15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
well i missed one of the ones in the bottels its lookin like the two in the middle and the one in the far right is a runt and a mutant gott some weird growth commin on it for its first set of true leaves lol


Well-Known Member
close to two weeks on the ones in bottels and the other it was started on 8 29 and it is 9 24 its gettin close to a month but i stressed the shit out of these soil plants this go round man tryin to get this hydro goin but its goinalright ive got to pull a female from the backyard and bring her in beefore she freezes up on me gonna do that asap


Well-Known Member
well i transplanted the little female into a bigger pot i dont know if its big enough there was roots deep but it came out nice i will post pictures tomorrow of it guys and i think im gonna add some more nutes to the rez and thanks man


Well-Known Member
well i just went in the room and checked and there are no sighns of stress so lets all cross our fingers and hope it takes lol


Well-Known Member
rite on man sounds like the hydros workin out sweet after this lil test ull have it down what to do and be kickin it more BIG bottles hehehe


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3142935]Im sure everything will work out homie, what happened to Purp? havnt sen him in a while[/QUOTE]
my nig ive been wondering the same thing fool


Well-Known Member
so i got it figured out indoor we have 6 reg grows and 11 12/12 grows outdoor 3 grows til THE END OF THE WORLD HAHAHAHA 12-21-12


Active Member
sup pitbudz, been a while since i posted on here nice little hydroponic setup u got going, i started my new grow almost 14 days ago and the pic in my avatar is of wat they look like on day 10 they be 13 or 14 days old on monday i threw 2 seeds in one cup cuz i didnt expect much from em cuz the roots looked weird but you never no. lol not to menchin i didnt change soil out so thats y i didnt expect much. im going to transplant em into threre own cups on monday and make a grow thread, this grow was inspired by u with the beer cups you said it took you like a month and half? to harvest buds from ur 12/12 from seed in the cups right?


Well-Known Member
sup pitbudz, been a while since i posted on here nice little hydroponic setup u got going, i started my new grow almost 14 days ago and the pic in my avatar is of wat they look like on day 10 they be 13 or 14 days old on monday i threw 2 seeds in one cup cuz i didnt expect much from em cuz the roots looked weird but you never no. lol not to menchin i didnt change soil out so thats y i didnt expect much. im going to transplant em into threre own cups on monday and make a grow thread, this grow was inspired by u with the beer cups you said it took you like a month and half? to harvest buds from ur 12/12 from seed in the cups right?
glad i could be an inspriation to ya and i would recommend gettin em apart before they tangle the roots togther and go in shock when u do and yea about a month and a half man 12 12 from seed some take longer due to genetics stavia or indica ya know but its a wonderful way to go stealth and supply yourself with a regular smoke sack you can stagger your grow put dates on cups and then when they get so old start more so when u r harvestin you have some right behind it in flower and when the first is cured and ready to smoke you will be harvesting the other right behind it and so on and so on it works with clones to. rep to ya brother


Active Member
glad i could be an inspriation to ya and i would recommend gettin em apart before they tangle the roots togther and go in shock when u do and yea about a month and a half man 12 12 from seed some take longer due to genetics stavia or indica ya know but its a wonderful way to go stealth and supply yourself with a regular smoke sack you can stagger your grow put dates on cups and then when they get so old start more so when u r harvestin you have some right behind it in flower and when the first is cured and ready to smoke you will be harvesting the other right behind it and so on and so on it works with clones to. rep to ya brother
Yea bruh, with them 2 in same plant i just threw em into that cup that was just used right be4 it and didnt change soil out and it had a little extra nutes in it i threw 3 in there tbh but took 1 out and gave to friend. funny cuz them 2 are doing better then the solo one in its own cup.. Im transplanting 2marrow i hope i dont kill em im kind of nervous. they getting to start smelling now to in few weeks gonna be time to throw the glad or febreeze plug ins in. ill stop by here 2marrow when i transplant and make my thread.

o yea i dont think ill beable to do another grow like right after this one. i expect harvest sometime around thanks giving thats being generist i really this first few weeks in november. anyway im gonna move into my grandma & grandpa house for winter they up there in age and health not doing good and my grandpa still working so i need be over there help as much as possible and shovel snow for him.


Well-Known Member
so none of you guys heard of that haha oh well

but pit how they lookin man????
they r lookin great man they r alittle light colered and could use alittle more nutes but i worry about overfeeding cuz i dont have a ph meter or a ppm for hydro im jus wingin it lol and the little female i transplanted from outside is doin good more hairs showing every day i might do some lst on it i hit her with some nutes today