12000 watt grow room coming soon


I am currently growing three plants under 1000 watt hps but this new idea is a work in progress for this summer.

New grow room:
Lights: 12 one thousand hids air cooled
co2: C.A.P GEN-2NG
Enviromental control: the sentinel chh4
exhaust fan: two 1050cfm
AC unit: two portable 12000 btu ac's
oscillating fans: four fans
my grow room measure meants will be 12x12.

It will be an organic medical grow. I will be using seven gallon buckets and I will only grow twenty four plants under the 12000 watts.

What do you guys think about this set up guys???

Friendly Caregiver

Well-Known Member
24 plants under 12000 watts? Sounds like you will be going for monster treeees. 2 per light pretty much huh? Also, I would also add that, assuming your ventilation is average, you will deff need more AC power. How goes it so far? any updates?


Well-Known Member
I know someone doing a 12x12 room with 12000 watt setup over 9 plants. Verticle lights. He paid 6k just for a central air unit to be installed inside that one room. Has co2 also. Last i seen it was 2weeks into flowering an were about 5ft tall and from up top it looked like 800 plants. Underneith his net all you could see were 9 stems. Thick stems. No leafs or anything. Im supposed to meet him today for him to give me pojnters on my stuff so going to ask how much he yeilded. They prob in jars now.