1200w LED (SG602 x4) / large scale SWC System

Very nice! I think that you will easily pull your 1LB every month, especially after you get in the swing of things with this setup! That's really a sick setup and I am going to do something similar RDWC. Glad to see someone take the leap! I saw the performance #'s on those lights at the recent THCExpo and was blown away!
Well Everyone, thanks for the support and interest but unfortunately the grow is done. It was a good run, well, no it wasn't lol. So the hot water heater in my house busted and when the repair men came to fix it, they broke a pipe and drained 100 gallons of water into my house. The grow is done for now. Everything had to be taken out of the house so people could come asses the dammages. Im tearing out all my carpet in the house and trying to dry everything so i can start over. Thanks everyone and sorry for the disapointmnent.
Oh man that's terrible!!! I'm sorry to hear that! The panels and all your equipment is fine though I hope? That really sucks about your water heater though, I'm sure it's going to take a lot of time and effort in restoring your house to the way it used to be. Good luck man, sorry to hear that.
`yeah somebody has got to administrate this stuff and mark that the grow shut down at the begging before i waste more time reading