$1400 Electric Bill for 1 Bdrm Apt (HELP)

His tax bill federal and state came to 62% of his income right off of the top.

It's not off the top. It's at the margin.

If your coal power is cheap, it's only because you're not paying the true costs. You are a passing off the costs on people who can't do anything about it. The people whose mountains, rivers and water supplies are destroyed and poisoned from mining the coal. The people who live downwind and can't avoid the pollution. Those people are slaves to your cheap power.

Hey man you got your facts wrong on the taxes and you ain't owning your shit.
Hey guys - long time reader, first time poster here... I just got the worst bill of my life and I'm trying to figure out if it's legit...
I live in SoCal and they have this tiered billing system where the more power you use, the more expensive it gets. Here are how my numbers appear on the bill for two months:

Total of 6700/kwh
Avg of 108/kwh per day

I ended up using most of my power in the expensive tier where electricity runs 20 cents per kwh.

Does this sound right for my situation? I did the math and it doesn't add up at all.

If it's not legit, how do you recommend I contest the bill without setting off any alarms?


OK... You live in So Cal... It is hot at times... power cost you... you didn't plan or think ahead? Pay your bill, run 1/2 your lights in 'off hours' Day time lights off, night time lights on when it's cooler... $700 per month... cut back on your AC raise your temp two degrees.... DO NOT CALL AND ASK THEM WHY YOUR BILL IS HIGH.... YOU know why.... You need another 'plan' raise your temp up, change your light schedule... and just pay the bill....maybe seal around all your windows and doors.... Pay the bill and move on.... when I lived in S Cal, my electric bill in the summer time would always get above $300 with no grow....... Good Luck
It's not off the top. It's at the margin.

If your coal power is cheap, it's only because you're not paying the true costs. You are a passing off the costs on people who can't do anything about it. The people whose mountains, rivers and water supplies are destroyed and poisoned from mining the coal. The people who live downwind and can't avoid the pollution. Those people are slaves to your cheap power.

Hey man you got your facts wrong on the taxes and you ain't owning your shit.

You mean you are going to go turn your lights off?
Where are all of these big environmental disasters taking place and all of these large clean ups going on in the US?
You greenies who love to drive your cars and turn your lamps on power your fancy computors never seem willing to turn them off to save the planet.
When someone sends you the bill you piss and moan about it though.
You greenies dont like natural gas.you dont like coal you dont like windmills even as they kill the birdies , you cant stand nuclear.Oils out of the question. Until you turn your computor off and stop using energy you dont have much room to talk do you? and you especially have no room to gripe about the bill..its YOUR faults it cost so much and is going to go up even higher.
On top of that your loot the corporations attitude will get you out of a job on top of having high prices on everything.
I bet your one of the dolts who still are wondering why everyone is leaving the state? Cant grasp it can you?
Never heard of clean coal tech..OH but you have..it doesnt matter because you have a hard on for the evil rich..lol..but you are the one who is going to pay the price arnt you?
It's not off the top. It's at the margin.

If your coal power is cheap, it's only because you're not paying the true costs. You are a passing off the costs on people who can't do anything about it. The people whose mountains, rivers and water supplies are destroyed and poisoned from mining the coal. The people who live downwind and can't avoid the pollution. Those people are slaves to your cheap power.

Hey man you got your facts wrong on the taxes and you ain't owning your shit.

You have absolutely zero idea what you're talking about on power lol. I could explain MD's situation to back it up. Buttfuckit. Dont feelnlike typing so much.
The question now and what I could really use some advice on is dealing with this. The bill is due in 10 days. I want to avoid the power company coming into my apartment at all costs. I will tell them I'll be out of town or unavailable if they try that. Should I wait until the bill is due to call them or do it asap?

Another point worth making is I have a poor relationship with building management and have been using some of their power to wash my car haha. Not sure if they're shady enough to steal some of my power or try to screw me though..
If you are going to have a hard time paying, call them and see what they will do. They might let you split it over a couple of months. Of course if this is going to be the true cost of your monthly service, doesn't sound like splitting it will do anything but get you in deeper. If\when you call them, be prepared to answer the question of why it went up so much. It is bound to come up, even if it is just a "curiosity" question on the part of the person on the other end of the line. They aren't likely to come out to your place unless they come seeking payment.
Your bill is that high and you're stealing the buildings power to wash your car? I'm positive there is a 'you're doing it wrong' somewhere in this...
So did you call them yet? Figure out what's up? Ppl saying don't call and that they will ask why his bill is so high are being paranoid..if he calls and asks for an explanation on why his bill is high they aren't going to say Idk why ISS your bill so high lol and they wouldn't even come out for payment they will ONLY come out if their is a problem with getting service or you request they do for whatever reason..call them, find out if there is something your missing, and report back because i'm curious..I thought I wanted to live in Cali but not if the power is that expensive lol my normal bill is like 80 bucks!!
I live in south carolina My setuo I use 2x1000 watt light air cooled with a house blower. (It pulls 9 amps in 110volt). I have a 745 cfm blower fan for filter. I have a 450 cfm fan for another filter my mini split is 12000btu amd 13 seer I think. I have water pumps a tv monitor dehumidifier(biggin) co2 burner sniffer blah blah and with everyhing running constantly except liggts co2 goodies the most my electtoc bill as ever been and my daily jousing things tvs comouter stove fridge and ur everyday items I have never ever had a bill over 350 dollars and I swear on that shit
What you will likely find out happened is your electric company didn't read your meter for a few months for whatever reason and they were estimating your usage low for that period of time..even if the bill would have been 250 bucks if they were estimating it at 100 a month that's 600 bucks plus the current month that's already 850...it seems really high anyway but that's the only thing I can think of

It probably is something like this. You'll want to be a bit careful how you approach this. I was down this road before with my elec company and right away, thinking they were going to help me, they wanted to send a rep to my house to go over things and talk about energy saving ideas and ..blah..blah..blah
But, 20 cents per KWH seems really high to me.

Total of 6700/kwh
Avg of 108/kwh per day

I ended up using most of my power in the expensive tier where electricity runs 20 cents per kwh.

Does this sound right for my situation? I did the math and it doesn't add up at all.

If it's not legit, how do you recommend I contest the bill without setting off any alarms?


no way its from the lights you have 2 600's and a 400 so lets say 2,000 watts every hour they are on is 1 KWH per 1,000 watts so 12 hours a day your using 24 kwh. someone could be stealing your power though I knew this one kid had an apartment and somehow one of his outlets where on his neighbors meter kid lost power and had extension cords powering everything in his apartment.
so did you call them yet? Figure out what's up? Ppl saying don't call and that they will ask why his bill is so high are being paranoid..if he calls and asks for an explanation on why his bill is high they aren't going to say idk why iss your bill so high lol and they wouldn't even come out for payment they will only come out if their is a problem with getting service or you request they do for whatever reason..call them, find out if there is something your missing, and report back because i'm curious..i thought i wanted to live in cali but not if the power is that expensive lol my normal bill is like 80 bucks!!
​red flag...red flag.... Don't call pay the bill... Don't call... Pay the bill...
You ran the AC too long, and too high for two months... Pay the Bill move on...
Don't try to blame this on the power company or someone else...
You ran the AC 24/7 for 60 days when it was hot....
Now.... You wonder why your bill is high... there is no wonder to it...
​red flag...red flag.... Don't call pay the bill... Don't call... Pay the bill...
why not dude said it was a legal medical grow in his first post maybe if he where illegal them he should just pay it but fuck that if your not breaking the law call them.
I like the idea of turning everything off and looking at the meter. You might have a heater coil in your A/C system that is stuck on. Or they might have been estimating your bill for months and only recently actually read the meter. Something is wrong, you shouldn't be using that much power. $0.20 a KWH is unusually high.
Wow, and I felt wronged with a $1000 water bill not 5 miles from a Great Lake ....anyway, I think there is indeed some occasional error/B.S with this new fangled "drive by" electronic meter reading (again as demo'd by my $1000 water bill, replete with a dry/dead front lawn and 2 people living in a new home)
I like the idea of turning everything off and looking at the meter. You might have a heater coil in your A/C system that is stuck on. Or they might have been estimating your bill for months and only recently actually read the meter. Something is wrong, you shouldn't be using that much power. $0.20 a KWH is unusually high.

You're right. $0.20 a KWH sucks !!! But that's not even the max rate in Southern Cal... We recently decommissioned San Onofre Nuclear plant.. Now they are passing those costs on. I got a letter 2 months ago saying that rates were going to increase significantly !!!

Here's what SDG&E charges now....

[TABLE="class: shadow-top-outwards shadow-bottom-outwards"]
[TD="width: 40%"]Residential Electric Rate
[TD="width: 12%"]Tiers
[TD="colspan: 2"]Total standard electric
rates per kWh
[TD="width: 24%"]Summer
[TD="width: 24%"]Winter
[TD]Baseline *
[TD]Tier 1
[TD]101% to 130% of baseline
[TD]Tier 2
[TD]131% to 200% of baseline
[TD]Tier 3
[TD]Above 200% of baseline
[TD]Tier 4
$0.31 KWH is fucking robbery! Who's running the power company, Enron? I'm paying $0.14, but hope to move soon where it's $0.10.