1200 watt sog


Well-Known Member
whats up every body its been awhile since ive journaled any thing. but any ways i bought 2 600 watt quantum ballasts, ez-cloner, hydrolodic stealth 100 ro, new hydrofarm pro reflector. so far i love my new ballasts, i used to use 1000s but electric usage being a factor i thought id try 600s. You can see what ive done before on my 1400 watt sog. i use 2 3x3 flood trays but one isnt a true 3x3 so it fits 24 pots in it nicely on the start and 4 weeks later change trays an spread out abit. the strains im growing are bubba kush and i have 2 california hash plants in the mix for shits an giggles to see how i like it. The nute i use is bc boost, bc bloom, magical, liqued karma, floralicus, and ginormus. im probly going to suppliment bloom for humboldts own crystal burst after about 4 weeks. what sucks right now my hood dosent fit my ballast cause i only had one adaptor so im going to veg for a min ( 1-1.5 weeks) or till i get another 30 clones off them till my moms get bigger. so ive described my setup a best as i can in my mind set, if your able to understand my ramblings and spelling errors (keyboard sucks) i hope you like what you see in the months to come. And please let me know what everyone thinks, what i may have missed or ideas. here are some pics for everybody.

so these 4 pics are my new rooms
2012-08-02 19.41.45.jpg2012-08-02 19.42.00.jpg2012-08-02 19.42.32.jpg2012-08-02 19.42.44.jpg

these pics are of my rooms i did at my buddys house while i was taking a break. 19 bubba kushsan 3 white widows. 2 1000 watt lights, an4 gallon grow bags, a humboldt soil.

2012-06-24 21.03.42.jpg2012-06-28 17.11.37.jpg2012-06-28 17.12.01.jpg2012-06-24 22.19.44.jpg2012-06-24 22.19.54.jpg2012-06-28 17.11.11.jpg

it looks like they ma nota went throgh but it said it did if not ill post tomarrow.


Well-Known Member
probly about 1.5 weeks but i dont have a mom right now, (i left it at my buddys cuz it was 4 ft an didnt wanna trasport it so i just took 30 clones) but any ways im goin to veg till im able to take 30 clones to fill the cloner again. hopefully then my moms will be ready for me, but im at a disadvantage since my 400 watt mh needs an adaptor for the hood. (broke an garden shop is an hour away) so it looks like i may have to use my floros for a min to get things started. but once i get things how they need to be ill put out about a pound a month-5 weeks give or take. but ne ways thanks hellraizer i cant wait to get flowering. have a growtastic day everyone


Well-Known Member
so whats up everybody, ive been looking into digita ballast rfi an shit. i never knew that they could mess with cable internet and power meters in some places. so far my internet works fine (no cable) i did the a.m. radio test there was a hum in the station but not bad at all. so i hope to god i dont get a cable guy at my door or some one else. i read that hood cables wound up is bad an meatal objects can also amplfie rfi. so i dont kow if im gonna keep them or switch out in 2 months. i found one of your threads hellraizer on it, some good points. But any ways i kinda feel that if it was a big deal id a found alot more problems with it so well see. Nothing really new with the girls just they cant grow fast enough lol. but to all who have stopped by have a growtastic day....


Rebel From The North
Rfi isnt that big of a issue i found unless you run a bunch of ballasts, one or two is fine.
also the rfi signal dont travel all that far so if you keep your ballasts as far as you can from
nabours your cool.


Well-Known Member
so i went down today an ive noticed my girls are turning light green to yellow... also one had little bleeching so dimmed backed from 600 to 450. my ph was a bit high about 7 was phed to 6.0 so it went up a bit as well as ppm went from 550ish to 732. im afraid i jumped the food a bit but i only added some magical liqued karma sweet an bc grow (1-6-9) not to sure on that. so im gonna add 5 gal of r/o water bout 9 ppm. also added the last 5 clone, there roots started to turn brown so to avoid rot. so hopefully i start to notice the growth pick up ani didnt mess up on nuting already but it wasnt a strong mix of actuall n-p-k. also i wanna mention my res is 30 gallons right now. more pics to come.
i did notice hellraizer that it was when people had alot diggis but a few were old threads that had lumatek or cheap ballast that had alota rfi. also cords were a big factor, non shield cordsets an cords run by cable lines.but its still scary to think tho you can pick up the ballast freq. an here it like when i did the a.m.radio test. ive wen through and made sure no cables were ran around the cord sets. ive also considered a ferred cage. someone made a point about mylar being conductive just make sure they touch cover your room then ground it. but it doesnt seem like its to bad. ive also read that wireless speakers will cause the same problem. Just be like i set up my speakers an notice some interfearance but didnt think anything of it. let me go unplug it an see if the noise on my lines go away. be right back...... lol. my buddy has a phantom im kinda interested in trying the a.m. test an see how that work. Also i read that its not just the ballast that does the rfi its the ac tube so grounding yur hood works as well. Also i herd that some ballast only cause rfi for the first 30 sec while firing. Theres just so much things that diggi ballast can cause an go wrong. i wanted a diggi ballast for a while now i got it i dont know. i wish i could just find out for sure if my ballast are just big signs say hey over here. so any waysif youve made it through my rant congrats an have a growtastic day.


Well-Known Member
so its been about a week since i transplanted into my flood tray. ive noticed growth picking up an on one roots sprout about 2 pepbles deep in my hydroton which is cool to see so i piled more hydroton on top to cover up the new growth. my buddie just found some bugs in his room, maybe aphids so i need to keep an eye out. girls are still yellowish but seem to be doing better. so hopefully in a couple days i can up my ppm to about 1000. my one hash mom seems to be wanting to give me problems. its growth is slow compaired to the other one and looks like it has/had a mag deff. but other than that everything is looking good.


Well-Known Member
so after some deliberation im turning my lights back probly saturday sunday depending on. ive wanted to wait but im in need of some medication, moneys tight so to speed things up. i may try once they stretch take some an see how they turn out (try an take them befor flowers show). if any ones tryed this let me know. im just disapointed on how slow there growing i upped the ppm to 1000 last night so if they dont start taking off im going to turn the lights.


Well-Known Member
kind of in the middle of it hopefully right before flower onset. but this morning they looked great about 1/2 inch new growth so hopefuly sunday i can take one from each to get my other tray full. since i didnt mention it in the first post im going to change over tray every 5 weeks once im able to get my moms to the size i need. also ive been getting water on my floor, i thought it was my cloner but after furher inspection i think water was condisating on my plastic cover an dripping over the side. i pulled up the tips made by cutting the x's for the pot back up around the pots (see pics) and that seemed to help. but other than that every thing is looking good an hopefully now flip the lights monday no later. icant wait its been about 6-7 months since ive did hydro so im excited to get back to what i love doing. i like soil but its not as fun imo. you get to see how your roots grow, how your plants drink water, phing water, just good times imo. CANT WAIT to get blooming.
2012-08-10 06.12.21.jpg2012-08-10 06.12.29.jpg the 2 in plastic cups are bubba kush i got from last grow found about 12 seeds in a little over 1000gs of bud. the 2 in black bags are hash plants. in the first one you can see what i ment by tips of the x's the first one has them tucked uder since its small but the others have them pulled up.


Well-Known Member
how so? i used one once it was a super skunk an it turned out great but that may of been a fluke. i do understand it may have a flaw in it. but kinda wana see what happens. ive seen a dude on youtube talking bout spraying your female budding plant with a chemical, cant remember what it was but gave you fem seeds. kinda the same thing but diffrent, it doesnt have a record of herming but it did get into the 90s high ass 80 the last 4 weeks of flower. i know thats unexceptible but 2 1000s wherea bitch to manage even with air in an exhausted air cooled ligts.
but nyway the reason i loggedon is to say lets never forget jack herer, i just watched hemp war contraversy an wow one of the best documentarys ever. shows how one man made a diffrence. We all can learn a thing or 2 from him. have a wonderfull and growtastic dday.


Rebel From The North
That chemical is dutch masters reverse, hermi plants make hermie seeds these seeds are female and will
carry on the hermie trait. So if you stress them I.E over nutes to much wind or heat blame your crop is seeded.


Well-Known Member
yea i can see that but im pretty good about giving my plants what they need. im sure most of us though care for are girls like are own children. actually probly more. but i understand where your coming from. i only sprouted thoses to see i do have some cuts from the original mom that i left at my buddys so i do know i have stable genetics. im hoping my white widow hermied and pollenated my bubba kush an made some indica dom with sativa high. problly not but that would be cool.
Also on another cool note im visiting California in February an hope to visit a cannabis cup. if any one has visited one do you need that states med card to get meds at the cup? what about clones can you get them there? if any one also has info on kush expo that would be great just skimed the page but looked pretty cool. just in general if any one knows of a cup/expo/fest/concert any thing that would be an experience while in cali let me know. Time frame remains open but as long as its after febuary.


Well-Known Member
every thing is looking nice and green. just picked up a new timer for the flood cycle. its a half hour intervals so well se how it works i normaly do 15 min but it was 3 dollars so ill lower the stacks on the over flow to help. tonight i wanna take clones i counte about 21 i can take. ph is 6 ppm 1026 growt is rapid about 1/4 in a day. probly going todo a rez change in a couple days going to shoot for about 1300 ppm. 15ml of bc boost,10 ml of bc bloom,5 ml of humbolts crystal burst, 10ml of liqued karma, 10ml of floro nector, 2.5ml of magical adjust ppm with crystal burst to around 1300 if below.
2012-08-11 17.54.28.jpg2012-08-11 17.54.38.jpg2012-08-11 17.54.50.jpg these are from last night