
Because he has no clue about anything when it comes to growing weed. Here is the funny thing. His light schedule wouldn't even save power. That would be the only reason I would adjust my light schedule is if it produced the same and saved money. 12/12.... 14/14.. same power use.
theres only one reason you need to change you light schedule, to veg, or to flower. Not to save money, this doesn't work. Theres just different schedules you can use, im using 24/0 but ill need to take it down to 18/6 before I take the plant out side, so theres reasons, but for indoor growing, I would only use 24/0, and 12/12
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theres only one reason you need to change you light schedule, to veg, or to flower. Not to save money, this doesn't work. Theres just different schedules you can use, im using 24/24 but ill need to take it down to 18/6 before I take the plant out side, so theres reasons, but for indoor growing, I would only use 24/24, and 12/12

HAHAHA,, You crack me up.. Why the hell go 24/24.. You run your light 24 hours on, 24 hours off? Hmmm.. I am sure you mean haveing you light going 24/7. But even then, why the hell leave your light on steady, when you will get the same production at 18 hours on and 6 hours off, and save 25% on your light bill..

Hold it,, that would be changing a light schedule to save power.... some of you guys really crack me up.
Hello, I have always had my 24 cycle and my 12 cycle untill recently I was told by a good friend that I can do 18 on 6 off. My girls seem to be fine and my clones are rooting faster in that 18-6
haha same here except im alway waking them up between 10:20-10:30 night and day

guys i would suggest timers, than if your not always at home, and go out and do somthing, you dont have to worry about you babys not getting sleep, or waking up the next morning piss drunk still, just to flip the lights on. The sell them at $1 stores.
yea i mean 24/0. I dont mind paying a few extra bucks, for faster veg i get with 24. Ive done both 18/6 and 24/0, Ive noticed fastest growth, and when you lst, hst and supercrop, you want your baby to heal the fastest, which 24/7 provides.
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you could easyly have a timer and i was woundering if it is possibul im not saying its the best way i just wanna see if it works
ok but will 12:15/12:15 still priduce buds if its the same amount dark as the same amount light it could work im not saying its better I just wanted to know
yes it will12:15/12:15 is 12/12. This first 12 is referring to hours of light on / The second 12 is referring to lights off. So it could be 11:37pm/11:37am, and still be 12/12.
Aagh! people listen to what Billybob is asking!!
He just wants to know if cycles longer than 24 hours will work (as in produce buds). In the above post he is specifically asking if a 24.5 hour cycle with half on and half off will work.

Also, he is not asking if it's better than the standard 12/12; I think he is quite well aware that 12/12 is the proven method, he just wants to know if it will work.
(Please correct me if I'm stepping on toes here)

I don't know the answer and so far no one has answered saying that they've actually tried this, but I think it's a worthwhile question.
Thank you cyborgasm these people were talking all that shit and I was just asking a question and I know 12/12 works and all but If more light produces more energy for buds it could work better but idk I was just asking if any one tried it b4
i dont think it would make a difference it might even produce less bud because the plants take damage when too much light is given during flowering so in my oppinion i think it wouldent work as good but probly will work to flower but dont do it stick to 12////12