13/11 light cycle???


Active Member
I've tried the 11/13 it had no improvement for me and didn't save me shit either as it's only running 1 less hr then 12/12.

I did notice more times then not I had plants hermie on me on that light regime. So I'll just stick to 12/12.

I was never trying to fight with this dude but he refuses to listen to anything I say and his only come backs were links, if you can grow this plant in a different way and be successful then great but this is the newbie section not the advanced techniques thread.

It just really bothers me that people that have no experience other then reading try giving other people advice. Just get tired of seeing people coming back asking wtf happened with there plant.

Just because I dont have the experience, doesnt mean the info I passed along is Incorrect, and you need to stop saying it is.

Your right, I've never grown a full plant, and never said I did.

EVERY TIME ive given advice or ideas, I make it known that i've not grown anything, or that I have read it.

If its wrong, tell me, Ill be happy to remove it. But if you say its wrong, and i can post 3 links where MULTIPLE other people tried that method, and had success, it is OBVIOUSLY not wrong.

Me saying I grew a plant under 11/13 cycle and giving you pictures means nothing, since I could simply lie about the light schedule.

Though, if i give 3 credible links, how is this not good information?

If you tell me im wrong, have proof to back up your statement.

If you prove im wrong, I'll be happy to delete it and not speak about it.

Until then, do not speak of me being wrong.


Im going to attempt to translate what bmeat said about afghanistan... Cant believe im sticking up for that tool!.. But the needs of many outweigh the needs of few!

Solstice - you get a leap your once every 4 years correct? You get a solstice once a year, its the longest year of the day and usually occurs around the change of daylight savings. Solstice is NOT the reason Afghanis get so much light. The reason is their geographical location on the earth in relation to the solar orbit and rotations on its axis (the earth turns as it loops around the sun), this causes them to be exposed to more light.

Solstice is not the reason some places get more light but it defiently a point to be bought up. Bmeat, your hopeless at explaining things and getting your point accross, your lucky i understood your nonsense and was able to translate it for the rest of us.

If, what you said, is not what i translated it to be, then stfu, coz i just made you look smart!.


Well-Known Member
Im going to attempt to translate what bmeat said about afghanistan... Cant believe im sticking up for that tool!.. But the needs of many outweigh the needs of few!

Solstice - you get a leap your once every 4 years correct? You get a solstice once a year, its the longest year of the day and usually occurs around the change of daylight savings. Solstice is NOT the reason Afghanis get so much light. The reason is their geographical location on the earth in relation to the solar orbit and rotations on its axis (the earth turns as it loops around the sun), this causes them to be exposed to more light.

Solstice is not the reason some places get more light but it defiently a point to be bought up. Bmeat, your hopeless at explaining things and getting your point accross, your lucky i understood your nonsense and was able to translate it for the rest of us.

If, what you said, is not what i translated it to be, then stfu, coz i just made you look smart!.
I think you meant to say "Longest day of the year", but if you are trying to make meat look smart, you're gonna have to do more than explain his statements.;-)


New Member
i was saying that is the most sun Afghan grown cannabis will ever get in its native environment, and this occurs in and around the summer solstice.

i said what i wanted to say i don't need translation and/or interpretation that's how the bible was ruined


New Member
im not in afghanistian, but i figure the better we match the native enviornment, the better the results.

afghan gets 14hrs max during summer solstice, so 14hr period would suffice for indicas.

sativas in southern india get about the same amount of time, but it is hotter there.


the sativas in mexico get 13-14 hours it looks like during june and july, the months with longest hours of sun.

african sativa also gets 13-14 hours max of sun.


looks like 14 is the high average


Well-Known Member
im not in afghanistian, but i figure the better we match the native enviornment, the better the results.

afghan gets 14hrs max during summer solstice, so 14hr period would suffice for indicas.

sativas in southern india get about the same amount of time, but it is hotter there.


the sativas in mexico get 13-14 hours it looks like during june and july, the months with longest hours of sun.

african sativa also gets 13-14 hours max of sun.


looks like 14 is the high average
While you're looking around, find me a strain that came from Alaska so I can flower in the veg room with 24/0.


New Member
i would reccomened hawaiian snow or alaskan ice haha jk jk

only reason im looking into this is becuase the kid asked..

looks like ill get more sun on july 1st than afghanistan, india, mexico or africa. i need to find an outdoor spot to cultivate.
"Jul 1, 2013
5:30 AM
8:31 PM
15h 00m 58s


Dude, you shouldnt have typed anything after i said, i was making you look smart, you just undid my hard work.

You are truly a "special child"...

We are growing hydroponically indoors, dictating the envirmoment the plant is growing in. That makes the amount of light on the earth irrelevant, No its not even relevant. Not even slightly. dont argue, ill make you look stupider.

Since the dawn of the industrial age (commercial hydoponic research and development), we have discovered that plants have 2 stages, growth and flower. We also discovered that if a plant get more light then dark, its will veg, and if it gets more dark then light it will flower. So freaking simple. So now you will point out to me that, as i pointed out earlier, some places on the earth get more light then dark for 365 days a year. This is true, In the outdoors, mother nature has a few other tricks up her sleeve to induce flowering. But these are almost impossible to replicate, and alot harder to replicate then just adjusting your lighting shedule.

So to close, you keep posting stupidly irrelevant shit... This thread is regarding INDOOR lighting shedules, posting informoation about OUTDOOR lighting is stupid, unless you light your indoor cupboard with a sun roof or something?

Oh wait its you, nothing would surprise me....

I want a big green bar like everyone else, am i allowed to ask to be repped? Maybe some of the community think my informative posts deserve rep. I know my signature and avatar command respect... Roo orgy anyone?


Active Member
Bmeat you should wright a book!

Im dead serious.

I personally, and probably alot of others would buy it just for the comedy

But if you do, you must include pics of your own plants

That thing can be on the front cover with the title " 101 retarded Bmeat ways to KILL plants "

Your gonna be rich man.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you shouldnt have typed anything after i said, i was making you look smart, you just undid my hard work.

You are truly a "special child"...

We are growing hydroponically indoors, dictating the envirmoment the plant is growing in. That makes the amount of light on the earth irrelevant, No its not even relevant. Not even slightly. dont argue, ill make you look stupider.

Since the dawn of the industrial age (commercial hydoponic research and development), we have discovered that plants have 2 stages, growth and flower. We also discovered that if a plant get more light then dark, its will veg, and if it gets more dark then light it will flower. So freaking simple. So now you will point out to me that, as i pointed out earlier, some places on the earth get more light then dark for 365 days a year. This is true, In the outdoors, mother nature has a few other tricks up her sleeve to induce flowering. But these are almost impossible to replicate, and alot harder to replicate then just adjusting your lighting shedule.

So to close, you keep posting stupidly irrelevant shit... This thread is regarding INDOOR lighting shedules, posting informoation about OUTDOOR lighting is stupid, unless you light your indoor cupboard with a sun roof or something?

Oh wait its you, nothing would surprise me....

I want a big green bar like everyone else, am i allowed to ask to be repped? Maybe some of the community think my informative posts deserve rep. I know my signature and avatar command respect... Roo orgy anyone?
I love that sig. That finger smiley cracks me up every time I see it.
Here's another one you can use if you prefer.


Well-Known Member
So your trying to tell me you can change a flowering cycle of a plant that is in it's genetic just by changing the light cycle? Really please don't give out advice if you don't know.
actually man your kinda wrong. The dna may dictate what rate a plant flowers, but growth has to do with the metabolic cycle, so yes you can speed up or slow down the growth rate of plants, to a point. You kinda have to know what your doing though to get it to work, so I agree that its not the best advice to give to beginners, but most established growers understand this concept and employ it.