1200 watts in 6 x 4 area


Well-Known Member
here are some pics of my 3 400 watters ( 2 HPS, 1 MH) in my almost finished flowering room. All that is left is to hang the rest of the panda film, buy some little things, and decide what im growing in.

BTW I got these 2 400 watt hps' w/ hortilux bulbs for $300.... not a bad deal I think...

and heres a pic of my filter and exhaust:)

I appreciate ANY suggestions



Well-Known Member
im thinking a 6 x 4 ebb and flow will fit nicely but
I dont have muck experience with hydro.
Anyone have any first hand info on ebb and flow of this size?
Maybe some reassurance that Im not waisting my money on things I cant use anyway would help LOL:)

if you have, what was your yeild?
Pics would be cool:)


Well-Known Member
still noone huh?
well I decided to just veg 3 plants for 2months in dirt before switching them over
pics of the donor mothers that are getting budded soon


Active Member
I use 2 600 HPS with an ebb/flow system and have gotten about .6 g/watt for the last two grows. Just know that the reservoir will move your plants 10"-14" closer to your lights. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
well my ceilings are 7' so I got that covered, but im unsure if I should do a DIY ebb and flow or buy.
Im interested in seeing how the lights work out.

if the same applies as with one light source Im at 50 watts a square foot
2 x 400 watt hps 110,000 lumen's
1 x 400 watts MH 36,000 lumen's

so thats 146,000 lumens in a 4 x 6 space
6083 lumens per square foot at about 6 - 8 inches from the canopy

so Im still debating if running 1 1000 watt hps at about 130000 lumens 18 - 24 inches would be anymore efficient for sog?
I wouldnt think so, plus i wanna see if the MH boosts the HPS or not.

anyone else out there have a similar set up to this?
Multiple small wattage vs 1 high wattage ?
Maybe we should start a thread comparing grow for grow ( trying to keep conditions the same and see who yields best);)

fat sam

Well-Known Member
my last grow i used a 600 and a 430, now im back to all 600's, i never use 1000's anymore, with the smaller lights you get more light to the plants than you do with a big 1000 because they can be closer to the plants, if you were to use 2 600's you would get 180-190k lumens but whatever right the 3 400's is a nice setup, if i were you i would stay away from the 6x4 table if your room is 6x4 also because it will be to hard to get to the plants in the back, i have done a few different kinds of hydro in the past, dwc was good but the fungus knats that seem to sprout out of the clay balls turned me off to it as they seem to keep showing up no matter what, now i use coco in 4 gallon cloth pots and the growth rate is just the same as hydro i think because the cloth pots let plenty of air in to the roots

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
If you dont care about plant numbers then you could really go big with a 4-6 inch pot table. I bought the Botanicare table but I used a card table for a stand. DONT BUY THE STAND, lol. They are overpriced beyond beleif somehow. Some saw horses at home depot fore 20 dollars work fine. I would buy a used table off craigs list, as they are made so well, and cheap.

I am medical so I switched to trees. In soil.