13" plant just under 2 O's dry


Well-Known Member
its my second grow one plant 12/12 from 1" tall sprout it was just a little bush of weed it was awsome! it was about 200 grams wet dried for bout 5-6 days. oh yea i used 400w hps


Well-Known Member
I grew a 6 inch plant that yielded 6 oz dry, fortunately for me I did not take any pics. Did you?

I love mega grows with no pics, its so cool.


Active Member
"EVERY thing i say is made up and is fictional im also not to be trusted:evil:"
would be the only real way to see your
lol i love how you emphasize Every...it would be could if you posted up pics


Well-Known Member
sorry i didnt put up pics my girl barely lets me grow and she doesnt want me to put pics on the internet but i realy did grow that i think after its cured it will weigh about 1 3/4 Os.
Its kinda funny ive read so many other posts where no one beleives them but i really dont have any pics before the chop any ways. so if you dont believe me i really dont care, but if any 1 wants to ask what i used id happy to tell ya. oh yeah i thought this site was supposed to have friendly stoners but man you fuckers call bs before you even ask a fuckin question. peace

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I grew a 6 inch plant that yielded 6 oz dry, fortunately for me I did not take any pics. Did you?

I love mega grows with no pics, its so cool.

I thought I was doing good with about one once off of a 11" plant lol. Oh and I got pics but its still drying
just looks like an once but I may be wrong lol. It just seems like the same amount I pulled off my first plant that was 28" tall



Well-Known Member
i used fox farm ocean mix, i used mg 20-20-20 for a little bit then about half way thru i switched to fox open sesame and i used super thrive thru out, it was the first time i used that and it works great. and i used mollasas. i also topped it once it was about 1 inch tall when i started 12/12 and it was the only female out of 6 plants. i also got 3 clones off it too which look like a week or two into flower. it looks like one of them might turn into another little bush


Well-Known Member
well, congrats i guess on a nice harvest. I still would like to see some pics, its kind of hard to believe that a plant started out at 12/12 with 20-20-20 mg nutes and topped would produce that much. .


Well-Known Member
Its cool greenman I don't have pics of my grow but I don't go around and sprouting about how big my plant is and that I grew this or that, If ya don't have pics why are ya saying????? Know what I mean dude..


New Member
I get 6-8 ozs off a 26 inch tall plant....thats 26 inches out of the potter.....2 ozs off a 13 inch plant is totally possible ...I can get 3-4 ozs off a 16-18 inch plant