13 white widow 11 days growing IM NERVOUS HELP!


Active Member
Ok I know this is gonna sound dumb but I have to learn. Im growing 13 WHITE WIDOW PLANTS and im growing in 5 gallon pots with miracle grow potting mix, also using a 1000 watt hps. First question, When I started I just got some rockwool cubes soaked them in water not nutes because I didnt know anybetter, so they are growing slow. I popped the seeds in the rockwool soaked with water and then once sprouted a little i transplanted them into the big buckets. IT HAS BEEN 11 days and they are only like 1 to 2 inches tall. I have grown with miracle a couple of times and it has worked great. But am I just wigging out because it is just taking longer for the plants to grow through the rockwool cubes or what. I am not used to it being such a slow process I need some opinons on this. ITZNOTACRIME:bigjoint::!::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

this is joeblow420's at 10 days

dont worry man, let me explain alittle something here. you want to learn so, im here to help :D

after a seedling "pops" out of its shell it grows enough leaf support to absorb the light needed to root.
after a seedling grows enough leaf support, its growth will stall for a small length of time, in this stage the seedling is making a root system for its self.
after a seedling has a healthy root system to absorb water it will continue with average top growth and average root growth.

after a seedling has an average root system, and average leaf structure it will "harden up". hardening up is when the skin on the stems starts to harden because of wind, light, water (the basic elements effecting it) and just general maturation. this is when the seedling is ready for more intence lighting, and fertalizer.

hardening up usualy takes place somewhere between 2-3 weeks after the seedling was started.


Active Member
It is a little small but nothing to be too alarmed about. I've never used the rockwool cube before so that may play a part in the slow growth. But I'm starting some white rhino right now and they are also really short, bushy though. So it may just be the genetics of the strain your growing. Take a very thin stick and poke through the soil around your plant (check to make sure the soil isn't too compact and that your roots can breathe). Compact soil will definitely stunt your growth. All in all, you might just be FREAKIN! haha. But in another week if your still worried post some pics, and we will definitely be able to trouble-shoot better! hope this helps!


Active Member
HAHAHAH hell yeah I was just wigging lol. Thanks for the help guys its because this time like i said I just popped the seeds in the rockwool. If I would of used pete pots it would of been GAME OVER! THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP.