12 wk plants green and stunted...what to do? suggestions?


Active Member
I have been growing 3 plants for 12 weeks now and it looks like they're stunted right now. what do you think it is?

plant 1: 15inchs
plant 2: 10inchs
plant 3: 12inchs

[2nd one was stunted for a while b/c the plant bent all the way over on a windy day is fine]

3 months of growing and just getting to foot mark...how much light should i be giving them


Well-Known Member
So they are outside plants? Are they in containers? Ok lets say there outside, full sun, or as much as you can. Containers, put them in a 5 gallon, they need plenty of root space. Now go to hydro store and grab a bottle of Amino Aid, once a week for 3 weeks. They will be Huge.
They should be in atleast a 3 gal no matter if in or out. Roots need room or there will be issues.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't waste my time putting them in bigger pots.
They are seriously in peril, they look like you are using candles to grow them.
Go to FAQ's and newbie forum, I don't by any means intend to be offensive, but you have much to learn my friend.
Good Luck.


Active Member
i know what kind of lightage i need but i cant get it just yet. not offensive just a little rude.

Thaanks for the tip guy.