12 OG Kush clones in Aero

Short Bus

Active Member
Nice. I have about 4 per bucket, to just under the height of the sprayers. I was thinking they might be a little high, possibly soaking the rockwool. So far it seems to be doing what its sposed to, but I'll probably take the water down as the roots get longer. I'm loving this journal, man. Very cool, very enlightening.
I have root rot in some plants I found out today, and of course I work a fucking double today so I couldnt get to them until 10pm tonight. I put the girls in a heavy h2o2 water solution in the bathtub while I cleaned all the equiptment. I rearranged the trellis so it would cover more of the plants and best of all I hooked up the 400HPS and took down the T5's. I also stole an air conditioner from our spare bedroom and stuck it in the room to help keep the ehat down. I think that the heat was too high in the resiviour and that caused some of the problems.
The girls are super pissed and hanging down right now, I am really worried that they wont make a full recovery. But with the lower temps and nice and clean equipt. hopefully they will be standing right up tomorrow night.
Cross your fingers cause all mine are.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna ask are those misters on timers or are they just spraying all the time?? if so don't the roots at the bottom of the bucket just sit in water?? So may ways to do hydro but I still have not found one that grows me better tasting smoke than good ol' organic soil...
I cdant touch the taste of soil but I can beat the shiot out of the yield and I highly doubt most people can tel the difference. The sprayers are on 24/7.
The girls are hanging their heads this afternoon still pissed from last night. But it is their night cycle so they are usually hanging their tops sleeping. The 12 on starts at 6 pm tonight so thats the test to see if they have made it. I found a branch on the ground last night with a rotted core, not good. I knew it was a bad idea to grow in the summer. Hoping for hte best as always.


Well-Known Member
Soil is expensive and messy, it is hard to undo mistakes and the growth rate is slow. I still have 5 dirt plants in my flower room to 15 Aero plants, someday maybe my aero plants will be like my dirt plants but for now only my dirt plants hold the record of a 100% non stress grow, and the buds are so perfect and yum. But my producer will be water plants, with them I can maintain my habit.. lol

Short Bus

Active Member
Damn! That sucks, man! I took my clones out of my bucket set-up last night and threw em in soil, similar issue. Since they were all babies, they should do alright with the move. Too hot inside my buckets, didn't have a minute by minute timer like some recommend. I saw this on eBay the other day tho, might help. Let's you go one min on and 4 or 5 off, lets the roots drip dry and the res cool down. Might help. Real inexpensive. I got my fingers crossed for ya, buddy. Good luck.

Repeat Timer Fixed 40min Cycle Timer Aero/Hydroponics - eBay (item 22062080399
well here is 4th week of 12-12. Yes they are not really happy but believe it or not, they look 35% better than yesterday so I am happy they are upright. Hopefully a few days top get back into the swing of things, it just shows how touchy hydro is.

the yellow light is the 400HPS.

Short Bus

Active Member
Oh yeah, and I was gonna ask, any particulars to the OG Kush? I just got one myself, and I was wondering if they needed any special attention. I went to my local club for clones and walked away with a cluster of strains cuz they only had a few of any given strain. My room looks like a breeders closet right now. 21 babies, broken down into 7 GDPs, 5 Jack the Rippers, 2 Blue Cheese, 2 Mendo Purps, 2 KC Jones, 1 OG Kush, 1 Sour Grape, and 1 Super Skunk (and she is a BEAST). Just dumb, I'm gonna spend a retarded ammount of time figuring out nutes and such. Oh well, it's worth it in the end, when I'm sitting there going "Hmm, what do I want to smoke now?" Best of luck homes, looks like your girls are on the way back.:weed:
the sound of the pump sucking water was really 2 bad sprinkler heads, so I changed them out and all is well. I still have 3-4 gallons in there. But Pistils are up and reaching for the light:bigjoint:
lookin good...feeling inspired to try and build something similar
If I would have done my homework before buying all these seeds and shit when I was first starting out I could have saved $1000's of dollars. The only question I have about this system is the pump being on 24/0. Someone brought up that question here in this thread and it got me wondering maybe my roots wouldnt mind a few hours to dry out a little, maybe like 18/6 or even go to a 12/12 cycle to duplicate my lights. I have a meeting tuesday with the "group" and I will pose that question.
But this is definately my last system, maybe I will make some tweaks with the number of buckets and the shape (I want to make a 2 bucket square, 2 buckets on each side 8 total) but the plumbing will stay the same and I might add an airstone to the bottoms of the buckets just for laughs.
Ya never going back to soil except for my clone that I took of the largest plant in the group, thats outside right now in the rain...but she is the mother to my next grow...and than one of their good sturdy plants will grow a new mother of clones..and so on and so on. keeping the same generation alive :-) and just cause I did a wake n bake this moning.
I give my mother away after the summer is over because I dont want to use more lights to flower one plant and I dont really have the place for a single plant anyway. I have her inside during the 12 hours of lights and at 6am she goes outside all day to sit in the sun. After the roots break thru the rockwool and hit the Ocean Forest I am planning on taking clones from her in October and than she gets a new home to finish...Thats what we caregivers call "spreading the love."
Another bowl and a long answer to your comment but by all means build one yourslef and dont buy a premade POS, save the money and learn the reasons behind the function and you will save tons of $$ in the long run.
My in-laws always have an end of the year party all day on the last saturrday of july, and thats tpoday. They ar ealright and used to be fuyn to hang out with until they came into some money..well alot, in the millions...3-5, btu still that oays alot of bills.
But now they changed, hanging out with a higher class of people, NOT the good kind of higher but the Dr. lawyer types...maybe thats what they need, alittle green herbage introduction tonight.