13/11 light cycle???


Well-Known Member
actually man your kinda wrong. The dna may dictate what rate a plant flowers, but growth has to do with the metabolic cycle, so yes you can speed up or slow down the growth rate of plants, to a point. You kinda have to know what your doing though to get it to work, so I agree that its not the best advice to give to beginners, but most established growers understand this concept and employ it.
Am curious, what lab do you have handy to modify the Calvin cycle, Krebs cycle, and the cytosol, vacuole, mitochondrion, as well as the endomembrane system, which control the 2 critical electron chains directly related to the organelles? (soluble phase only.. and yes, there's more :P ) Am not even factoring plastidial or cytosolic reactions at all :)


New Member
Am curious, what lab do you have handy to modify the Calvin cycle, Krebs cycle, and the cytosol, vacuole, mitochondrion, as well as the endomembrane system, which control the 2 critical electron chains directly related to the organelles? (soluble phase only.. and yes, there's more :P ) Am not even factoring plastidial or cytosolic reactions at all :)
this guys..i wish i had a basic understanding of it all like you probably do


Well-Known Member
Am curious, what lab do you have handy to modify the Calvin cycle, Krebs cycle, and the cytosol, vacuole, mitochondrion, as well as the endomembrane system, which control the 2 critical electron chains directly related to the organelles? (soluble phase only.. and yes, there's more :P ) Am not even factoring plastidial or cytosolic reactions at all :)
Thank you!!!

I'm so tired of this thread.



New Member
Could you please change your profile picture, I am convinced your that stupid, after posting what you did, that this is actually a photo of you. Why the fuck would you post your year book photo on a weed forum. My farts have a higher IQ than you!

Also guys, Are you seriously going to let BMEAT outfarm me?? cmon rep rep rep!
-1 rep for you


Well-Known Member
Am curious, what lab do you have handy to modify the Calvin cycle, Krebs cycle, and the cytosol, vacuole, mitochondrion, as well as the endomembrane system, which control the 2 critical electron chains directly related to the organelles? (soluble phase only.. and yes, there's more :P ) Am not even factoring plastidial or cytosolic reactions at all :)
Uh, my lab is my basement, and I'm rich.
I'll give you a hint, we all operate under the same laws of physics. Thanks for the recap of plant biology.


Well-Known Member
Am curious, what lab do you have handy to modify the Calvin cycle, Krebs cycle, and the cytosol, vacuole, mitochondrion, as well as the endomembrane system, which control the 2 critical electron chains directly related to the organelles? (soluble phase only.. and yes, there's more :P ) Am not even factoring plastidial or cytosolic reactions at all :)
Hey buddy,
I went downstairs to the "Batcave" and started a data mining search with my thermonuclear CERN computer. (theres only two in the world) Found an interesting UC Berkley article .
Changing plant behavior with environmental manipulation!!! Who would have thought!
a lot of good all that jargon is doing you now huh...

I bet you tell people you work in a lab, don't you...
oh FYI there's a lot more than this :P ( but you already knew that)




Well-Known Member
Hey buddy,
I went downstairs to the "Batcave" and started a data mining search with my thermonuclear CERN computer. (theres only two in the world) Found an interesting UC Berkley article .
Changing plant behavior with environmental manipulation!!! Who would have thought!
a lot of good all that jargon is doing you now huh...

I bet you tell people you work in a lab, don't you...
oh FYI there's a lot more than this :P ( but you already knew that)


I will ask you, in your infinite wisdom.. what happens when a mj plant system can not support the synthesis or transport of secretory proteins? I'm sure you already know the answer to this one, so it shouldn't take you any google time whatsoever. As for me saying I work in a lab.. never once said that - as for my location, the reference to lab is a euphemism... I figured that since you're a rocket scientist, you'd have solved that one too. Please, enlighten the group on how a mj plant system responds when it can not support the synthesis or transport of secretory proteins.


Hey buddy,
I went downstairs to the "Batcave" and started a data mining search with my thermonuclear CERN computer. (theres only two in the world) Found an interesting UC Berkley article .
Changing plant behavior with environmental manipulation!!! Who would have thought!
a lot of good all that jargon is doing you now huh...

I bet you tell people you work in a lab, don't you...
oh FYI there's a lot more than this :P ( but you already knew that)


ROFL, i call bullshit.

I have an IQ of 137 when last measured, it was measured by the univerisity of Monash (Australias leading laboratories, CSIRO is here) approx 1 year ago.

I do not have a life. And ill assume you do not either. I retired at 24, and i doubt ill need to work another day in my life. Feel free to PM me for proof, perhaps a video chat? If you truly have access to a CERN system, id like to fly to USA to see such a specticle.

There is no way in fucking hell that using a computer of the same caliber as the Halidron collider (theres 1 collider, apparently 2 "thermonuclear computers"?)

And you are telling us that you have been authorized to perform data mining for a marijuana forum??

I find it EXTREMELY difficult to believe you are not silenced by a non-disclosure agreement, the reason being security, your superiors would not want the identities of those with access to such a supercomputer, to be public.

For those who have no idea what this dipshit is talking about, please refer to this;


This is the second most powerful system currently in the world, it was recently superceeded by the processing power of the halidron collider (atom smasher in switzerland, looking for the g"od particle")

So until you can prove such a miracle, yes we are all governed by the same laws of physics,

Furthermore, If you have access to such a system, your activites both private and public would be heavily monitored to prevent data breaches. Your non-disclosure statemnt would prevent you from boasting about access to such a thing.

Being in an IQ bracket of 15%, allows me to see right through such bullshit. Again i back up my claims with LIVE VIDEO CHAT proof, dispute it, video chat me, see whats hanging on my walls and ill show you mu drivers license. You can match the details...'

Dont wanna boast, but that guy is a schizophrenic bullshit artist. Can i have what your on, must be a good fucking trip!


Well-Known Member
ROFL, i call bullshit.

I have an IQ of 137 when last measured, it was measured by the univerisity of Monash (Australias leading laboratories, CSIRO is here) approx 1 year ago.

I do not have a life. And ill assume you do not either. I retired at 24, and i doubt ill need to work another day in my life. Feel free to PM me for proof, perhaps a video chat? If you truly have access to a CERN system, id like to fly to USA to see such a specticle.

There is no way in fucking hell that using a computer of the same caliber as the Halidron collider (theres 1 collider, apparently 2 "thermonuclear computers"?)

And you are telling us that you have been authorized to perform data mining for a marijuana forum??

I find it EXTREMELY difficult to believe you are not silenced by a non-disclosure agreement, the reason being security, your superiors would not want the identities of those with access to such a supercomputer, to be public.

For those who have no idea what this dipshit is talking about, please refer to this;


This is the second most powerful system currently in the world, it was recently superceeded by the processing power of the halidron collider (atom smasher in switzerland, looking for the g"od particle")

So until you can prove such a miracle, yes we are all governed by the same laws of physics,

Furthermore, If you have access to such a system, your activites both private and public would be heavily monitored to prevent data breaches. Your non-disclosure statemnt would prevent you from boasting about access to such a thing.
Agreed, am just toying with the troll/alt account of whoevers it is.. they'll get dismantled no matter how they answer my question.. which is why they'll avoid it like the plague.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, am just toying with the troll/alt account of whoevers it is.. they'll get dismantled no matter how they answer my question.. which is why they'll avoid it like the plague.

So good job defending your position that plants genetic makeup, let alone physical traits cant be manipulated??
way to weed out the "trolls"
I'm a bat, duh... Batcave


Well-Known Member

So good job defending your position that plants genetic makeup, let alone physical traits cant be manipulated??
way to weed out the "trolls"
I'm a bat, duh... Batcave
You've proven my point by omission of answer.. your only knowledge is google, and it fails when I choose words carefully. I actually dropped my word choices into google, using " ", + and - to see what resulted.. just to make sure you couldn't google your answer. You get a +1 for fail, and are now dismissed, halfpint =)


Well-Known Member
You've proven my point by omission of answer.. your only knowledge is google, and it fails when I choose words carefully. I actually dropped my word choices into google, using " ", + and - to see what resulted.. just to make sure you couldn't google your answer. You get a +1 for fail, and are now dismissed, halfpint =)
Edit: Or did I? I am watching the clock to see how many minutes of google-fu it takes you to come close. Your supercomputer is faster than that, c'mon now..


New Member
Hey buddy,
I went downstairs to the "Batcave" and started a data mining search with my thermonuclear CERN computer. (theres only two in the world) Found an interesting UC Berkley article .
Changing plant behavior with environmental manipulation!!! Who would have thought!
a lot of good all that jargon is doing you now huh...

I bet you tell people you work in a lab, don't you...
oh FYI there's a lot more than this :P ( but you already knew that)


this is standard adaptation and evolution..changes the phenotype of the generation to come IN REAL TIME. every second is changing living things. anything that responds to stimuli

metal is a poison


Well-Known Member
ROFL, i call bullshit.

I have an IQ of 137 when last measured, it was measured by the univerisity of Monash (Australias leading laboratories, CSIRO is here) approx 1 year ago.

I do not have a life. And ill assume you do not either. I retired at 24, and i doubt ill need to work another day in my life. Feel free to PM me for proof, perhaps a video chat? If you truly have access to a CERN system, id like to fly to USA to see such a specticle.

There is no way in fucking hell that using a computer of the same caliber as the Halidron collider (theres 1 collider, apparently 2 "thermonuclear computers"?)

And you are telling us that you have been authorized to perform data mining for a marijuana forum??

I find it EXTREMELY difficult to believe you are not silenced by a non-disclosure agreement, the reason being security, your superiors would not want the identities of those with access to such a supercomputer, to be public.

For those who have no idea what this dipshit is talking about, please refer to this;


This is the second most powerful system currently in the world, it was recently superceeded by the processing power of the halidron collider (atom smasher in switzerland, looking for the g"od particle")

So until you can prove such a miracle, yes we are all governed by the same laws of physics,

Furthermore, If you have access to such a system, your activites both private and public would be heavily monitored to prevent data breaches. Your non-disclosure statemnt would prevent you from boasting about access to such a thing.

Being in an IQ bracket of 15%, allows me to see right through such bullshit. Again i back up my claims with LIVE VIDEO CHAT proof, dispute it, video chat me, see whats hanging on my walls and ill show you mu drivers license. You can match the details...'

Dont wanna boast, but that guy is a schizophrenic bullshit artist. Can i have what your on, must be a good fucking trip!
For someone with such a high IQ your quite retarted.
I highly doubt CERN has a thermonuclear computer. I don't think that exists.. hold on let me Google....oh yea , there's no such thing. (PM me or video chat with me if you need proof.)
Maybe the IQ system in Australia is similar to the one we use here in the US to grade chimps. That may explain the high score.
So any time you guys want to return to the topic at hand of manipulating growth cycles of plants let me know. Balls in your court. and I think its dead...
Kinda like your brains.. Stay in Australia mate, Its obvious to me we have enough retards here as it is.
Who the fuck lives in Australia anyway?