12/12 temperature preferences?


Well-Known Member
My temps were canopy level I was giving.
Its possible my ignorance is showing. Intuitively, I originally thought the temperature would be taken at the canopy level. When the answer I received just said put it in the shade...well...my only shade was on the floor or in the dirt and I also then thought that most everyone's shade would then be below the canopy also. So, since then when I have seen mention of temps I always related them to where I took them from. This discussion and Bugeye's post...

Canopy level and in the shade for many thermometers to get accurate reading. You have to build a shade.
...has me now understanding differently.

I did take some temps this evening at the canopy and they differ only by 1 to 2 degrees from the floor reading. I have some pretty thorough air movement. Taking a combination Snap's input as well as your's Puff, I think I am going to up my top end a bit and lower my bottom end. I really appreciate the input. Thanks.