15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
just curious do you grow in the cups through out the grow or do you transplant them somewhere down the road? I have grown one cycle 12/12 from seed but I used 2 gallon trash cans.bongsmilie
the whole grow brother ive got one in there right now thats dank as hell


Well-Known Member
man i love pullin that shit makes me giggle theres alot of talkers out there haha man i gotta post a pic up of raven my lil pit lab cross youd like her shes a mean lil bitch too lol


Well-Known Member
how many do you usually growand in what size space? Im sure that if I read through the whole thread you probably already gave these details but I am way to stoned and lazy.


Well-Known Member
how many do you usually growand in what size space? Im sure that if I read through the whole thread you probably already gave these details but I am way to stoned and lazy.
well ive had as much as 15 in a small box about 16 inches wide by 30 long and about 3 foot tall with the same light now i got it all in a closet and am waiting to get my other light back but i have 2 females budding and 3 more in cups and then 4 in a new dwc im tryin i need more airstones tho for sure


Well-Known Member
guys sorry i havent gotten pics up lately im gonna deffinatly try and take some tomorrow and post em they r both startin to fill out and stink lol its great got more seeds too idk about hydro lol im def no pro at it lol only got two left thats how it went last time too only ended up with two out of the ones i started i may jus stick with the cups lol that seems to be my calling lol not as much work or trouble shooting to ill eventually get into hydro but im happy with the results im getting now with the cups so as the old saying goes if it isnt brke dont fix it


Well-Known Member
hey jus thought id share some pics while were waitin oh and pit what do you use on hotspots to get the hair grow back i used sergents vetscription benadene it healed em up but shes got a few bald spots now one rite on her lil forehead???



Well-Known Member
id have to go to my dads house it was sergants sulfoydine something like that and for gettin the hair to grow back use the shampoo at walmart horse and mane it will grow it back fast it is good stuff im bout to take the pics real fast and get up


Well-Known Member
here is the pics guys hope you like em tell me what ya think couldent get good enough pics of the ones in the dwc still got two of em though



Well-Known Member
man they look good see these are the exact reason i tried 12 12 from seed got a male but hell pollen for seeds on the next round i only did one to work the kinks out in the new boxes lol its been in two different ones haha and damn what u gettin all over that pool table thats crazy

and thanks man i got a bottle of mane and tail from when i showed cattle didnt kno itd work for her too ill get it on her in a min or so thankya big time bro and + rep if i can


Well-Known Member
man they look good see these are the exact reason i tried 12 12 from seed got a male but hell pollen for seeds on the next round i only did one to work the kinks out in the new boxes lol its been in two different ones haha and damn what u gettin all over that pool table thats crazy

and thanks man i got a bottle of mane and tail from when i showed cattle didnt kno itd work for her too ill get it on her in a min or so thankya big time bro and + rep if i can
no prob man and yea i got 7 seeds from some pretty good smoke my brother has been havin only a seed every time he reups but its good seeds dark as hell good black lines and thanks about the plants


Well-Known Member
lookin fucin great pit:)keep up the good work man!!!!!
i just posted new pics of my sourkush check em out they are about to start 8th week of flowering!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks bro ill do that gonna start the seven i have pretty soon tired of wastin seeds so im a cup guy now im prollt gonna transplant the others ive got in dwc to cups and see if they make it gonna prolly turn the other box into a dwc deal and use the same setup with cfls still got my fans and shit so gonna go for it but gettin ready to start some more seeds so let the growin begin guys


Well-Known Member
well here is the new deal im gonna make a new thread ill finsh up the two i got going on this thread but im gonna start another one im turnin my old box into a cup mother box and ill take clones im gonna grow two plants and topp and lst the hell out of em iv got two 150 watt replacement lights in there and a 43 watt cfl so im gonna do tha tomorrow guys and take pics im gonna start the thread tonight and get it setup tomorrow and and post pics so that means ill have 5 more to go in cups in the 12 12 and ill use 2 of em and put them in the new box im gonna use the same comp fans


Well-Known Member
sounds good man, you should add like a week of veg, even with the flowering bulbs to get a lil more growth, its definitely worth it. your plant looks great, gonna be a nice fat cola, im loving my results so far with the party cups

here are some pics of mine i posted on a diff site, if you dont mine :razz: :peace:
flowering day 9, no sign of sex



Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3285732]sounds good man, you should add like a week of veg, even with the flowering bulbs to get a lil more growth, its definitely worth it. your plant looks great, gonna be a nice fat cola, im loving my results so far with the party cups

here are some pics of mine i posted on a diff site, if you dont mine :razz: :peace:
flowering day 9, no sign of sex

what a beautiful plant man u shuld have topped it bro and yea the new grow is in my sig too bout to start paintin the old box white and then transplant the dwc to dirt and get the room cleaned uo we r havin a howoleen costume party so the room has to be assecible to people we r prolly gonna play beer pong on the table lol but im gonna get to work