12 hour old cuttings turning hermie?


Well-Known Member
Just did the UB topping technique about 12 hours ago and have the cuttings sitting in water and now I see balls forming. Could cuttings turn hermie in water? I had them in the room all day and now have them under lights. Could it be that the water made them hermie? Out of the 4 cuttings, 2 of them look like they have balls. This is the first time that I am trying to leave them in plain water until roots form so could that be the problem. Please let me knowwhy the cuttings could hermie so fast?


Well-Known Member
Have pics? I'm highly doubtful thats whats happening, no offense of course, i want to help if i can, but the info u gave doesnt really add up so im skeptical of it. the pic would really help. none of the things you mentioned above would cause a very recently cut clone turn hermie, also, i assume you must be in veg still if you topped it. so that makes it even more unlikely.


Well-Known Member
hermie? after 12 hours, sounds kinda weird. not saying it cant happpen but ive never heard of it so soon, usually takes a couple of weeks before any real change is fully visible. the plants gotta be rite into flowering before it shows sex so you would have been taking cuttings far too late for this too happen.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but I can't get good pics with my cellphone. I will try and borrow my friends camera to get some pics.


Active Member
Definitely something you would see in flower, not veg. Did you smoke some kind bud before checking on these cuttings by chance???