13/11 light cycle???


Well-Known Member
The Biggest Issue With All Your math is this. We All buy Seeds from seed banks Who "DONT" Use anything bar 12/12 for flowering (unless stated otherwise-They WIll answer if asked). So Those strains have been trained for the optimal Time Period matching 12/12.

Also There is a big difference between first light and Sun rise (about 30mins) And To be honest have u seen the light 5 mins Before First light... Its Fucking dark, Meaning all your wonderful math goes out the window as Im Pretty sure that the plant doesnt just go Wow its First light im getting tons of light, NO. It most likely isnt Receiving enough light to bother it just yet and it may not even register that its FIRSt light for another 10 mins-.

Try it with a lux meter- go out at first light and take a reading in your garden- lets see what you get apposed to sunrise.
"time period matching"? no my friend cannbis is genetically formed to do what it does at the rate it does it. evolution takes millions of years sometimes.


New Member
sometimes..the stuff we focus on more (like muscle development, yes the heart is a muscle too folks, and you can train it easily so it can handle stress and plaque) develops faster. apply it to anything. sun is a bigg factor for these puppies.

it is something i KNOW they will rebound back to easily

try the afghani flowering schedule..you can search any place..afghan, india, mexico, africa..africa has a fucked up schedule though i was confused

really i guess the structure systems adapt the quickest..and its true f you think about it. our soft tissues, heart and bones..bones even faster. they recycle themselves every 10 years. not sure how long muscle stays or doesnt stay..its more lipid so id imagine longer, and guess where we store energy..our muscles and liver..funny

plants structure is quickly adapting too to the light, the training thats done on it, just like on a human. a balance of stress and ease


Well-Known Member
drink bleach.. the answer is always drink bleach.

what happens when you feed the animals at the petting zoo bleach?


New Member
no i never said that. i said it would add the potential on top of their concrete phenotype. some people lie between two phenotypes (ecto, endo, meso, forget the order)

i think led has all the necessary wavelengths, it is the best light but its expensive and it will get better with years. it sure has hell doesnt look as bright as an hid light though, those things burn bright

i would drink bleach but id be scared that i wouldnt do and just be throwing up all night lol.

i would 18/6 and then mimic flowering light times..thats it. i have a mix of colors hanging at all times. 6400k and 2700k


Well-Known Member
2.5 hours later, and ElFoodStampo still has no answer to my question (asked 3 times) - I declare supreme victory for team Figong.


Well-Known Member
no i never said that. i said it would add the potential on top of their concrete phenotype. some people lie between two phenotypes (ecto, endo, meso, forget the order)

i would drink bleach but id be scared that i wouldnt do and just be throwing up all night lol.
if youre fit your soft tissues get
memory of it, and pass it down to your next generation. peoples whos
ansestors swam a lot have skinner noses, and more webbing in their hands.
blacks peoples skin doesnt age as fast and is stronger becuase it had to
develop more collagen for the sun.
their hair is tougher too, but the sun crisped it up so that trait
gets passed down. their eyes are darker to protect from the sun better,
a darker color absorbed more like..(which i dont understand but w.e.)
polar bears were normal colored bears till a few migrated and changed
their color to the color of ice, and their air capacity changed.

you get it. if our past humans trained holding their breath,
we have the potentional to hold our breath longer.
all these traits are a form of training or adapting to the enviornment.
evolution in progress. if you add more hermans to the gene pool,
then more will become that. birds are de evolved dinosuars,
that escaped the destruction becuase they could fly away and find some
food every week
What? Worried you can't even drink bleach right, huh?


New Member
all true expect for birds as deveolved dinos. they are just realted, they are in the same dino class..maybe its possible? cause idk what happened to the big flying birds, they shoulda stayed alive easier than birds..what happened to them?


Well-Known Member
Maybe the "big flying birds" weren't able to find enough food to survive because of their size after the natural disaster?
Oh Black Jesus, now he's got me thinking like him... :wall:


New Member
actually man your kinda wrong. The dna may dictate what rate a plant flowers, but growth has to do with the metabolic cycle, so yes you can speed up or slow down the growth rate of plants, to a point. You kinda have to know what your doing though to get it to work, so I agree that its not the best advice to give to beginners, but most established growers understand this concept and employ it.
we all do..we change the normal cycle of 14hrs of veg to 18, 20 and even 24!


Active Member
we all do..we change the normal cycle of 14hrs of veg to 18, 20 and even 24!

no one but an idiot like your self wold veg a plant under 14 hours of light

the closest to 14 hours i have ever got is 16 but that was for an experiment and the plant was pissed off after about 4 days so i went back to 20/4


New Member
im going to try and see if i get flowers any sooner with one week of 14-16 hour veg.

right now its been at a steady week 3 that flowers have been showing under 12/12 from seed.


Well-Known Member
Yea and that's just the start. You can play with ambient air temperature and your medium temperature to speed the plant up too.


Well-Known Member
if youre fit your soft tissues get
memory of it, and pass it down to your next generation.
There it is. I really thought he was a troll back then until I read more of his stuff.

meat, you are aware that there are places on Earth that have 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark each day, right?

Your opinions are fascinating and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Well-Known Member
There it is. I really thought he was a troll back then until I read more of his stuff.

meat, you are aware that there are places on Earth that have 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark each day, right?

Your opinions are fascinating and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
He makes my head hurt.
Last night when he started this shit, I asked him for a name of a strain from Alaska so I could flower in a veg area, and he gives some name from Hawaii.


Well-Known Member

no one but an idiot like your self wold veg a plant under 14 hours of light

the closest to 14 hours i have ever got is 16 but that was for an experiment and the plant was pissed off after about 4 days so i went back to 20/4
I do, the last 4 to 5 days of veg. It just makes sense, Your creating a gradient to mimic nature.


New Member
He makes my head hurt.
Last night when he started this shit, I asked him for a name of a strain from Alaska so I could flower in a veg area, and he gives some name from Hawaii.
lmao i edited that i was TOO drunk.

i meant to say green seeds alaskan ice.


New Member
Yea and that's just the start. You can play with ambient air temperature and your medium temperature to speed the plant up too.
well, heat speeds up metabolism of any living thing, and the cold slows it down.

probably the main reason staivas grow they way they do. hotter, more intense sun.

the sun cycle is the same in southern asia and mexico and jamacia, some places where sativas are from. steady 14 hours, but the sun is hotter, closer to the equator. jamacia actually only gets 13hrs of sun during july, its hottest month.

and yes trousers, i do, but cannabis wont thrive there well.

ruderalis is from russia, where its cold as fuck and therefore it finishes quick and weak.

regardless, whatever you do, dont have the cycle jumping around.

do it as it works in nature. days are shorter, get longer, then get shorter again, gradually. temps have a direct relationship to this.