12x Bridgelux EB Gen 2 Build help


I am planning on building an Led array using 12 Bridgelux EB Gen 2 strips (BXEB-L1120Z-35E4000-C-B3).
I would wire split them into groups of 3, wiring them in parallel and then wiring the 4 of them in series.
The driver used will be a Meanwell HLG-480H-C2800B.
This would give each strip 39v and 1050mA if my calculations are correct.
Am I missing something ?
photo_2023-03-01_22-12-18.jpgDiagramm of the wiring:
Just tested the setup using the Continuity setting on my multimeter which shows that all strips can be reached from the point where my driver will be connected. But when connecting the driver with or without dimmer on 100 % nothing happens. What could be the issue ?
Sorry if this might be a bit vague.
check your wiring.
your shematic is very hard to read btw, i havent digged in to it.
its not that hard normally, but seems you should check your sereis and parallel wiring.

connect 3 groups each plus and minus connected an then connect these in series.
but its normally a bit less wiring do it the other way around anyway.
connect 4 strips in series an then these 3 groups in parallel to your driver.
while both should work.
I think I've deciphered your diagram and it's not right. It looks like you've got all 4 groups of 3P strips all in parallel with each other, but you've flipped the polarity of group 2 and 4.
Is the wiring you have now shown on the top row of my picture?

What you describe is the middle row, and as cobshopgrow mentions, the alternative wiring on the bottom row
Sorry for my late response and another bad diagram.
I have switched to using three groups of 4 as illustrated in the diagram below:
I hope this helps.


  • Wiring-diagram.png
    43 KB · Views: 22
Ignoring the wiring fault in your new diagram, wiring those strips as 4P3S is worst than your original 3P4S plan as you're now leaving about 109W unused due to poorly matched voltages.
So the correct version, as described in your second diagram, would be this ?:


  • Wiring-diagram-2.png
    14 KB · Views: 35