse stretch..

Flowering nutes high in P.... :peace:


Well-Known Member
i agree I have been playing around with 12/12 for a while and I am in the process of getting a perpetual 12/12 from seed going I use 5-1-1 fish emulsions dynagrow bloom 3-12-6


Well-Known Member
just use the bloom from now.. after weeks 3 u can give a small dose of grow nutes for 3 or so weeks then.......cause the stretch is over..:peace:


Well-Known Member
just remember that new soil will have enough nutes for a bit. dont over do the nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
after 2 to 3 weeks flower nute away. juat make sure you do give a little nitrogen for the first bit.