1200 watt closet grow allkush

Up here in B.C, doesnt matter how "quality" it is..still isnt worth more then 25$ an eighth. Ya gotta go to like the yukon to get anywhere near even 50$ an eighth because its so desolate.


Well-Known Member
Not bad. I have a 1200W, full spectrum hid closet as well, and am growing Grandaddy Purple, Purple Kush, and four hybrids, and just started my 12/12 cycle on this run today. Our kush looks very similar. I would encourage using the "FIM" technique, and with bamboo sticks and posts, "super-cropping", because that's what I do to maximize all of my vertical space and increase my yields by crazy proportions. It is basically the same concept as a S.o.G or Scr.o.G system, but the pruning methods allow for many more flowering heads, like on my G.D.P. alone, for instance, there are over 32 flowering heads. I will post pics soon.


Well-Known Member
Those prices make me water at my mouth, because in the South, that's unheard of. But, we can "thank" our ignorant lawmakers for our market inflation. Mabye one day soon, we can get on board with Canada and other, more forward-thinking parts of the US.
Not bad. I have a 1200W, full spectrum hid closet as well, and am growing Grandaddy Purple, Purple Kush, and four hybrids, and just started my 12/12 cycle on this run today. Our kush looks very similar. I would encourage using the "FIM" technique, and with bamboo sticks and posts, "super-cropping", because that's what I do to maximize all of my vertical space and increase my yields by crazy proportions. It is basically the same concept as a S.o.G or Scr.o.G system, but the pruning methods allow for many more flowering heads, like on my G.D.P. alone, for instance, there are over 32 flowering heads. I will post pics soon.


Well-Known Member
Not bad. I have a 1200W, full spectrum hid closet as well, and am growing Grandaddy Purple, Purple Kush, and four hybrids, and just started my 12/12 cycle on this run today. Our kush looks very similar. I would encourage using the "FIM" technique, and with bamboo sticks and posts, "super-cropping", because that's what I do to maximize all of my vertical space and increase my yields by crazy proportions. It is basically the same concept as a S.o.G or Scr.o.G system, but the pruning methods allow for many more flowering heads, like on my G.D.P. alone, for instance, there are over 32 flowering heads. I will post pics soon.
I agree, however I like to rotate my plants cuz I'm using a side light and with SCROG or SUPERCROPPING it's kinda difficult. I would love to see a picture of your grow. Peace


Well-Known Member
Aw, I wasn't even really trying on this one in the pic. I use the "fim" technique two or three times to get the crazy branch production goin', then further into veg, as the side-branching starts happenning, I do what i call super-crop 'em, by using bamboo sticks and stakes to maneuver the branches to really capatalize on my horizontal grow space. Some of the tallest shoots get tied down horizontally, and much more side shoots spring up and ultimately, not only do you really utilize all of the vertical space you have, which mine is only 4'X2' right now, but also to increase yield. I can pull almost a pound a plant using those methods, coupled with my experience and optimal conditions, and six plants in a 4'X2'X8' closet under 1200W of full-spec hid lighting is doin' it big, for such a "small" garden. The G.D.P. in the pic here was from a buddies' grow in Santa Cruz a couple years back, and with twenty foot ceilings, and 20 gallon containers, and again, 20 1K hps and mh in each room, pruning wasn't an issue...


Well-Known Member
Aw, I wasn't even really trying on this one in the pic. I use the "fim" technique two or three times to get the crazy branch production goin', then further into veg, as the side-branching starts happenning, I do what i call super-crop 'em, by using bamboo sticks and stakes to maneuver the branches to really capatalize on my horizontal grow space. Some of the tallest shoots get tied down horizontally, and much more side shoots spring up and ultimately, not only do you really utilize all of the vertical space you have, which mine is only 4'X2' right now, but also to increase yield. I can pull almost a pound a plant using those methods, coupled with my experience and optimal conditions, and six plants in a 4'X2'X8' closet under 1200W of full-spec hid lighting is doin' it big, for such a "small" garden. The G.D.P. in the pic here was from a buddies' grow in Santa Cruz a couple years back, and with twenty foot ceilings, and 20 gallon containers, and again, 20 1K hps and mh in each room, pruning wasn't an issue...
Nice. How much dried buds can you pull from your 1200W? I came close to 1 lb with the last harvest. Looking forward to seeing some pictures. Thanks brotha
Well its more like15- 20 an eighth for killer i just didnt want all those americans that pay through the nose to tear up on us anything Hah